Written by Jessica Patella, ND. Compared to the placebo lotion, a ten-week application of 2% oxidized glutathione lotion (GSSG) significantly decreased pigmentation and wrinkling and improved skin moisture and smoothness in the participating women.

skin health - womenAccording to the American Academy of Dermatology even people with pre-mature skin aging can take steps to benefit their skin 1. Recent research has found that application of glutathione to the skin can result in lighter skin, more moisture, suppression of wrinkles and increased smoothness 2.

There are multiple causes of skin aging, but one of the most common is photoaging, due to exposure of UV light from the sun 2. Photoaging causes deep wrinkles, sallow discoloration and irregular pigmentation 2. Research has suggested this is because of free radical damage caused by the UV light from the sun 3. Glutathione is an antioxidant and protects the body from free radical damage 2. The researchers in the study wanted to discover if oxidized glutathione (GSSG) would have positive effects on the skin because it is more stable in a liquid/lotion form 2 and therefore would be easier to deliver in a skin lotion.

Included in the study were 30 women who had very little difference in the pigmentation (melanin index) between the left and right sides of their faces 2. The participants applied 2% oxidized glutathione (GSSG) lotion to one side of their face and a placebo lotion to the other side, twice daily for 10-weeks. The participants were randomly divided to apply the GSSG lotion to either the right or left side of the face 2.

The objective results after 10-weeks of applying lotion were as follows:

  • Skin-whitening measured at the cheekbone showed a clear decrease in pigmentation, indicating that whitening occurred with the glutathione lotion (Week 0: 272.77 +/- 26.17; Week 10: 243.47 +/- 26.31; P<0.001; measured via Mexameter MX18)
  • Skin moisture content improved significantly with the glutathione lotion (P<0.05; measured via Corneometer)
  • Wrinkle reduction was significantly improved with the glutathione lotion (P<0.01; measured via SkinSys software and Coccam digital camera)
  • The skin became significantly more smooth with the glutathione lotion (P<0.001; measured via SkinSys software and Coccam digital camera )

The participants in the study ranked skin whitening at 76.7% with glutathione versus 23.3% with placebo. They also reported a 30% wrinkle reduction at the glutathione-treated sites with 0% reduction at the placebo-treated sites, indicating that the results were visibly tangible to the participants as well 2.

In conclusion, this study indicates that oxidized glutathione (GSSG) lotion can promote skin whitening, reduce wrinkles, and improve skin moisture and smoothness 2. GSSG is likely to be more beneficial than reduced glutathione because it is more stable in an aqueous solution, but more research is warranted to determine the mechanism of how glutathione produces these benefits 2.

Source: Watanabe, Fumiko, Erika Hashizume, Gertrude P. Chan, and Ayako Kamimura. “Skin-whitening and skin-condition-improving effects of topical oxidized glutathione: a double-blind and placebo-controlled clinical trial in healthy women.” Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology 7 (2014): 267.

© 2014 Watanabe et al. This work is published by Dove Medical Press Limited, and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License. The full terms of the License are available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/.

Click here to read the full text study.

Posted January 28, 2019.

Jessica Patella, ND, is a naturopathic physician specializing in nutrition and homeopathic medicine and offers a holistic approach to health. She earned her ND from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ, and is a member of the North Carolina Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Visit her website at www.awarenesswellness.com.


  1. Dermatology AAo. What Causes Our Skin to Age? 2018; Ways to Reduce Premature Skin Aging. Available at: https://www.aad.org/public/skin-hair-nails/anti-aging-skin-care/causes-of-aging-skin. Accessed January 22, 2019, 2019.
  2. Watanabe F, Hashizume E, Chan GP, Kamimura A. Skin-whitening and skin-condition-improving effects of topical oxidized glutathione: a double-blind and placebo-controlled clinical trial in healthy women. Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology. 2014;7:267.
  3. Masaki H. Role of antioxidants in the skin: anti-aging effects. Journal of dermatological science. 2010;58(2):85-90.