Advanced Glycation End Products Associated With Cataract Formation in Individuals with Diabetes

Written by Angeline A. De Leon, Staff Writer. In all four senile groups, the serum AGEs were significantly (Pb.001) lower in young control subjects thus corroborating the hypothesis that the advanced glycation process might have a role in cataract formation, which in diabetic patients is far more prevalent compared to nondiabetic cataract patients.  (more…)

High Dose Vitamin D Shown to Improve Gestational Diabetes

Written by Jessica Patella, ND. Of the 133 participating women with gestational diabetes, those who took 50,000 IUs of Vitamin D every 2 weeks (4000 IU daily) or 50,000 IU monthly (2000 IU daily), had significant decreases in insulin and cholesterol levels compared to those who took only 200 IU per day. Antioxidant levels were significantly improved in all participants with gestational diabetes.