Written by Patrick Massey, M.D., Ph.D. There is substantial evidence that our minds can control the flow of our energy – and we can measure it.

Although energy-based healing is one the most common medical concepts in the world today, it is a difficult idea for many modern doctors.

Energy medicine is any therapy, including positive thoughts and prayer, believed to focus energy and stimulate the healing process. Is it real or just a placebo?

The answers are intriguing.

The human body needs energy and we make a lot of it. Our brains, hearts and muscles generate heat, electricity and a significant magnetic field. You might be surprised to know that we also produce light, in a wide spectrum from infrared to ultraviolet to gamma rays. We also vibrate, literally, in a number of different frequencies.

In the brain, these vibrations are called brain waves and the frequency changes with our moods and feelings. For example, people who are in depressed moods have different brain wave patterns than when they are happy.

Our other organs and tissues also vibrate with different frequencies. Interestingly, damaged or injured tissue vibrates with a frequency different than healthy tissue, and we can measure these differences with a PET scanner.

So what does that mean for your health?

Many medical systems hold that disease is directly related to a decreased flow of energy. For example, disease might be caused by too little energy, like a river drying up, or by energy that is unable to flow, like having a dam in the river. In Oriental medicine, acupuncture, massage, herbs and even thought are believed to stimulate the production and flow of energy. Improved energy flow stimulates the healing process.

Can we direct our energy and healing with our thoughts? The answer is …

Perhaps. We know that our moods and thoughts can have a profound effect on our health. Now, there is substantial evidence that our minds can control the flow of our energy – and we can measure it.

A number of studies have demonstrated that specially trained individuals can direct their own energy. This can be measured as an increase in the production of light, or photons, by the hands (remember that we all give off light). Some seem to be better at this, but apparently everyone has the ability to some degree.

Gary Schwartz, an internationally recognized psychologist with more than 200 publications, also runs the country’s only Human Energy laboratory, at the University of Arizona in Tucson. He has conducted and published a number of excellent studies measuring a person’s ability to direct their his or own energy.

In a recent study, he was able to demonstrate significant increases in the intentional movement of bioenergy by a group of physicians. Their ability to direct emission of light and gamma rays from their hands increased dramatically after they trained, for one week, with an energy healer. His research is some of the best proof that the mind can direct the flow of bioenergy. Imagine, everyone being able to learn how to do this with each person in complete control of his or her own well being.

It is achievable.

Posted November 19, 2008.