Written by Chrystal Moulton, Staff Writer. Lower GABA levels in the medial the prefrontal cortex and ACC were associated with poor performance in working memory [more errors on the CANTAB] (beta= - 0.21, P= 0.03). Lack of sleep is associated with an increased risk of...
Excessive GABA Produced by Brain Astrocytes Impedes Subcortical Stroke Recovery
Written by Joyce Smith, BS. This study suggests that the inhibition of MAO-B, an enzyme encoded by the MAO-B gene, supports the recovery of subcortical stroke when combined with a rehabilitation program. Subcortical stroke has a poor prognosis 1 and represents 39% of...
Study Finds GABA Supplementation Improves Decision Making
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. 30 study participants significantly improved their reaction time in certain stop action tasks and computer tasks 30 minutes after taking 800 mg of GABA. Gamma-amino butyric acid, known as GABA, is a nerve chemical in the brain...
GABA Found to Help Mental Health
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. In a small human study researchers found that GABA works within one hour to increase a marker of stress, worry, and anxiety reduction by 60% compared to the control group. Gamma−Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a neurotransmitter (nerve...