by Becky | Nov 12, 2019 | 2019, Aging
Written by Joyce Smith, BS. Without the use of genetic manipulations, molecular biologist Maria Blasco and team from the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre developed in a mouse model a generation of mice with hyper-long telomeres and significantly delayed aging. (more…)
by Becky | Jul 16, 2018 | 2015, Cardiovascular Health, Circulatory Health
Written by Halima Phelps, Staff Writer. This study found that decreased telomere length was associated with increased arterial stiffness, increased aging, and impaired glucose metabolism. (more…)
by nhri | Jun 10, 2013 | 2013, Women's Health
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. All short and medium chain saturated fatty acids, except lauric acid (in coconut oil) may make aging more rapid. (more…)
by nhri | Feb 24, 2010 | 2010, Cardiovascular Health, Fish Oil Supplements
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. Telomere (pieces of DNA) length is associated with aging. The shorter the telomere, the older the person. Those in the lowest 25% of omega-3 blood levels, compared to those in the highest 25% of omega-3 blood levels had rates of telomere shortening that were 62% faster, resulting in a faster aging process. (more…)