Do You Need a Flu Vaccine? – Informed Opinion
Written by Patrick B. Massey, MD, PH.D. Dr. Massey recommends flu vaccine be given to only those individuals at high risk of complications from the flu.
Written by Patrick B. Massey, MD, PH.D. Dr. Massey recommends flu vaccine be given to only those individuals at high risk of complications from the flu.
Written by Patrick B. Massey, MD, PhD. Study shows that those with moderately elevated cholesterol levels, who take a good probiotic on a daily basis, would reduce their risk of heart attack or stroke by 58%, which in direct medical costs, would save millions of dollars per year.
Written by Patrick B. Massey, MD, Ph.D. Vitamin D deficiency exists in 70-90 percent of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. (more…)
Written by Patrick Massey, MD, PhD. Probiotics, vitamin D, and green tea are recommended by Dr. Massey to reduce your risk of flu. (more…)
Written by Patrick B. Massey, MD, PhD. Author raises concern about the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency. (more…)
Written by Patrick B. Massey, MD, PH.D. Cinnamon, chromium, and saw palmetto can be beneficial in polycystic ovarian syndrome which affects about 10-12% of women. (more…)
Written by Patrick B. Massey, MD, PhD. Complementary alternative medicine is now the official medical board sub specialty of integrative medicine. (more…)
Written by Dr. Patrick Massey, MD, PhD. Recent studies show how supplementing with 50,000-100,000 IU of vitamin D per week can decrease muscle pain associated with statin use. (more…)
Written by Patrick B. Massey, MD, PhD. Patients with bacterial pneumonia who took CoQ10 had improved recovery times and significantly reduced their time spent in hospital. (more…)
Written by Patrick B. Massey, MD, PhD. A study of 105 chronic migraine sufferers found that a diet rich in EPA and DHA may significantly reduce the incidence of migraine headaches. (more…)
Written by Patrick B. Massey, MD., PhD. Studies showed a ten percent reduction in blood pressure with the consumption of three or more cups of hibiscus tea per day. (more…)
Written by Patrick B. Massey, MD, PH.D. Bacteria in the bowel contribute significantly to good health.
Written by Patrick B. Massey, MD, PH.D. Supplementing with glutathione may help to reduce the strain on not just the liver but our entire body.
Written by Patrick B. Massey, MD, PhD. A recent medical study found that nitric oxide produced locally in the skin as a result of UVA exposure lowered blood pressure. (more…)
Written by Dr. Patrick Massey, MD, PhD. Almost 75% of chronic illnesses can be improved or cured with four lifestyle changes: reduce exposure to tobacco smoke, better nutrition, exercise, and reduce stress. (more…)