Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. In a study of 110 subjects with peripheral artery disease, those who were not taking statins found that milled flaxseed supplementation lowered their total and LDL cholesterol by 11 % and 15 % respectively and for those subjects who...
Zinc and Selenium Improve Thyroid Function in Obese, Hypothyroid Women
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. In this 12-week study of 68 obese female adults with hypothyroidism, those who supplemented with zinc or a zinc-selenium combination had a significant improvement in thyroid hormones (free T3 and T4); however, additional tests are...
Magnesium and Potassium Found to Influence Stroke Risk
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. In two studies with over 180,000 female registered nurses, those with the highest magnesium had a 19% reduced risk of stroke, compared to the lowest users. Those with the highest magnesium and potassium intake had a 28% reduced risk...
Supplemental DHA Benefits Breast Milk and Infant Brain Health
Written by Jessica Patella, ND. Of the 89 participating postpartum mothers, those who supplemented with 200 or 400 mg of DHA for 6 weeks had significantly greater DHA levels of breast milk than the placebo group. (154% increase in DHA breast milk levels in the high...
Vitamin D Levels Related to Spine Bone Health
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. The 246 study participants with spine fractures had vitamin D levels that were significantly lower (21.5%) than the 392 patient who had low back pain but without spine fractures. Also vitamin D levels in the summer months were 24.2%...
Review Finds Vitamin E Effective for C-Reactive Protein Levels
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. Researchers found that out of 12 studies of 246 subjects, those who supplemented with vitamin E had a significant reduction in C-reactive protein levels, which are increased during inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is an...
Silymarin may Benefit Diabetics
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. Silymarin, commonly called "Milk Thistle," significantly improved superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and total antioxidant capacity and decreased C-reactive protein in participating Type 2 diabetics compared to control. In...
CoQ10 and Selenium Improve Long-Term Heart Health
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. A 10 year follow-up, after four years of supplementing with a combination of CoQ10 and selenium, significantly reduced the risk of death from both cardiovascular disease and heart disease by 49% in 221 healthy elderly participants...
Aspirin in the Treatment of Mesothelioma
Written by Joyce Smith, BS. Aspirin protects against malignant mesothelioma by inhibiting the carcinogenic effects of the inflammatory molecule High Motility Group Box1 (HMGB1). Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is an aggressive cancer that has its origin in the mesothelial...
Selenium Improves Maternal Health During Pregnancy
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. Of the 70 participating women with gestational diabetes, those who supplemented with selenium for 6 weeks had a significant improvement in blood sugar control, and an 11.5 % increase in glutathione blood levels as well as improved...