Written by Joyce Smith, BS. This study demonstrates how the aluminum adjuvant in Gardasil vaccine, which contains particles of viral DNA, may initiate a severe inflammatory response leading to autoimmune disease and even death.
There is worldwide growing concern as to why the Gardasil vaccine is causing serious health issues in some vaccine recipients. The following side effects have been reported by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)1:
- Anaphylaxis in young women who received the Gardasil vaccine was 5-20 times higher than in those identified in comparable school-based vaccine programs.
- In clinical trials, Gardasil vaccinees developed rheumatoid arthritis 3 times more frequently than the control group receiving aluminum.2
- Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord occurred following Gardasil vaccination3,4
The objective of this study was to explore the possibility that residual recombinant HPV DNA particles present in the Gardasil vaccine may be contributing to some of its unexplained side effects. Medical doctors from nine countries provided 16 samples of Gardasil (Merck & Co.), each with a different lot number, to an independent nonprofit organization (SANE VAX Inc.) to be tested for the presence of viral DNA.
The results showed that the residual HPV L1 DNA fragments were indeed present in the Gardasil vaccine and firmly bound to the aluminum in Gardasil’s adjuvant. When the Gardasil vaccine is injected, the toxic aluminum damages host cells at the injection site, causing localized inflammation. The DNA derived from these damaged host cells binds to the aluminum adjuvant. The combination of host DNA and viral DNA bound to the aluminum adjuvant triggers a cascade of inflammatory responses that can lead to autoimmune disease and even death.5 6 7 Two cytokines in particular, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and IL-1ß, have been most damaging in humans and animals. TNF-α and IL-1ß are myocardial depressants 7 which induce hypotensive shock in animals 8 and humans 9.
The author suggested this initiation of a severe inflammatory response may explain why “serious adverse reactions occur more often in people injected with HPV vaccines than with other vaccines, and why certain predisposed vaccinees many suffer sudden unexplained death as the result of Gardasil vaccination.” 10
- Prevention CCfDCa. CDC.gov/ Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Safety. [Website html]. Government page on side effects and safety of human papilloma (HPV) vaccine; how to protect against the HPV virus:http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/vaccines/hpv-vaccine.html.
- Merck. Highlights of Prescribing Information. Highlights of prescribing information of Gardasil (Humanpapillomavirus Quadrivalent Recombinant Vaccine (Types 6,11,16,and 18) ; indications and usage; dosage; contraindications.
- Sutton I, Lahoria R, Tan I, Clouston P, Barnett M. CNS demyelination and quadrivalent HPV vaccination. Multiple Sclerosis. 2009;15(1):116-119.
- Rossi M, Bettini C, Pagano C. Bilateral papilledema following human papillomavirus vaccination. Journal of Medical Cases. 2011;2(5):222-224.
- Marichal T, Ohata K, Bedoret D, et al. DNA released from dying host cells mediates aluminum adjuvant activity. Nature medicine. 2011;17(8):996-1002.
- Lee SH. Detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) L1 gene DNA possibly bound to particulate aluminum adjuvant in the HPV vaccine Gardasil®. Journal of inorganic biochemistry. 2012;117:85-92.
- Orzalli MH, Knipe DM. Cellular sensing of viral DNA and viral evasion mechanisms. Annual review of microbiology. 2013;68:477-492.
- Weinberg J, Wright D, Guz A. Interleukin-1 and tumour necrosis factor cause hypotension in the conscious rabbit. Clinical Science. 1988;75(3):251-255.
- Chapman PB, Lester TJ, Casper ES, et al. Clinical pharmacology of recombinant human tumor necrosis factor in patients with advanced cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 1987;5(12):1942-1951.
- Lee DSH. Allegations of Scientific Misconduct by GACVS/WHO/CDC Representatives et al. 2016.