Written by Patrick Massey M.D., Ph.D. Findings suggest that positive words improve not only your health but the health of all of those around you.

One of the most powerful healing tools we have are the everyday words we use. Their meanings and vibrations of their sound impart a profound and measurable effect on our health and the health of others.

Although there is considerable research in this area, most in the medical health field know very little about the healing power of words.  Positive words result in positive effects and negative words result in negative effects. How words are used can encourage health or advance illness.

In the mid 1990’s, research at the University of Arizona, headed by Gerald Schwartz PhD, demonstrated that the words used by parents in talking to their children, directly affected the health of their children for decades. This research was part of the Harvard Mastery of Stress Study, a 35 year study which followed many parameters of stress and health. In this study, it was found that, regardless of other health risk factors, children from loving parents who often used positive words, had less coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, and alcoholism than those from parents who were consistently negative.  Since then, many papers have confirmed these findings.

What about the power of words used by health care providers?  Well, there are over 700 papers in the medical literature emphasizing that the words we choose have a direct effect on our patient’s health.  Positive words give hope and promote the healing process.  Negative words extinguish hope and can create despair.

Some might say that the power of words is simply placebo or is dependent upon their perceived meaning.  That may be true to some degree, however words are a form of energy and have a specific vibrational quality.  The effects of these specific vibrations on the physical world are measurable and reproducible.

Over the past few decades, pioneering work in this area demonstrated that words not only impact health but the vibration quality of words can influence the shape of life-giving water itself.

In some very interesting research, Masaru Emoto Ph.D. has shown that positive words, like love and wisdom, literally spoken to liquid water then frozen cause the formation beautiful ice crystals.   Negative phrases like “you fool” or “you’re an idiot” result in poorly organized ice crystals.  Interestingly, the ice crystals formed from the word “wisdom” in English, German and Japanese all look very similar.

Music, also a form of energy, can also affect the shape of ice crystals. Classical music results in well-formed ice crystals whereas water subjected to heavy metal music and then frozen, is disorganized and chaotic.

Dr. Emoto has written a number of books on this phenomenon and even has a free book for children.

Considering that adults are 70% water and, depending on age, children can be up to 95% water, maybe the words we use affect our actual physical structures and ultimately our health.

Based on these findings, it would seem that positive words improve not only your health but the health of all of those around you. So, during this holiday season, try using ten positive words when talking with family, friends and co-workers…every day. Do it for your health and the health of those you care about.

Posted November 19, 2008.