Potassium Intake May be Linked to Stroke Risk

Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. Ten studies of 268,276 patients and 8,695 strokes found that stroke risk significantly decreased 11% for every 1000 mg per day of increased potassium intake. Also 5 of the 10 studies found that for every 1000 mg per day of increased potassium intake there was an 11% decrease in ischemic stroke.

Ginkgo for PMS

Written by Jessica Patella, ND. In this study of 85 female students diagnosed with PMS, those who took 40 mg of Ginkgo biloba 3 times per day from day 16 of their cycle to day 5 of the next cycle, had a decrease of 23.69% in overall symptoms of PMS. (more…)

Specific Dietary Modifications (Viscous Fiber, Plant Sterols, Soy and Nuts) Significantly Reduce Serum LDL Cholesterol

Written by Susan Sweeny Johnson, PhD, Biochem. In a study with 351 patients with high levels of fats in the blood, specific dietary modifications (viscous fiber, plant sterols, soy and nuts) significantly reduced serum LDL cholesterol were recommended. This resulted in a 10% reduced risk for coronary heart disease.   (more…)