Written by Chrystal Moulton, Science Writer. Researchers observed as significant decrease in PGE2, IL-1beta, MMP-8, and MMP-9 at week 8 compared to baseline across both data sets (P<0.0001). Dental health is essential to overall health as previous research...
Vitamin D is Associated with Prevalence of Decay, Missing, and Filled Teeth in Older Adults
Written by Chrystal Moulton, Science Writer. Regression models showed that individuals who were severely deficient in vitamin D were 1.12 times more likely to have decayed, missing, and fill the teeth [higher DMFT scores]. Consuming high amounts of sugar transforms...
Vitamin D Status Is Significantly Associated with The Presence of Dental Cavities
Written by Chrystal Moulton, Science Writer. Regression analysis revealed that individuals with severe deficiency in vitamin D [< 25 nmol/ L] were 2.2 times more likely to have untreated dental cavities (P<0.05). Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble nutrient...
CBD Supports Pain Relief in Participants Suffering from Dental Pain
Written by Chrystal Moulton, Staff Writer. At 180min, both CBD groups had a maximum pain reduction of 73% from baseline. Considering the recent opioid crisis, health care providers need alternative pain-relieving medicine. Particularly, in patients with severe...
Beneficial Effects of Probiotics on Experimental Gingivitis
Written by Harold Oster,MD. Results suggest that the use of probiotic lozenges is associated with improved recovery to baseline after plaque-induced gingivitis. Plaque-induced gingivitis is characterized by inflammation and bleeding and is a precursor to...
The Association of Metabolic and Dietary Variables with Periodontitis in Adults with and without Diabetes
Written by Harold Oster, MD. Results suggest that diabetics with periodontitis are more likely than non-diabetics to have low vitamin D levels and a diet low in fruits and vegetables. Periodontitis is a chronic condition of the support structures of the teeth. Chronic...
Gum Arabic Improves Gingival and Plaque Index Scores in Patients with Mild and Moderate Plaque-Induced Gingivitis
Written by Chrystal Moulton, Staff Writer. At 30 days and at 60 days after baseline participants in the intervention group saw a significantly greater % reduction GI scores compared to placebo (P = 0.019 and P= 0.005, respectively). Gum Arabic is obtained from the...
Propolis Reduces Bacterial Proliferation and Improves Healing After Dental Extraction
Written by Taylor Woosley, Staff Writer. 7-day use of a propolis-based paste significantly improved healing time of dental sockets (p < 0.001). Furthermore, 2-day use of a propolis-based mouthwash reduced bacterial proliferation and results were deemed significant...
Higher Intake of Inflammatory Foods Associated with Increased Risk of Periodontitis
Written by Taylor Woosley, Staff Writer. Results of the cross-sectional analysis using data from the Hamburg City Health Center shows a significant association between a higher anti-inflammatory diet score and lowers odds of periodontitis risk (p < 0.001). ...
Spirulina Beneficial as an Adjunctive Treatment for Oral Lichen Planus
Written by Taylor Woosley, Staff Writer. 1-week treatment of triamcinolone acetonide and 8-week spirulina supplementation significantly improved pain intensity and reduced healing time compared to triamcinolone acetonide treatment alone. Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a...