Specific Dietary Modifications (Viscous Fiber, Plant Sterols, Soy and Nuts) Significantly Reduce Serum LDL Cholesterol

Written by Susan Sweeny Johnson, PhD, Biochem. In a study with 351 patients with high levels of fats in the blood, specific dietary modifications (viscous fiber, plant sterols, soy and nuts) significantly reduced serum LDL cholesterol were recommended. This resulted in a 10% reduced risk for coronary heart disease.   (more…)

What is Oxidative Stress Doing to Your Arteries and What Supplements Can Help?

Written by Jessica Patella, ND. 70 participants with cardiovascular risk factors received 1000 mg vitamin C, 4oo IU vitamin E, 120 mg CoQ10, and 200 mg selenium per day or a placebo. Improvements were seen in systolic blood pressure 6.2%, large artery flexability 13.4%, small artery flexability 29.6%, a blood glucose marker by 10.6%, good cholesterol (HDL) by 18.5%, and triglycerides by 10%.  (more…)

Vitamin D May Be Associated with Higher Serum HDL Cholesterol and Lower Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome

Written by Susan Sweeny Johnson, PhD. In this study of 257 adult men and women,  those with higher Vitamin D levels also had elevated HDL cholesterol and decreased waist circumference thus demonstrating that higher Vitamin D levels may help reduce metabolic syndrome. (more…)