Written by Chrystal Moulton, Science Writer. Researchers found that albumin and vitamin D significantly mediated the link between selenium intake and cognition (P < 0.01). Selenium is an essential trace mineral that plays a pivotal role in cognition1,2. Selenium...
Vitamin D Status Is Significantly Associated with The Presence of Dental Cavities
Written by Chrystal Moulton, Science Writer. Regression analysis revealed that individuals with severe deficiency in vitamin D [< 25 nmol/ L] were 2.2 times more likely to have untreated dental cavities (P<0.05). Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble nutrient...
Vitamin D Deficiency Significantly Associated with Body Fat and Muscle Mass in Women
Written by Chrystal Moulton, Science Writer. Women who were vitamin D adequate had significantly higher BMI-adjusted muscle mass index [SMIBMI] compared to those who were vitamin D inadequate (P = 0.039). Vitamin D deficiency is especially high among obese women of...
The Association of Vitamin D Supplementation with the Rate of Epigenetic Aging
Written by Harold Oster, MD. Results suggest that vitamin D supplementation in deficient individuals is associated with slower epigenetic aging. Vitamin D deficiency leads to bone loss and the increased likelihood of fractures. Severe deficiency is associated with an...
Co-Supplementation of Vitamin D and Probiotics Significantly Improved Hormonal, Inflammatory & Oxidative Stress Markers in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Written by Taylor Woosley, Science Writer. 12-week intervention of 50,000 IU vitamin D every 2 weeks plus 8 x 109 CFU/day probiotic significantly reduced total testosterone (p<0.001), hirsutism (p<0.001), hs-CRP (p<0.001) and MDA levels (p=0.001) and...
Association of Vitamin D3 Levels with Cognitive Impairment and Sleep Quality in Older Adults
Written By Harold Oster, MD. Results suggest that normal cognitive function is positively associated with sufficient vitamin D3 levels and good sleep quality. The prevalence of cognitive impairment has increased with the rising life expectancy of the population. More...
High Serum Vitamin D Inversely Associated with Rosacea Incidence
Written by Taylor Woosley, Staff Writer. Cox proportional risk regression analysis findings suggest an inverse correlation between higher serum 25OHD concentrations and the risk of rosacea incidence. Rosacea is a common chronic inflammation of sebaceous gland-rich...
Vitamin D Administration Reduces Pain Severity in Subjects with Dysmenorrhea
Written by Taylor Woosley, Staff Writer. Results of a systematic review and meta-analysis of 9 RCTs shows that weekly high dose vitamin D3 intervention (50,000 IU or over) significantly reduced pain severity in subjects with primary dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea is a...
Serum 25(OH)D Shown to Have Differential Association with Early and Late Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Written by Taylor Woosley, Staff Writer. The rate of late age-related macular degeneration in the serum 25(OH)D sufficiency group was lower than that of the deficiency group (1.06% versus 1.62%), and this trend was more apparent among subjects over 60 years (2.06%...
Higher Dietary Vitamin D Intake Associated with Lower Pain Incidence
Written by Taylor Woosley, Staff Writer. A 1-µg/day increase in dietary vitamin D intake was associated with a beneficial 5-year change in pain severity, pain frequency, and number of pain locations. Chronic pain is a common and complex problem, which has a...