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- Almonds Superior to Complex Carbohydrates for Weight Loss
- Silibinin Enhances Drug Treatment for Prostate Cancer in Preclinical Studies
- Alpha-Tocopherol Reduces Other Forms of Vitamin E
- Low Arachidonic Acid Diet, Fish Oil, and Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Do Pomegranates Lower Blood Pressure?
- Capsaicin Reduces Lower Back Pain
- Preventing Migraines
- Siberian Ginseng Shown to Help Fatigue
- Tryptophan Relieves Sleep Terrors in Children
- New Benefits to Using Vitamin B12 Topically
- Avocado Enhances Absorption of Powerful Antioxidants
- Elderberry Increases Flu Recovery
- Pycnogenol: An Integrative Approach to Childhood Asthma
- Aloe Vera for Ulcerative Colitis
- Could Americans Be Deficient in Vitamin C?
- Supplementing With DHA Important for Menopausal Women
- Study Reviews Healthy Benefits of Whole Grains
- Tryptophan for Insomnia
- Are Vitamins C and E Safe?
- SV40 and Asbestos Exposure Increase Malignant Mesothelioma Risk
- Contaminants in Farm-Raised Versus Wild-Caught Salmon
- L-Tryptophan and the Baby Blues
- Trio of Supplements Benefit Eye Health in the Early Stage of Disease
- Computerized Training Improves Symptoms of ADHD
- Uncertainty Remains of Health Risk to Workers from Synthetic Rubber Production
- Echinacea Strengthens Immune System Cells
- Zinc Intake may be a key to Athletic Performance
- Alcoholism Impairs Long-Term Cognition
- GLA May Help Cancer Drugs Work More Efficiently
- Higher Consumption of Dietary Polyunsaturated Fats and Vitamin E may Reduce ALS Risk
- Selenium Supplements May Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer in Women Genetically at Risk
- Consume More Essential Fatty Acids and Reduce the Risk of Pneumonia
- Salt Water Helps Cystic Fibrosis Patients
- Ginseng Associated with Breast Cancer Survival
- A Natural Option for Diabetic Neuropathy
- A Review of Nutrients for Bone Health
- GABA Found to Help Mental Health
- Flaxseed Found to Help Kidney Health
- Study Suggests Vitamin D May Help Children with Digestive Inflammation
- Study Shows Magnesium and Vitamin B6 Help ADHD Symptoms
- Vitamin K Deficiency Found to Increase Arthritis Risk
- Whole Grains and Fish May Decrease Asthma Risk in Children
- Mediterranean Diet May Reduce Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Study Finds Postmenopausal Women Still at Risk for Calcium and Vitamin D Deficiency
- Study Examines Curcumin’s Effect on Colon Cancer Cells
- Fish Oil and Eye Health
- Eating Nuts and Seeds Frequently Can Keep Your Circulatory System Healthier
- Chewing Xylitol Sweetened Gum After Meals May Be an Enjoyable Way to Reduce Tooth Decay
- A Comprehensive Literature Review and Assessment Confirms That Omega-3 Supplementation Maintains Cardiovascular Health
- Ginger May Help Control Nausea Common After Surgery
- Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Low Mood State and Lowered Intellectual Ability in Elderly
- EGCG Appears to Slow Neurological Degeneration in Huntington’s Disease
- Berry Extracts Slow Cancer Cell Growth in Laboratory Tests
- Study Examines Fatty Fish Consumption and Kidney Cancer Incidence
- Vitamin D Supplements May Help People with Congestive Heart Failure
- Folic Acid Supplements May Aid in Cancer Treatment
- Melatonin Supplements May Help Those Who Need to Sleep in the Daytime
- Two Studies Examine Vitamin D Intake and Pancreatic Cancer Incidence
- Curry May Be Protective Against Alzheimer’s Dementia
- Elevated Homocysteine Levels Reduced with Low-Dose Folic Acid
- Calcium Supplements May Save Mothers and Babies Worldwide
- Omega-3 May Reduce Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer
- Green Tea May Lower Diabetes Risk
- Aromatherapy May Help Ease Agitated Behavior in Older Adults With Dementia
- Study Examines the Effects of Heat-Treated Foods on Blood Vessel Health in Diabetics
- Food Additives Shown to Increase Hyperactive Behavior in Children
- Arnica Comparable to Ibuprofen for Hand Arthritis
- Social Anxiety and Tryptophan: A Pilot Study
- High Glycemic Index Meal Shortens Onset of Sleep
- Comfrey Root Ointment Beneficial For Knee Arthritis
- Lemon Juice Prevents Kidney Stones in the Urinary Tract
- PCBs are Associated with Lymphoma
- Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) Reduces Arthritis Pain
- Biotin and Chromium May Help Blood Sugar Health
- Peppermint Oil and Bowel Health
- Krill Oil Eases Inflammation and Arthritis
- Cactus for Reducing Inches
- Walnuts May Help Bone Health
- Supplements Increasing in Both Use and Health Benefits
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin Intake Shown to Benefit Eye Health
- Vitamin C Found to Help with Exercise-Induced Asthma
- Cereal Fiber and Magnesium May Reduce Risk of Type II Diabetes
- CoQ10 May Provide Energy Needed to Boost Effectiveness of Anti-Melanoma Treatment after Surgery
- A Recent Review Supports the Use of Echinacea for the Common Cold
- A High-Fiber Diet Could Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease by Reducing Inflammation
- Whole Grain Diets May Delay Onset of Hypertension in Middle-Aged Women
- Diets Rich in Vitamin C and Linoleic Acid May Delay Skin Aging
- Supplementation with Vitamin A or Polyphenol-Rich Grape Concentrate May Slow Progression of Type I Diabetes Mellitus
- Experts Reassess Upper Limit of Vitamin D Intake
- Folic Acid Supplements Help to Lessen Hearing Loss
- Long-Term Supplementation with Omega-3 Fatty Acid May Slow Progression of Coronary Heart Disease
- Folic Acid Supplements May Help Prevent Cleft Lip Birth Defect
- Low Vitamin B-12 Linked to Risk of Dementia
- Flaxseed Oil May Lower Blood Pressure
- Folic Acid Lowers Homocysteine Levels in Hemodialysis Patients
- The Compatibility of Antioxidant Supplements with Chemotherapy
- American Men and Women Fail to Meet Calcium Recommendations
- Pycnogenol® Helps Women Before Menopause
- Fish or Fish Oil?
- Blood Pressure Found to Increase Disability Later in Life
- Soy Isoflavone Increases Bone Mineral Density in Post-Menopausal Women
- Intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Delay Onset of Type I Diabetes
- Fish Oil Improves Blood Vessel Health in People with High Blood Pressure
- Vitamin D May Add Years to Your Life
- Long-Term Use of High Doses of Vitamin E are Needed to Reduce Oxidative Stress
- Selenium Improves Muscle Health in Elderly
- Neptune Krill Oil Helps Reduce Chronic Inflammation and Arthritic Pain
- Vitamin E is Associated with Reduced Risk of Prostate Cancer
- Finding Ways to Alter Brain Structure in the Elderly for the Better
- Ayurvedic Herb May Benefit Cognition and Overall Mental Health in the Elderly
- Nattokinase: A Natural Option for High Blood Pressure
- Study Uncovers How Niacin Helps Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels
- Pycnogenol Helps Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure Health in Type 2 Diabetics
- Niacin may Benefit Mental Health
- Blood Levels of Vitamin C Predict Stroke
- N-Acetyl Cysteine Benefits those with Bipolar Disorder
- Calcium Supplementation, but not Dairy Intake Improves Fat-Burning in Overweight Women
- Zinc Supplementation Improves Cystic Fibrosis
- Allergic Rhinitis and Spirulina
- Benefits of Green Tea Foot Baths
- Virgin Coconut Oil Improves Eczema
- Relora ® Helps Women Manage Stress Levels
- Hibiscus Tea Lowers Blood Pressure in Type II Diabetics
- Vitamin D Blood Levels May Play a Role in Parkinson’s Patients
- Reduce NSAIDs Use With Cod Liver Oil
- Pycnogenol Improves Both Mental and Cellular Health in Elderly
- Grab a Handful of Macadamia Nuts for Heart Health
- Effects of Flavonoids in the Human Body
- Conference Summarizes Health Benefits of Olive Oil
- Broccoli Antioxidant Found to Help Breast Health
- Study Finds How Cranberry Juice Helps with Bladder Health
- Vitamin C Found to Help Blood Pressure Health
- Vitamin D Levels Related to C-Section Births
- Pistachios May Reduce Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease
- Grape Seed Extract Benefits Heart Health
- Flaxseed Supplementation Increases Omega-3 Fat Levels
- Consumption of a Mediterranean Style Diet Is Good For Your Health
- Resveratrol May Help with Liver Health
- L-Ornithine May Help with Fatigue
- Vitamin D Found to Influence Breast Cell Health
- Old Rats Shape Up with L-Carnitine
- Low Vitamin D Linked to High Blood Pressure
- Vitamin E in Combination with Selenium Shown to Induce Self-Destruction of Human Prostate Cancer Cells
- Folic Acid Reduces Side Effects of Methotrexate Liver Treatment
- Mediterranean Diet Helps Cold, Asthma, and Allergy Health in Children
- Omega-3 Fats Hold Promise for Mental Health
- Omega-3 Fats May Improve Health in the Elderly
- Vitamin K2 Benefits Heart Health
- Quercetin Helps with Lung Health after Exercise
- Pediatricians Double Vitamin D Recommendation
- Mediterranean Diet Improves Health and Reduces Risk of Many Illnesses
- Olive Oil Comparable to Aspirin for Heart Health
- Enzogenol® Found to Benefit Mental Health
- Vitamin C Found to Help Maintain Healthy Cholesterol
- Study Re-Confirms Pycnogenol’s Role in Joint Health
- Vitamin B-12 May Help Maintain Brain Size
- Probiotics During Pregnancy May Help Allergy Health in Newborns
- Vitamin E Shown to Benefit Eye Health
- Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) Found to Reduce Risk of Heart Attack
- Calcium Supplements Reduced Fracture Risk in Clinical Trial
- Vitamin D Found to Play Role in Prostate Health
- Vitamin D May Decrease the Risk of Death in the General Population
- Mediterranean Diet Benefits Lung Health
- Low Vitamin D Levels May Raise Heart Attack Risk
- Omega-3 Fats Again Shown to Benefit Eye Health
- Exercise Found to Increase Breast Cancer Survival
- Fish Oil During Pregnancy Helps Long-Term Lung Health
- Study Finds Vitamin D Levels Too Low in Seniors
- Fish Oil Again Shows Potential Benefit for Eye Health
- Homocysteine Levels Found to Affect Brain Health
- Calcium Found to Reduce Stroke Risk
- Dietary Genistein From Soy May Slow Metastisis of Prostate Tumors
- Medicinal Mushrooms, Phellinus linteus, Shown to Inhibit The Growth of Fast Growing Breast Cancer Cells in vitro
- Eating Whole Grains While Restricting Calories Reduces Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors
- Carrots for a Healthy Heart
- Pycnogenol Helps Heart Health in Diabetics
- Vitamin D Shown to Help Mental Health
- Lutein and Omega-3 Both Important for Eye Health in Women
- Omega-3 Fats Help Skin Health
- Vitamin D Found to Help Predict Overall Cell Health
- Pycnogenol® Found to Help Joint Health
- Vitamin E Linked to Mental Health
- Purple Passion Fruit Peel Extract Appears to Reduce Asthma Symptoms
- Amino Acids Help Muscle Health in the Elderly
- Fish Oil During Pregnancy Improves Infant Eye and Brain Health
- CoQ10 May Offer Help for Fatigue During Exercise
- Folic Acid in Multivitamin Supplements Reduces Female Infertility
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin Also Benefit Healthy Eyes
- Folic Acid Found to Help Bone Health
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine and Lipoic Acid Help with Blood Sugar Health
- Magnesium Found to Benefit Gallbladder Health
- Multivitamin Helps Maintain Newborn Health
- Legume Intake Helps Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
- Study Finds That Migraines Increase Stroke Risk
- Study Revisits Cholesterol Health Benefits of Oats
- Review Finds Vitamin D Beneficial for Heart Health
- Quercetin May Reduce Hypertension
- Vitamin D Nutritional Status Linked to Reduced Cancer Risk in Postmenopausal Women
- Pycnogenol® Helps Mental Health in Children
- The Power of Prayer to Eliminate Depression and Anxiety
- Advanced Glycation End Products Associated With Cataract Formation in Individuals with Diabetes
- Aged Garlic Extract Supplementation, B Vitamins, Folic Acid, and L-arginine Reduce Cardiovascular Disease
- Eucalyptus May Benefit Those With COPD
- Vegan Diets Come With Many Benefits, Some Risks
- Tomato Extract Effective in Helping Control Blood Pressure
- Ayurvedic Plant may Benefit Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Healthy Mind, Healthier Body: Anger Linked to Heart Health
- Study finds Lemon Juice and Lemongrass help HIV Patients with Oral Health
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine Benefits Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Health in Those at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
- Frankincense Oil and Cancer
- Effects of Zinc and Protein in Bone Health of Frail Elderly
- Herbal Formula Rich in 5-HTP Decreases Appetite and Cravings
- Red Palm Oil Improves Cardiovascular Health
- Beneficial Role of Vegetarian Diet in Reducing Weight and the Risk of Diabetes
- Vitamin K2 Beneficial to Heart Health in Women
- Dietary Behaviors Predict Mortality
- Ginkgo for PMS
- Processed Foods Found to Affect Mental Health
- Surprising Information on Vitamin C Deficiency
- Vitamin E and Omega-3 Fats May Help with Speech
- B Vitamin Deficiencies Associated with Osteoporosis – Related Bone Structure Abnormalities
- Hip Fracture Risk Less with Vitamin C
- Omega-3 Fats May Help Macular Degeneration
- Choline Found to Help Pregnancy Health
- Study Re-Examines Omega-3 Fats in Autism
- Vitamin E May Help Preserve Mental Health
- Consumption of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, DHA and EPA, May Slow or Prevent Periodontal Disease
- Erythritol is a Sweet, Zero-Calorie Antioxidant
- Vitamin E Protects Nerve Health
- Vitamin D May Be Associated with Higher Serum HDL Cholesterol and Lower Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids DHA and EPA May Be Linked to Ability to Process Sensory Input
- Extended-Release Niacin Added to Statin Therapy for High Cholesterol
- Low Vitamin D Found to Affect Kidney Health
- Mediterranean Diet Again Shows Promise with Metabolic Syndrome
- Teenagers Still Not Getting Enough Whole Grains
- Acai Helps Maintain Cholesterol Health
- Vitamins and Minerals and the Risk of Bladder Cancer
- Study Finds Several Ways to Control Inflammation in Men
- Pycnogenol Helps Eye Health in Diabetics
- Walnuts Improve Blood Vessel Health in Diabetics
- Study Finds Vitamin K Benefits Go Beyond Blood Health
- Study Finds Supplements Best Way to Get Vitamin D
- DHA Found to Improve Breast Cancer Chemotherapy
- Fish Consumption Helps Maintain Heart Muscle Health
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help with Blood Vessel Plaques
- Mediterranean Diet Helps Mental Health
- New Study Uncovers a New Way Flaxseed Oil May Benefit Health
- Low Folic Acid During Pregnancy Affects Infant Mental Health
- Vitamin B6 Affects Heart Health in Women
- Vitamin D Deficiency Hampers Health in Older Women
- Vitamin D Deficiency Found to Be Significantly Harmful to Your Health
- Soy Antioxidants May Help Prostate Health
- Soy Protein Helps Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels
- Soluble Fiber May Help Reduce Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms
- Study Recommends Dose of Omega-3 Fats for Heart Health
- Antioxidants Low in Children with Celiac Disease
- Review Confirms Heart-Healthy Benefits of Walnuts
- Study Suggests Vitamin D Deficiency May Play a Role in Breast Cancer
- CLA Helps Muscle Health
- Folic Acid Found to Help Mental Health
- Potassium Found to Help Kidney Health for Those with Epilepsy
- High Omega-3 Diet Continues to Show Benefits for Eye Health
- Lycopene Benefits Blood Vessel Health
- Diet and Exercise Play a Role in Mental Health
- Fish Intake Improves Brain Health in Teenagers
- Study Sheds Light on How Vitamin D Helps Colon Cell Health
- Fish Oil Supplementation in Pregnancy May Reduce Infant Food Allergies
- Vitamin D Found to Play a Role in Heart Health
- L-Carnitine Found to Preserve Cholesterol Health in Diabetics
- Omega-3 Deficiency Among Major Causes of Preventable Deaths
- Cod Liver Oil Found to Affect Survival in Women with Solid Tumors
- Nut Consumption Helps Heart Health in Women with Diabetes
- CLA Helps Body Fat Health in Postmenopausal Women
- Soy Intake Helps Lung Health
- Study Suggests Push for Recommended Intake for Omega-3 Fats
- Red Yeast Rice May Help Lower LDL Cholesterol in Patients Who Do Not Tolerate Statins
- Folic Acid Before Pregnancy Beneficial for Delivery Health
- Selenium Found to Help Skin Health
- Antioxidant Intake Helps Kidney Health
- Omega-3 Fats May Help Mental Health in Those with Heart Disease
- Prebiotics Help Magnesium Absorption in Teenagers
- Folic Acid Helps Heart Health in Newborns
- Vitamin D Levels Found to Be Low in Critically Ill Patients
- Broccoli Antioxidant Again Found to Help with Digestive Health
- Folic Acid Found to Help with Lung Health
- Vitamin D Helps Heart Health During Weight Loss
- Folic Acid Shows Hope for Mental Health
- Magnesium Levels Again Found to Help Heart Health
- Vitamin B6 Found to Help Colorectal Health
- Omega-3 Fats Help with C-Reactive Protein Levels
- Whole Grain Consumption Found to Help Colorectal Health
- Vitamin Supplementation Reduced the Risk of Cancer Death in Ten-Year Follow-Up Study of Younger Chinese Populations
- Calcium Helps Weight Health in Those Deficient
- Calcium Found to Help Colorectal Health in Women
- Lutein Helps Eye Health
- Broccoli Compound Found to Help Lung Health
- Adequate Vitamin D May Prevent Fractures
- Review Finds Soy to Help Prostate Health
- Vitamin B12 Found to Help Oral Health
- Fish Oil Found to Help with Psychological Stress
- Vitamin D May Help with Respiratory Health
- Vitamin C Lessens the Risk of Gout
- Fruit and Vegetable Intake Improves Throat Health
- Low Sodium and High Potassium Help Heart Health
- Supplementation Helps Manage Pain for Chronic Pancreatitis Sufferers
- Lycopene Improves Bone Health in Women
- High Fructose Corn Syrup a Newfound Source of Mercury – Informed Opinion
- Risk of Advanced Prostate Cancer Reduced with Vitamin K
- Type 2 Diabetes Found to More Than Triple Heart Disease Risk
- Low Selenium Levels Associated with Blood Cell Health
- Vitamin D Deficiency in Children with Type I Diabetes
- Achieving Fatty Acid Balance in Cystic Fibrosis Patients
- Blackcurrant Seed Oil for Atopic Dermatitis in Young Children
- Bergamot Benefits Blood Sugar and Blood Lipid Health
- Hibiscus Sabdariffa L. Tea (Tisane) Reduces Blood Pressure in Pre-and Mildly Hypertensive Patients
- Review Finds Selenium Beneficial for Thyroid Health
- Eucalyptus Gum Improves Oral Health
- Probiotics Help Infants With Constipation
- Music Therapy Improves Sleep Quality and Mental Health in the Elderly
- Rose Hips Help Those With Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Hibiscus Extract Provides Preventative Options for Metabolic Syndrome
- Sugary Drinks Associated with High Blood Pressure
- Aquatic Plant Extract Helps with Memory in the Elderly
- Spearmint Tea Helps Those with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Propolis a Possible Treatment for Genital Herpes
- Olive Oil May Help Increase Fat-Burning in the Obese
- Fiber Again Found to Help Lung Health
- Study Finds Walnuts and Flaxseed Improve Handling of Stress
- Theoretical Framework for Dealing with Obesity
- Review Confirms Barley’s Health Benefits on Blood Lipids
- Arginine and Grape Seed Extract Support Exercise Endurance
- High Dose Vitamin C against Mesothelioma Cells
- NGR-hTNF Treatment for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
- Ginger Helps Muscle Pain after Exercise
- Taurine may Improve Blood Vessel Health in Type 1 Diabetics
- Yo-Yo Dieting and Stress Lead to Weight Gain
- Long-Term Effects of Antioxidants on Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- Quercetin May Help with Endurance and Oxygen Intake
- Can Yeast Relieve Cold and Flu Symptoms?
- Vitamins C and E may Help Bone Health in the Elderly
- Capsaicin Improves Glucose Tolerance in Obese Mice
- Tart Cherries Reduce Pain and Inflammation
- Increased Levels of Vitamin E May Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
- N-Acetyl Cysteine May Help Maintain Hearing in Men
- Sugar Consumption now Found to Raise Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Teenagers
- Tocotrienols May Help Prevent Prostate Cancer
- Vitamin D Recommendations for Clinical Practice
- Amino Acids Found to Benefit Liver Health
- L-Carnitine May Benefit Liver Health
- Review Cites “Remarkable Consistency” in Health Value of Nut Consumption
- Rutin and Curcumin Show Promise for Kidney Stones
- Pycnogenol Again Found to Help With Leg Circulation
- Women’s Health Interview, October 2010 – Informed Opinion
- Soy Shows Benefits for High Blood Pressure
- Almond Skins May Help With Immunity
- Berry Antioxidant Intake May Help Blood Pressure Health
- Vitamin D May Help Bladder Health in Postmenopausal Women
- Antioxidant Vitamins C and E Increase Survival Rate of Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Treatment
- Sesame – The New Healthy Protein?
- Magnesium Decreases Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death in Women
- Fiber Found to Help Heart Health by Helping Lower Inflammation
- Folic Acid Found to Help Auditory Health
- Review Finds Probiotics Help Shorten Episodes of Digestive Problems
- Study Finds Vitamin D Blood Levels May Influence Mental Health
- Astaxanthin Found to Help Cell and Immune System Health in Women
- New Anti-Aging Supplement?
- Consumption of Whole Grains May Enhance Reproductive Health in Women of Child-Bearing Age
- Study Finds Antioxidants Boost Male Fertility Health
- A Mineral Showing Promise in Reducing Bladder Cancer Risk
- Study Suggests How Selenium Maintains Prostate Health
- Americans Not Meeting Dietary Guidelines
- B-Vitamins Help Maintain Brain Function in Elderly
- Whey Protein and Hypertension in Young Adults
- Study Discovers How Capsaicin Helps Blood Pressure Health
- Folic Acid and Vitamin B-12 May Help with Digestive Inflammation
- Vitamin B6 and Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Omega-3 Fats Help Blood Clotting in Men and Women, Although Differently
- Whole Grains May Help Reduce High Blood Pressure
- Tocotrienols Associated with Prostate Health
- Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D3?
- Study Finds Calcium and Vitamin D Blood Levels Linked to Ovarian Cancer
- Nutrient Found to Help Cholesterol Levels
- Mediterranean Diet Helpful to Heart Attack Survivors
- Vitamin D May Help Protect Against Parkinson’s
- Creatine Found to Help with Fatigue
- Lycopene Continues to Show Benefits for Bone Health
- Possible Natural Treatment for Nonalcoholic Liver Disease
- Blueberries May Help Liver Health
- Vitamin D Deficiency Reaching Record Levels: What This Means for Pregnant Women
- Zinc Found to Help Digestive Health in Children
- Invasive Ductal Breast Cancer Risk May be Reduced by Intake of Fish Oil
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Pycnogenol May Help with Allergy Health
- Low Vitamin D Serum Levels Correlate with Cognitive Decline in Elderly
- Resveratrol May Help with Eye Health
- What is Oxidative Stress Doing to Your Arteries and What Supplements Can Help?
- Studies Continue to Find Heart Health Benefits of Chocolate
- Vitamin D May Help Mental Health in Older Adults
- Sweetener Consumption Found to Alter Blood Profiles
- Folic Acid May Help Auditory Health
- Omega-3 Fats Found to Help with Free Radicals
- Resveratrol May Help with Obesity Health
- Choline May Help Mental Health in Newborns
- Brown Rice Found to Help Blood Sugar Health
- B-Vitamins may Lead to Happier Seniors
- Minor Component of Vitamin E, Tocotrienols, May Enhance Aging Immune Function
- Vitamin D Supplements and Breast Cancer Risk Reduction
- Study Finds Childhood Obesity to Decrease Lifespan
- Nut Consumption Continues to Maintain Cholesterol Health
- Coffee Found to Adversely Affect Blood Vessel Health
- Magnesium May Benefit Colorectal Health in Men
- Lutein Plus Vitamin A May Slow Vision Loss in Retinitis Pigmentosa
- Can Vitamin D Supplementation Prevent the Flu in Children?
- Reduction in Oxidation Damage to DNA
- Zinc Found to Improve Mood in Women
- Japanese Study Finds B-Vitamins Help Heart Health
- Study Links High Iron Levels to Heart Disease Plaques
- Selenium Helps Blood Sugar Health in Men
- Omega-3 Plays Supportive Role in Heart Failure
- New Study Puts Cost on Vitamin D Deficiency
- Red Yeast Rice, An Alternative to Statin Treatment of Cholesterol
- Pistachios – A New Superfood?
- Study Lowers Blood Sugar Levels in Diagnosing Diabetes During Pregnancy
- Olive Oil Helps Cholesterol Health in Men
- Flavonols Found to Help Maintain Heart Health
- Magnesium Improves Quality of Life for Asthmatics
- Vitamin D Reduces Heart Disease Risk Factors
- Pycnogenol May Help Kidney Function in Hypertension
- Vitamin D and Colorectal Cancer Prevention
- Sunlight, Skin Type and Vitamin D
- CoQ10 Absorption Enhanced by Grapefruit Juice
- Omega-3 Fats Linked to Younger Biological Age
- Fish Oil Omega-3 Fatty Acids, EPA and DHA, Appear to Delay or Prevent Onset of Psychotic Disorders
- Antioxidants Found to Help Female Health
- Multivitamins Found to Help with Lung Health
- Pycnogenol Found to Help with Hemorrhoids
- Vitamin B6 Helps Inflammation Health
- Study Finds Trio of Dietary Factors Help Diabetics
- Results of Extra-Pleural Pneumonectomy in Mesothelioma
- Dietary Consumption of Yogurt May Prevent Atherosclerosis
- Lower Incidence of Stroke Shown With White Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
- Phosphatidylserine-Fortified Milk Associated With Enhanced Cognitive Performance
- Sage Extract Improves Mental Performance
- Exercise Increases Hippocampal Volume and Improves Memory in Older Adults
- Aniseed and Coriander Seeds Decrease Oxidative and Hyperglycemic Factors in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
- L-Theanine Improves Sleep Quality of Children With ADHD
- Mate Tea Improves Blood Sugar in Diabetics
- Fenugreek Tea Benefits Breast Milk Production and Infant Body Weight
- Curcumin as a Treatment for Mesothelioma
- Popular Flu Drug may Pose Danger to Liver Health
- Sage Shown to Significantly Reduce Cholesterol Levels
- Fenugreek’s Metabolic Activity in Diabetic, Obese and Immunosuppressed Rats
- Aluminum Adjuvants May Cause Autism
- Review finds Concern with Coffee Consumption in Those with High Blood Pressure
- Herbal Extract Benefits Those with Ulcerative Colitis
- Olive Leaf Lowers Blood Pressure
- Melatonin helps Offset Cell Damage Caused by Strenuous Exercise
- Berry Antioxidant Intake May Help Blood Pressure Health
- Trio of Foods may Benefit those on the Verge of Metabolic Syndrome
- Delta-Tocopherol most Effective against Cancer
- Study Suggests a Link Between Zinc and Anxiety
- Flax Seed in the Management of Diabetes
- Gastrointestinal Problems Increase Symptoms of Autism
- Melatonin and Metabolic Syndrome: New Findings
- Skeletal and Dental Deformities Due to Excessive Flouride Consumption
- Does Olive Oil, Walnuts and Almonds Affect Cholesterol Levels Beneficially?
- An Alternative Approach to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Review Finds Heart and Metabolic Benefits to Whey Protein Consumption
- Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fats May Help with Eye Health
- Ginger may Help with Side Effects of Chemotherapy
- Effect of Frankincense on Plaque and Gingivitis
- Exercise in Patients with Heart Failure
- Antioxidant-Rich Diet Lowers Chance of Stroke in Women
- Nuts: The Ultimate Antioxidant
- Vitamin E Blood Levels Linked to Mental Health
- Pycnogenol Improves Symptoms of Menopause
- Astaxanthin Improves Cell Health in the Obese
- L-Carnitine May Help Lung Health in Children
- Trans Fats Hinder, Olive Oil Benefits Mental Health
- Seeing Clearly: Reducing the Risk of Cataracts
- Study Finds Fiber-Rich Foods to Offer “Significant Health Benefits”
- Olive Oil Shows Benefits for Blood Sugar Health
- Vitamin D, Calcium and the Vitamin D Receptor in Colon Cancer Prevention
- Magnesium May Benefit Stroke Risk
- Foods Containing Soy Benefit Uterine Health
- Inositol Helps Metabolic Health in Postmenopausal Women
- Supplements for Improving Memory
- Pycnogenol Helps Mental Performance in Students
- Lavender, More Than Just a Nice Fragrance
- Pantethine As a Cholesterol-Lowering Agent
- Low Fat Diet with Fish Oil Supplementation For Prostate Cancer
- Study Links Zinc Levels to Prostate Health
- Creatine Found to Help Liver Health
- Supplementation with Ubiquinol May Lower LDL Cholesterol and Alter Red Blood Cell Formation Via Changes in Gene Expression
- Potassium Intake May be Linked to Stroke Risk
- Valerian Root Helps Sleep Quality in Postmenopausal Women
- Specific Dietary Modifications (Viscous Fiber, Plant Sterols, Soy and Nuts) Significantly Reduce Serum LDL Cholesterol
- Vitamin D Related to Reduced Mortality
- Exposure to Perfluorocarbons is Linked to the Onset of Menopause
- Despite Supplement Use, Americans Still Not Getting Enough Calcium
- Oat Bran Shown to Improve Numerous Blood Factors that Improve Health
- Dietary Fiber Helps Reduce Development of Breast Cancer
- How You Supplement with L-Carnitine for Exercise Endurance Makes a Difference
- A Few Brazil Nuts Per Day Help Cholesterol Levels
- Are You Taking Enough Omega-3 for Heart Health
- L-Theanine Found to Affect Anxiety and Reaction Time
- Study Suggests Multivitamin Supplementation Could Significantly Benefit the Elderly
- Review Finds Omega-3 Fats Beneficial for Arterial Stiffness
- Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Oxidative Stress
- Creatine Found to Help with Blood Sugar Health
- Supplements to Add to Your Beach Bag this Summer
- Moderate Intake of Selenium May Allow Essential Selenium Utilizing Proteins to Function at the Expense of Non-Essential Selenium Proteins: Triage Theory
- Could Supplementing Have Effect on Autism? – Informed Opinion
- Omega-3 Oils for Elderly Depression
- Dietary Fiber and Breast Cancer Risk
- Study Shows Pecans to Possess Antioxidant Potential
- Antioxidants for Oxidative Stress in Overweight & Obese Adults
- Type II Diabetes Mellitus – 2011 Research Summary
- Fish and Nut Consumption May Help with Inflammation in Older Women
- Resveratrol For Diabetes?
- Whey Protein May Help Offset Health Problems of Western Diet
- Electromagnetic Radiation from Cell Phone Exposure Effects Brain Activity
- Chondroitin Shows Quick Benefits to Knee Health
- Melatonin: A Potential Protector from DNA Damage Caused by Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
- Omega-3 Oils Reduce Obesity Related Disease Risk
- Research Review Finds Lycopene Benefits High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
- Probiotics For Childhood Constipation
- Could Potassium Lower the Risk of Stroke?
- Omega-3 Fats Help Depression Health in the Elderly
- Branched-Chain Amino Acid Intake Linked To Obesity
- Omega-3 Fats Show Promise for Maintaining Mental Health
- Green Tea and Tai Chi Improve Osteopenia and Muscle Strength
- Effects of Black Currant Anthocyanins on Open-Angle Glaucoma
- Broccoli Sprouts Improve Insulin Sensitivity in Diabetics
- Argan Oil Improves Heart Health
- Effects of L-Theanine and Caffeine on Blood Pressure Under Stress
- Ginger and Cinnamon for Helicobacter-Induced Dyspepsia
- Supplement Combination Improves Liver Health
- Probiotic Lozenges Benefit Dental Health
- Gluten-Free Diet Benefits Schizophrenics with Specific Blood Make-Up
- Vitamin E Shows Promise For Bone Health After Menopause
- Eucalyptus Shows Promise for Lung Health
- Strict Low-Carb Diet Improves Mental Health
- Study Examines Smoking’s Effect on Different Types of Lung Cancer Risk
- CLA for Weight Loss
- Supplementation Shown to Decrease Infant Mortality
- Cherry Consumption Reduces Gout Recurrences
- Study Exhibits Sedative Effect of Non-Alcoholic Beer
- Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines May Cause Rare Cases of Death
- Acupuncture may Help Menopausal Women with Hot Flashes
- Aloe Vera Gel Helps with Blood Sugar and Cholesterol in Diabetics
- Ginger on Stomach Problems in Osteoarthritic Patients
- Vitamin D Blood Levels may Influence Multiple Sclerosis Risk
- Safety of Tryptophan
- Delta-Tocopherol and Colon Cancer
- Mouse Study shows Hope for Lemongrass and Breast Cell Health
- Gamma-Tocopherol and Metabolic Syndrome
- Peppermint Oil Effective for Itching during Pregnancy
- Meal Timing and Composition on Weight-loss
- Vitamin D Levels Linked to Mobility in the Elderly
- Magnesium Clears up Mucus and Improves Breathing in Cystic Fibrosis Patients
- Astaxanthin and Aging
- Migraine Relief with Lavender Essential Oil
- Chemotherapy – Induced Nausea and Ginger
- Study Suggests Magnesium may Improve Sleep Quality
- Ashwagandha Root Shows Promise for Anxiety and Stress
- Preventing Diabetes
- Metabolic Syndrome and L-Arginine
- Mannitol Helps Lung Function in Cystic Fibrosis Patients
- Pollution Increases Blood Pressure
- Air Pollution and Mortality
- B Vitamins and Blood Pressure
- Quercetin with Vitamin C Improves Inflammation Levels
- Effects of Rosemary Essential Oil on Mood and Memory
- Rice Bran Oil and Cholesterol
- Can Tomatoes Reduce the Risk of Stroke?
- The Great Debate of Soy and Breast Cancer
- Review Finds Vitamin C to Benefit Blood Pressure Health
- Vitamin K May Help Blood Sugar Health
- Benefits of Soy for Postmenopausal Women
- Resistant Starch Improves Cardiovascular Health
- Acupuncture May Benefit Lung Health
- Branched Chain Amino Acids Help Muscle Recovery
- Vitamin D Blood Levels Shown to Influence Insulin Health
- Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Critical Illness in Children
- Improving Recovery After Hemorrhagic Strokes
- Carotenoid Blood Levels May Affect Breast Cell Health
- Grape Polyphenols Improve Blood Pressure Health in Those with Metabolic Disease
- Glucosamine, Chondroitin and Fish Oil Lower Inflammation
- Vitamin C Deficiency During Pregnancy May Affect Fetal Brain
- Omega-3 Fats May Benefit Mental Health in the Elderly
- Link Between Vitamin D and Mild Memory Loss
- Improving Reading and Behavior in School Aged Children
- B Vitamins and Colorectal Health
- Improving Vision in Macular Degeneration
- Vitamin D May Help Low-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients
- Research Review Shows Benefit to Protein Supplementation in Diet
- Artificial Butter Flavoring Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
- Flaxseed May Help Inflammation Health in Patients with Kidney Disease
- Rheumatoid Arthritis and Krill Oil
- Vitamin D May Benefit Lung Health
- Whole Grain Consumption and Type 2 Diabetes
- Curcumin Beneficial for Rheumatoid Joint Health
- Iron May Benefit Low Birth Weight Infants
- Flaxseed Improves Heart Health in Dialysis Patients
- Omega-3 Fats and CoQ10 Found to Benefit Prostate Health
- Beans and Legumes as Part of a Healthy Diet for Diabetes and Heart Health
- CoQ10 May Offer Help After a Heart Attack
- Curcumin Helps Blood Vessel Health in Postmenopausal Women
- Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease
- Magnesium Review Finds Possible Benefit for Colorectal Health
- Lycopene May Help Vascular Health in Men
- Zinc May Help Lung Health In Children
- Hope for Fibromyalgia and Headaches
- Research Review Links Vegetarian Diet to Better Cellular Health
- Royal Jelly: What Is It and What Does It Do?
- Omega-3 Supplements May Help with Longevity
- Walnuts May Help Fertility Health In Men
- Magnesium May Benefit Lung Health in Children
- Vitamin D Blood Levels Linked to Both Heart and Overall Health
- Almonds Help Inflammation Health in Diabetics
- Diabetes and Cholesterol Lowering Pharmaceuticals Associated with Cataracts
- Beta-Glucan Fiber May Benefit Metabolic Health
- Brazilian Nut Consumption Improves Health in Obese Women
- Krill Oil Superior to Fish Oil in Fighting Effects of Obesity
- Physical Exercise Helps Both Mind and Body in Elderly
- Trichloroethylene Solvent Exposure May Increase the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease
- Psyllium Found to Benefit Metabolic Health
- Quercetin Shows Hope in Helping with Metabolic Syndrome
- A Bowl of Berries a Day Helps Keep the Doctor Away
- Review Shows CoQ10 Beneficial for Blood Vessel Health
- Anti-Aging with Antioxidants
- Improving Diabetes with Resveratrol
- Olive Oil Intake Now Linked to Decreased Mortality
- Chromium: An Important Mineral for Diabetes
- Selenium and Prostate Cancer: Finding the Happy Medium
- Iron Supplementation Helps Fatigue in Women Without Anemia
- Study Estimates the Costs of Physical Inactivity
- Chia Seeds May Benefit Omega-3 Health in Postmenopausal Women
- Study Links Vitamin E to Liver Health
- Blood Sugar Problems? Consider Cinnamon
- Pycnogenol Reduces Clogged Arteries
- Conquer Fatigue With Ornithine
- Roundtable Reaffirms Need for Increased Fiber in American Diet
- Support Heart Health With Green Tea Extract
- Folic Acid early in Pregnancy May Benefit Mental Health in Newborns
- Vitamin D With Calcium Improves Overall Health in Elderly
- Whole Grains Continue to Help Blood Sugar and Heart Health
- Omega-3 Fats Help With Irregular Heartbeat
- Bone Health After Menopause
- Study Suggests L-Carnitine as a New Supplement for Huntington’s Disease Patients
- Increased Quality of Life With the Mediterranean Diet
- Omega-3 Fats May Benefit Late-Life Depression in the Elderly
- Fiber Lowers Inflammation Due to Body Fat in Teens
- Vitamin B6 Linked to Inflammation Health
- Vitamin D Shows Benefits for Eye Health
- Vitamin D is Easy Way to Help Maintain Health After Menopause
- Study Identifies “Reassuring” Vitamin D Levels for Health in the Elderly
- Folic Acid Improves Blood Vessel Health in Ill Patients
- Role of Magnesium in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
- Study Links Vitamin D Levels to Metabolic Health
- Folic Acid Early Benefits Blood Pressure Health Later
- Vitamin D Benefits Blood Sugar Health in Those at Risk for Diabetes
- Berries Shown to Delay Cognitive Decline
- Vitamin D Shown to Lower the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Vitamin B12 Supplementation Benefits Vegetarians
- Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation Levels Necessary for Prevention of DNA Damage
- Review Finds Multiple Health Benefits of Pistachios
- Red Meat Linked to Premature Death
- Review Shows Benefit of Soy for Postmenopausal Health
- Taurine Can Decrease the Risk of Heart Disease in Women
- Olive Oil and Walnut Consumption Linked to Mental Health in Elderly
- Consumption of Trans Fats Leads to Irritability and Aggression
- Vitamin A Intake Linked to Skin Health in Women
- Omega-3 Blood Levels Linked to Altered Brain Circulation
- Vitamin D Shows Promise for Viral Health
- Glycemic Index Helps with Inflammation Levels in Obese People
- Vitamin A and Omega-3 Fat Combine to Help Eye Health
- Vitamin D Deficiency-A Significant Health Concern in Elderly
- Diets High in Soluble Fiber Shown to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
- Fiber Intake May Help Pancreas Health
- Magnesium Shows Promise for Blood Pressure Health
- A Link Between Diabetes and Vitamin D Levels
- Study Identifies Three Markers of Mental Aging
- Study Examines Lutein’s Role in Eye Health
- Acupuncture and Counselling Similarly Effective in Alleviating Depression
- Curcumin Clears Cervical Human Papillomavirus Infection
- Vitamin D Improves Symptoms of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Music Therapy May Reduce Agitation in Dementia
- Kimchi Improves Body Weight and Glucose Metabolism in Prediabetic Patients
- Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium Probiotic Blend Reduces Severity of Upper Respiratory Infections
- Music-Based Training Improves Mood and Thinking in Adults
- Myo-Inositol Improves Both Maternal Health During Pregnancy and Health of the Newborn
- Neurological Consequences of Aluminum Administration to Neonatal Mice
- Phyto-estrogen C. racimosa Effectively Induces Ovulation in Women With Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Carica papaya Leaves Juice for Patients With Dengue Fever and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever
- Aromatherapy Improves Sleep, Anxiety, and Vital Signs in ICU Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
- Dietary Supplementation With Coconut Milk Has Beneficial Impact on Lipid Profile
- Sage Extract Shows a Benefit as a Deodorant
- N. Sativa Oil Benefits Blood Pressure
- Vitamin D May Benefit Women With Fibromyalgia
- Aromatherapy Decreases Anxiety Before Surgery
- If You Give a Mouse a Migraine, will He Ask for St. John’s Wort?
- Hibiscus Found Beneficial for Obese Adolescents
- Study Further Links Cooked Red Meat to Increased Colon Cancer Risk
- Multispecies Probiotics and Diabetes
- Silymarin May Benefit Those With Thalassemia
- Wild Blueberry Improves Digestive Health
- Nicotine in Peppers Decreases Parkinson’s Disease Risk
- Aging Successfully
- Study Showcases Several ways Lutein Benefits Heart Health
- Study Highlights Multiple Health Benefits of Olive Oil Consumption
- Gut Microbiota: A Potential Treatment for Autism
- Combined Gamma-Tocotrienol and Statin Treatment for Malignant Mesothelioma
- Combination Drug and Alternative Therapy for Mesothelioma
- Technology Shown to Disrupt Children’s Sleep Quality
- Research Review Highlights Heart Health Benefits of Coffee
- Indigenous Plant Extract Benefits Blood Vessel Health in Diabetics
- When You Eat Could Determine Your Weight Loss
- Fenugreek Protects Against Monosodium Glutamate-Induced Dyslipidemia and Oxidative Stress
- Arthritis Supplement Effective for Pain and Increases Physical Activity
- Alcohol and Passive Smoking Influence Breast Cancer Risk
- Study Links Poor Sleep to Type 2 Diabetes Risk
- Study Links Obesity to Asthma
- Panax Ginseng may Help Those with Chronic Fatigue
- Omega-3 Fats Benefit those with Dry Eye Syndrome
- Lycopene Improves both Inflammation and Cholesterol Levels in Overweight Individuals
- Probiotics Prove Effective as Adjunctive Treatment for Gum Disease
- Omega-3 Fats May Decrease Artery Calcification in Men
- Study Finds 4 Ways Garlic Benefits Diabetics
- Mediterranean Diet Supplemented with Red Yeast benefits Patients Intolerant of Statin Drugs
- Changing Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fat Intake may help with Chronic Headaches
- Resveratrol Improves Blood Sugar Control in Diabetics
- Flaxseed Found to Benefit High Blood Pressure
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids help Manage High Triglyceride Levels
- Vitamin A May Benefit Immune System Strength In Obese Women
- Fish Oil Supplements in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Valerian Root and Lemon Balm Improve Sleep Quality During Menopause
- Mice Study Suggests Colostrum may help Fight Tuberculosis
- Hass Avocado Maintains Blood Vessel Health after Meat Ingestion
- Aspirin and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Review finds Fiber Beneficial against Cardiovascular Disease
- High Levels of Vitamin A are Important for Cystic Fibrosis
- Vitamin E Supplements Benefit Dialysis Patients
- Study Identifies Four Dietary Concerns among Those at Risk for Metabolic Syndrome
- Broccoli Antioxidant may Benefit Bone Health
- Vitamin K May Benefit Blood Vessel Health in Dialysis Patients
- Sesame Seed and Cardiovascular Health
- Folic Acid Benefits Those at Risk for Atherosclerosis
- Oatmeal Proves Superior to Ready-to-Eat Cereal in Satisfying Hunger
- Study Highlights Harm of Stomach Medications on Vitamin B12 Levels
- High Vitamin D Supplementation Preserves Bone Health in Postmenopausal Women
- Review Finds Fiber Intake Beneficial in Helping Control Blood Sugar
- Salt and Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis
- Effects of Vitamin D in Gestational Diabetes
- Calcium and Vitamin D Preserve Bone Density in Those on Epilepsy Drugs
- Eating Nuts may Reduce the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
- Sugar Consumption Related to Incidence of Endometrial Cancer
- Encouragement for Women with Depression
- Review Finds Tea Beneficial Against Cardiovascular Disease
- Fish Oil Improves Prostate Cancer Measures
- Understanding the Restorative Function of Sleep
- Low Levels of Vitamin D during Pregnancy May Lead to Autistic Behavior
- Parkinson’s Disease Patients Might Benefit By Vitamin D Supplementation
- Betaine Shows Muscle Health Benefits for Men
- CoQ10 Lowers Inflammation in Heart Disease
- Magnesium May Improve Insulin Resistance
- Alpha Lipoic Acid and Superoxide Dismutase may Help Low Back Pain
- Raw Garlic and Lung Cancer – Is There a Connection?
- Study Finds Two Herbs Combine to Ease Mental Stress
- Potassium Levels may be a Factor in Liver Disease
- Dairy Intake Improves Muscle Health in Older Women
- Dry Eyes? Try Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids
- Flavonol Intake may Influence Diabetes Risk
- New Finding Regarding Calcium in Postmenopausal Women
- New Findings on Improving Memory
- Multivitamin Use Improves Breast Cancer Survival in Post-Menopausal Women
- Polyphenol-Enriched Powder on Exercise-Induced Inflammation and Oxidative Stress
- Vitamin E and Calcium May Curb Harms of Consuming Cured Meats
- Probiotics Improve Lung Health in Physically Healthy Adults
- Fiber and Cardiovascular Risks
- Plant Antioxidants Linked to Longer Lifespan
- Almonds: A Healthy Snack
- Collagen Improves Joint Health
- Severe Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Rheumatoid Joint Health
- Study in Mice Offers Hope with Arginine for Blood Sugar Control
- Skipping Breakfast and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease
- Decreasing the Risk of Heart Disease in Healthy Adults
- Research Review Confirms Benefits of Antioxidants for Eye Health
- Review Suggests Dairy Intake may Benefit Blood Sugar Control
- Grape Seed and High Blood Pressure
- Vitamin D and Fibroids
- Plant Sterols Shown to Decrease Heart Attack Risk in Men
- Lycopene and Tomatoes in Heart Health
- Role of Folic Acid in Cardiovascular and Kidney Diseases
- Study Links Fruit and Vegetable Consumption to Significantly Longer Life
- Effects of Selenium and Coenzyme Q10 on Heart Health
- Eating Nuts May Help You Live Longer
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids Shown to Significantly Reduce Major Depression
- Study Finds Body Fat, Physical Activity, and Fiber Intake, All Play a Role in Obesity in Women
- Vitamin D and Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Effects of American Ginseng on Cancer-Related Fatigue
- Consumption of Dairy Fat and Breast Cancer
- Omega-3 Fats May Benefit Mental Health by Influencing Nervous System Function
- Effects of Eucalyptus Essential Oil on Pain
- Review Finds Mental Health Benefits with Multivitamin Supplementation
- Omega-3 Fat Intake May be an Indicator of Bone Health in Postmenopausal Women
- Sleep Disturbance and Prostate Cancer
- Iron Supplementation Improves Pregnancy Health
- Garlic and Dried Fruits May Help Maintain a Healthy Pregnancy
- Artificial Sweeteners Impair Metabolism
- Preliminary Review Suggests Green Tea May Benefit Blood Sugar Health
- Study Identifies Vitamin E as Disease Marker in Irregular Heartbeat
- Vitamin K1 may Help Slow Calcium Buildup in Arteries for Those on Blood Pressure Medication
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Emotions in ADHD Adolescents
- Curcumin Shown to Improve Memory
- Resveratrol Improves Blood Vessel Health in Obese Subjects
- New Findings on Effects of Curcumin on Heart Health
- Dietary Soy Isoflavone Intake Helps Inflammatory Health in Premenopausal Women
- Vitamin B6 and DNA Damage
- Coenzyme Q10 May Help Chronic Pain
- Review Finds Vitamin C Benefits Lung Health During Exercise
- The Calcium to Magnesium Ratio- Effect on Mortality
- Review Finds Magnesium Beneficial For Heart Health
- Improving Memory in the Elderly
- The Impact of Pistachios on Cholesterol Levels
- Vitamins C and E may Benefit Health in Diabetics
- Fat-Containing Foods Found to Affect Telomere Length
- The Link Between Alzheimer’s Disease and B Vitamins
- Even in Absence of Disease, Chlorella Improves Immunity Health
- Zebrafish Model for Cyanide Exposure
- Exercise Benefits Parkinson’s Patients
- Low Vitamin E Levels Linked to Decreased Bone Health
- Study Highlights Most Patients Unaware of Risks of CT Scans
- Narcolepsy Associated with Adjuvant in H1N1 Vaccine in Europe
- Eating Flaxseed for Breast Health
- Green Tea May Help Cell Health in Those with Metabolic Syndrome
- Study Links Vitamin K Deficiency to Decreased Joint Health
- L-Carnitine and Heart Disease
- Could Eating Fiber Reduce the Risk of Stroke
- Melatonin May Help Maintain Nerve Health
- Men and Women May Benefit from Different Omega-3 Fats
- Review Finds Potassium Beneficial for Heart Health
- Vegetarian Diet and Heart Disease Risk Reduction
- Vitamin D Improves Muscle Health
- Improving Bone Health in Postmenopausal Women
- Olive Oil May Help Insulin Health in Men
- Phosphatidylserine May Help Memory in Children
- Study Confirms Vitamin D’s Benefit to Breast Cell Health
- Cardiovascular Disease and the Mediterranean Diet
- Benefits of Eating Whole Grains
- Melatonin and Metabolic Syndrome
- Pycnogenol Found Beneficial for Metabolic Health
- Walnuts Associated with Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
- Review Finds Benefit of Fiber Intake for Cardiovascular Health
- Organic Pollutants and the Risk of Type II Diabetes
- Hope for Hot Flashes
- Vitamin D Levels and the Risk of Depression and Phobias
- Omega-3 Fats Help Heart Health in Dialysis Patients
- Pregnant? New Information Regarding Schizophrenia Risks
- Phthalate Urinary Metabolites Linked to Food and Personal Care Products in Mother-Child Pairs
- Neurofeedback Training for Schoolchildren with ADHD
- Lavender Oil Shows Therapeutic Efficacy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Thylakoids Reduce Hunger and Help with Weight Loss
- Ginger Powder Clinically Effective in Treatment of Common Migraine
- Glutathione Improves Skin Pigmentation and Wrinkles
- Supplementation with Bioactive Collagen Peptides Benefits Skin
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin Improve Markers of Visual Performance
- Green Coffee Associated with Improved Blood Pressure and Body Composition
- Probiotic Streptococus salivarius K12 Prevents Streptococal and Viral Pharyngotonsillitis in Children
- Study Analyzes Fiber Intake on Mortality
- Ozone Therapy Promotes Wound Healing in Diabetic Foot Ulcers
- Ozone and Laser Therapies on Recovery From Wisdom Tooth Removal
- L-Ornithine Shown to Improve Stress Levels and Sleep Quality
- L-Carnitine Improves Oxidative Stress in Coronary Artery Disease Patients
- Effect of Artificial Sweeteners on Gut Microbiota Composition and Function
- Study Highlights How Lifestyle Decreases Stroke Risk in Women
- High-Fiber Bean Diet vs Low-Carbohydrate Diet
- Curcumin Found to Benefit Crohn’s Patients
- Artificial Sweetener Aspartame Influences Gut Microbial Composition
- Personal Music Associated with Significant Pain-Relieving Effects
- Calcium and Vitamin D Improve Blood Profiles in Diabetes
- Study Identifies Dietary Contributors to Acne
- B12 Supplementation may Help Women Avoid B12 Deficiency
- Periodontal Disease Contributes to Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease
- Chamomile Extract Reduces Breast Pain Associated With Premenstrual Syndrome
- Effects of Neroli Oil Aromatherapy on Menopausal Symptoms, Stress, and Estrogen in Postmenopausal Women
- Probiotics Reduce Symptoms Associated With Antibiotic Administration
- Study Links Pesticide Drift to Nerve Damage
- Probiotics Reduce Prevalence of Eczema
- Topical Tea Tree Oil Helps With Severe Bacterial Infections
- Tyrosine Improves Reaction Time in Women
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin Improve Eye Health in Young Subjects
- Probiotic Lactobacillus in Cystic Fibrosis
- Korean Red Ginseng May Help With Cold Sensitivity in Women
- Astaxanthin Combined With Collagen for Skin Health
- Ambient Orange Scent Reduces Dental Surgery Anxiety
- Berberine Shown to Improve Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Ashwagandha Shown to Improve Reaction Time in Men
- Curcuminoids Lower Atherogenesis Risk in Type-2 Diabetes Patients
- Study Suggests Fenugreek May Help Medications Treat Parkinson’s Disease
- Ginger Benefits Those With Liver Disease
- Study Identifies Legumes to be Most Related to Lifespan
- Study Finds Effective Formulation for Motion Sickness in Children
- Calcium And Vitamin D Supplementation Give Numerous Benefits For Those With Gestational Diabetes
- Glutathione Supplementation Increases Body Stores, may be Significant for Overall Health Maintenance
- Low Vitamin D and Brain Health in Older Adults
- Curcumin, Cancer, Bowel and Liver Disease
- Study moves Closer to Explaining Health Benefits of Organic Produce
- Report Seeks New Gluten Sensitivity Definition to Properly Define Condition’s Diversity
- Pycnogenol Shown to Improve Meniere’s Disease and Ringing in the Ear
- Autism, Developmental Disorders, and Pesticides
- Supplementing with Magnesium to Improve Physical Performance in Healthy Elderly Women
- Beta Alanine Improves Performance in Cyclists
- Chlorella Shown to Improve Cholesterol Levels
- Vitamin D Improves Heart Muscle Strength in Those with Heart Failure
- Study Further Shows Benefits of Antioxidant Intake on Inflammation
- Study Links Calcium Supplement to Brain Lesions
- Arginine Improves Performance of Wrestlers
- Spirulina may Improve Blood Lipid Levels
- Review Confirms Detrimental Effect of Chronic Sugar Intake on Blood Pressure
- CoQ10 Affects Enzyme Levels Predictive of Chronic Disease in Men
- New Discovery of Natural Compounds to Combat Cancer
- Glucosamine and Chondroitin Comparable to Medication for Knee Arthritis
- Niacin Lessens Alcoholic Fatty Liver in Rats
- Fenugreek for Painful Periods
- Vitamin D Shows Benefits to Liver Health
- Study Reviews Liver-Protective Foods
- Ginger for Menstrual Pain Relief
- High-Protein Snack Improves Perception of Hunger and Eating Habits in Women
- Increased Health Risks to Children from Smartphone/Tablet Radiation
- Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Decreased Lung Health in the Elderly
- Rutin and Quercetin Protect Bone Marrow Against Harms of Radiation Therapy
- Sesame Oil Pulling Proves Effective for Bad Breath
- Study Links Sugar-Sweetened Beverages to Stroke Risk
- Coenzyme Q10 in Heart Failure
- Folic Acid Helps Those with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Cumin Powder Shown to Reduce Markers of Heart Disease
- Indole-3-Carbinol (Broccoli-Related) Lessens Effects of BPA Exposure in Rats
- Curcumin Benefits Those with Metabolic Syndrome
- Vitamin D Improves Activity Levels in Elderly Women with Type 2 Diabetes
- Diet and Alzheimer’s Disease: Brain Imaging Study
- Berberine Shown to Help Women with PCOS Undergoing IVF Treatment
- Boswellia Helps Brain Function in Those with Multiple Sclerosis
- Herbal Combination Helps Alzheimer’s Patients Battle Dementia
- Cactus Fiber Effective in Decreasing Fat Absorption
- Increasing Dietary Selenium may Accelerate Mesothelioma Growth
- Cinnamon Shown to Improve Perineal Pain and Healing of Episiotomy
- Aloe Vera and Myrrh Benefit Common Mouth Ulcers
- Sage Aromatherapy Shown to Improve Depression Markers
- Grapeseed Extract Improves Menopause Symptoms
- Plant Extract may Help with Uterine Fibroids
- Inosine Supplementation may Help Parkinson’s Patients
- Chamomile Tea helps with Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms
- Diabetes Prevention with Mediterranean Diets
- Whey Protein Improves Health of Young-Adult Cystic Fibrosis Patients
- Omega-3 Blood Levels Correlated to Brain Volume in Postmenopausal Women
- Low Intake of Vitamin E Associated with Increased Fracture Risk
- Cranberry may Prove Useful for Elderly at High Risk for Urinary Tract Infections
- Grape Seed Extract Eases Pain associated with Cancer Treatment and Destroys Cancer Cells
- Vitamin D Levels Predict Progression of Multiple Sclerosis
- Alpha-Tocopherol Supplementation Reduces Gamma and Beta Levels
- Cinnamon may Benefit Liver Health in Those with Liver Disease
- Krill Oil and Triglycerides
- Ginger Powder Proves Effective for Blood Sugar Health
- Higher Protein Intake Helps Protect Against Weight Loss in the Elderly
- Review finds Vegetarian Diets Beneficial for Blood Pressure
- Low Antioxidant Levels Linked to Increased Body Fat
- Review finds Omega-3 Fatty Acids Beneficial for Blood Pressure
- Cruciferous Vegetables Target Specific Proteins to help Lower Inflammation in Women
- Low Levels of Vitamin D Associated with Inflammation
- Vitamin C may Increase Survival in Women with Breast Cancer
- Study Finds Oats Helpful for Exercise-Induced Inflammation in Postmenopausal Women
- Calcium Intake and Fat Oxidation
- Physical Activity Improves Brain Health in those with Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease
- Glycemic Index and Obesity
- Ashwagandha and Reaction Time
- Low-Calorie Diets and Gallstones
- Iron Supplementation Shows Benefits In Physical Performance in Females
- Pistachio Benefits Blood Sugar Control and Inflammation Levels
- Benzodiazepines and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Resveratrol may Aid Memory in Older Adults
- Olive Oil – Sea Buckthorn Mixture Effective For Wound Healing
- Viral Treatment Boosts Immune Response to Tumor Cells in Mesothelioma Patient
- Potential Biomarkers for Malignant Mesothelioma (MM) in Asbestos Exposure and MM Patients
- Possible Biomarker for Pleural Mesothelioma Found
- Folic Acid Benefits those with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Pterostilbene in Obesity Research
- Fennel Gel Shown to Improve Hirsutism
- Carnitine For Endurance
- Resveratrol Benefits Bone Health in Obese Men
- Study Links High Body Mass Index and Low Trace Element Levels to Baldness
- Vitamin E Improves Nerve Health in Diabetics
- Rosacea
- Aspirin, NSAIDs, and Diverticular Bleeding
- Nutritional Intervention Reduces Appearance of Wrinkles
- Antioxidant Intake Improves Insulin Resistance and Decreases Inflammation in Women
- Vitamin E Helps Slow Mental Decline in Alzheimer’s Patients
- Study Finds Physical Activity Crucial to Healthy Aging
- Qigong Improves Quality of Life in Cancer Survivors
- Vitamin K2 and Bone Loss
- Study Suggests Vitamin D May Benefit Mental Health
- Green Tea Polyphenols Protect Cochlear Hair Cells from Ototoxicity
- Children with ADHD Benefit from Canine Therapy
- Quercetin-Rich Onion Skin Extract Lowers Blood Pressure in Overweight and Obese Patients
- Behavior Modification Improves Sleep and Symptoms in ADHD Children
- Blue-Light Blocking Glasses Improve Sleep-Wake Cycles in Male Youth
- Cellular Phones Are Potential Carriers for Pathogens in the Operating Room
- Mobile Phone Contamination in Intensive and Neonatal Care Units in Public Hospitals
- B12 & Folic Acid on Neurological Development in Children
- Dietary Grape Polyphenols may Modify Metabolism Through Bacteria in the Gut
- Probiotics May Reduce Negative Thoughts Associated with Sad Mood
- Rhodiola rosea Versus Sertraline for Major Depression Therapy
- Stevia Shown to be Effective Against Lyme Disease
- Telomere Length Associated with Insulin Resistance and Arterial Stiffness in Absence of Cardiovascular Disease
- Nicotinamide for Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer
- Coconut Oil Improves Cholesterol and Weight in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
- Honey Improves Rosacea Symptoms
- Cell Phone Use and Well-Being in Children
- Telomere Shortening May Be Related to Major Life Stressors
- Disrupted Sleep and Alzheimer’s – Is there a Link?
- Xylitol Protects Against Tooth Decay
- Saffron Shows Promise for Depression
- Almond Supplementation Reduces Uric Acid in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
- Coconut Oil Destroys Gut Overgrowth of Candida albicans
- Geranium Aromatherapy for Anxiety During Childbirth
- Environmental Exposure to Mercury, Lead, and Aluminum May Be Linked to Autism
- Probiotics Help Eradicate Dangerous Bacteria
- Probiotics Show Effectiveness Against Potent Bacterial Infection
- Practice of Yoga Improves Levels of Inflammatory Markers Following Exercise
- Topical Olive Oil Benefits Foot Ulcer Healing in Diabetics
- Tree Nut Consumption Improves Diet Quality
- Menaqinone -7 Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Curcumin Reduces Adipose Tissue and Aids Weight Loss
- N-Acetylcysteine Affects Lung Function in Cystic Fibrosis
- Amino Acid May Benefit Physical Performance in Elderly Women
- Collagen Peptide Shown to Improve Healthy Skin Structure
- Music and Vibration Therapy Improve Fibromyalgia Symptoms in Women
- Collagen Peptides Improve Cellulite Health in Women
- Pycnogenol and CoQ10-Based Skin Supplement Benefits Skin Health
- High-Dose B-Vitamin Therapy May Benefit Parkinson’s Patients
- Probiotics Improve Antibiotics Effect on Infections in Women
- Lavender May Benefit Mental Health for Women During Pregnancy
- Argan Oil Consumption Improves Skin Health in Postmenopausal Women
- Boswellia Helps Preserve Skin Health After Breast Cancer Radiation Treatment
- Lavender Tea Benefits Mothers After Giving Birth
- Pure Epicatechin and Quercetin May Help Reduce Endothelial Dysfunction and Inflammation in Pre-Hypertensive Patients
- Dark Chocolate Improves Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure in Diabetics
- Trigonella (Fenugreek) Improves Sexual Function in Women
- Chromium Improves Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Fennel Vaginal Cream Shown to Improve Vaginal Atrophy
- Ashwagandha Benefits Both Strength and Recovery
- Ashwagandha Improves Endurance and Quality of Life in Adults
- Grape Seed Extract May Help With Skin Conditions
- Topical Chamomile Helps Urination Control in Children
- Lactobacillus Shows Benefits for Lactose Intolerance
- Coconut Oil Pulling Improves Gum Health
- Olive Leaf Extract Improves Blood Vessel Health
- Mushroom Improves Immune System Strength in Men
- Pumpkin Seed Benefits Prostate Health
- Saffron Supplements Improve Cell Health in Those With Metabolic Syndrome
- Bee Pollen and Honey for Alleviating Hot Flashes
- Honey Shows Effectiveness for Diabetic Ulcers
- Probiotic Chewing Tablets Improve Oral Health in Children
- Probiotics Shown to Decrease Dental Cavities
- Olive Leaf Extract Shown to Improve Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels
- Probiotics May Benefit Diabetes During Pregnancy
- Curcumin Improves Action of Antidepressants in Men
- Study Links Low Vitamin D Status and Hospitalization Delirium
- Exercise During Pregnancy Decreases Risk of Gestational Diabetes
- Maternal Iron Status Shown to Affect Birth Outcomes
- Mediterranean Diet Improves Cognitive Function in Elderly Subjects
- Low Vitamin D Levels Associated with Cardiovascular Disease
- Exercise may Offer Similar Health Benefits as Smoking Cessation
- “Very Low” Vitamin D Levels Increase Risk of Death from Frailty
- Whey, Leucine, and Vitamin D Preserve Muscle Mass during Weight Loss
- Low Vitamin D Levels Associated with Arthritis
- Vitamin K1 Improves Blood Sugar Health in Prediabetic Women
- Study Links Low Vitamin E Levels to Poor Dental Health
- Protein Supplementation Before Bed Increases both Muscle Mass and Strength in Healthy Men
- Melatonin Improves Sleep Quality in Intensive Care Patients
- Maca Root Shown to Improve Anti-Depressant-Induced Sexual Dysfunction in Women
- Biomarkers Improve Malignant Mesothelioma Diagnosis
- Selenium Shows Promise for Women’s Health
- Supplementing with Chromium shown to Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk
- Study Review Links more Potassium and Less Sodium to Healthier Blood Pressure
- Whole Grains, Cereal Fiber and Death
- Anxiety Disorder Research: Curcumin Boosts Brain DHA in Rat Study
- “MIND Diet” Benefits Alzheimer’s Patients
- Study Suggests Health Benefits with MSM Supplementation
- Effects of Fish Oil and Strength Training on the Immune System in Older Women
- Study Strengthens Link Between Increased Sugar Intake and Cardiovascular Disease
- Flaxseed Helps Medications Further Improve Cholesterol Levels
- Zinc and Selenium Improve Thyroid Function in Obese, Hypothyroid Women
- Magnesium and Potassium Found to Influence Stroke Risk
- Supplemental DHA Benefits Breast Milk and Infant Brain Health
- Vitamin D Levels Related to Spine Bone Health
- Review Finds Vitamin E Effective for C-Reactive Protein Levels
- Silymarin may Benefit Diabetics
- CoQ10 and Selenium Improve Long-Term Heart Health
- Aspirin in the Treatment of Mesothelioma
- Selenium Improves Maternal Health During Pregnancy
- Royal Jelly Bestows Insulin Benefits to Diabetics
- Fenugreek in the Prevention of Diabetes in Prediabetics
- Probiotic Yeast Effective for Antibiotics-Induced Diarrhea
- Rhodiola Benefits those with Lung Disease
- High-Dose Vitamin D Strengthens Immune System in HIV-Infected Subjects
- Vitamin E Deficiency Observed in Young American Adults
- Study Links Fiber Intake to Lower Blood Pressure
- Asbestos Exposure and Smoking Together Increase Lung Cancer Risk more than Separately
- Study Documents Changes in Eye Function after Lutein/Zeaxanthin Supplementation
- Iodine Supplementation Shown to Improve Thyroid Function and Cholesterol Levels
- Chromium Picolinate Provides Several Benefits to Diabetics
- Study Offers Ways to Minimize Cell Damage from Cooked Foods
- Cigarette Smoking and Cardiovascular Health Update
- Effects of Soy on Bone Retention
- Smartphone Use Found to Influence Brain Activity
- Vitamin D may offer Help for Crohn’s Patients
- Cranberry Extract Improves Bladder Health in Prostate Cancer Patients
- Selenium Levels Linked to Colorectal Cancer Risk in Women
- Rapeseed/Canola Oil Improves Liver Health and Inflammation Levels in Obese Men
- Review finds Vitamin E Beneficial for Liver Health
- Study Identifies Two Different Diets that Benefit Children and Their Parents
- Vitamin K7 Improves Blood Vessel Health in Postmenopausal Women
- Vitamins K and D Found to Work Together to Benefit Bone Health
- Study Suggests Glucosamine and Chondroitin Benefits may go Beyond Joint Health
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Attention
- Brain Health and Exercise
- Study Links Low Vitamin D Levels to Depression in Healthy Women
- Study Suggests Supplement for Hair Loss in Women
- Vitamin K Supplementation Shown to Improve Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels
- Ginseng Helps Cancer Patients Deal With Fatigue
- Review Confirms Fiber’s Benefits in Reducing Risk of Death from all Causes
- Pea Protein Proves Effective Alternative to Whey for Muscle Strength and Size
- Pranayama Yoga Improves Lung Function in Healthy Individuals
- Fish Oil and Olive Oil Improve Blood and Cellular Health in Those with Metabolic Syndrome
- Folic Acid Levels Linked to Hearing Health
- Almonds Improve Blood Profiles and Decrease Belly Fat in Healthy Subjects
- Chlorogenic Acid Found Beneficial for Blood Pressure
- Boswellia Maintains Skin Health in Women Undergoing Radiation Therapy
- Krill Oil Improves Immune System Strength after Strenuous Exercise
- Cranberry Juice Improves Cardiovascular and Diabetic Risk Factors
- Lavender Essential Oil Shown to Improve Sleep Quality
- Resveratrol may Benefit Alzheimer’s Patients
- Ginger Helps with Muscle Soreness from Running
- Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) Increase Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
- Walnuts, Melatonin and PUFAS Together Against Breast Cancer
- Probiotics Benefit Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Health in Diabetics
- Krill Oil shown to Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Those with Diabetes
- Vitamin B-12 with Omega-3 Fats help with Inflammatory Proteins in Cardiovascular Disease
- Vitamin C: A Cancer Fighting Agent
- Exercise has Lasting Effects on Increasing Steadiness in the Elderly
- African Diet Swap Experiment – Colon Cancer Prevention
- Nut Consumption Improves Numerous Measures of Heart Health
- Fish Oil Shown to Improve Symptoms of Dry Eyes from Computer Vision Syndrome
- Blueberries Improve Blood Pressure Health in Postmenopausal Women
- Magnesium Benefits Blood Sugar Control During Pregnancy
- Study Links Lifestyle Habits to Lower Cardiovascular Problems
- B-Vitamins and Omega-3 Fats Maintain Brain Health in the Elderly
- Higher Olive Oil Intake Associated with Decreased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
- Weight Training and Jump Training Improve Bone Density in Men
- Photo-Immunotherapy for Circulating Tumor Cells
- Magnesium shown to Improve Pre-Diabetes
- Creatine helps Maintain Hip Bone Density in Postmenopausal Women
- Possible Predictive Biomarker for Mesothelioma
- Olive Oil Improves LDL Cholesterol Health in Men
- Vitamins C and E help with Inflammation Levels after Lithotripsy
- Artichoke Leaf Extract in the Treatment of Pleural Mesothelioma
- Malignant Mesothelioma in the Young
- Study Suggest Link between Trace Elements and Glaucoma
- Protein Intake Increases Muscle Mass and Strength in Elderly
- Meals on Wheels Delivering Vitamin D Benefits to Elderly
- Review shows Even Small Amounts of Exercise Benefit the Elderly
- Study Finds GABA Supplementation Improves Decision Making
- Omega-3 Oils Shown to Decrease Occurrence of Psychotic Disorder
- Study Suggests HMB may Benefit Endurance Athletes
- Vitamin B-12 Deficiency Associated with Absenteeism and Grade Repetition in Students
- Carotenoids in Breast Cancer Prevention
- Astaxanthin Lowers Stress and Improves Cell Health in Soccer Players
- Omega-3 Fats Improve Behavior In Children
- Serum Survivin as a Biomarker for Malignant Mesothelioma
- L-Citrulline Found to Improve Exercise Performance
- Study Shows Benefit of Vegetarian Diet in Helping Protect against Colorectal Cancer
- Behaviors Affect Telomeres
- Bergamot Reduces Plasma Lipids and Reduces Markers of Atherosclerosis in Individuals with Hypercholesterolemia
- Rehydration with Fructose -Sweetened Drinks Exacerbates Dehydration and Associated Renal Injury
- Rosemary Extract Protects Against Harmful Effects of Mobile Phone Electromagnetic Radiation
- Cigarette Smoking Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease in African Americans
- Does Supplementation with Lactobacillus casei Shirota Prevent Aflotoxin Absorption?
- Ultra-Processed Foods Contain Added Sugars
- Lead and Phthalate Concentrations Associated with Behavioral Outcomes in Children
- Benefits of Non-viable Lactobacillus Gasseri on Gut Environment and Function
- Evidence for Maternal-Fetal-Infant Transfer of Phthalates
- Bisphenol A Associated with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children
- Prenatal Exposure to Benzophenone-3 Associated with Hirschsprung’s Disease
- Resveratrol Reduces Atherosclerosis by Altering Gut Microbiota
- Monacolin K from Red Yeast Rice Improves LDL in High Cholesterol Subjects
- Rutin-Rich Tartary Buckwheat Benefits Body Composition and Antioxidant Capacity
- Folic Acid Supplementation May Improve Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms
- Tai Chi Qigong Improves Sleep in Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment
- Lactobacillus Plantarum CCFM8610 Binds with Cadmium to Protect the Intestinal Barrier
- Lactobacillus Plantarium CCFM639 Protects against Aluminum-Induced Gut Injury
- Apigenin Alleviates Dyslipidemia and Hepatic Steatosis in Obese Mice
- Medical Marijuana for Migraines
- Wild Blueberry Supplementation Improves Cognitive Performance of Children
- Hormone Therapy Improves Lipid Profile and Oxidative Stress in Postmenopausal Women with Metabolic Syndrome
- A Comparison of Topical Nigella Sativa Oil and Acetaminophen for Knee Osteoarthritis Pain
- Amino Acid Citrulline Mitigates Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Associated with Western Diet
- Aromatherapy and Reflexology for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Chronic Exposure to Pesticide Chlorpyrifos Associated with Changes in Intestinal Microbiota
- Pesticide Use May Increase Risk of End-stage Renal Disease
- Allergies Affect the Adult Fecal Microbiota
- Dark Chocolate Shown to Improve Cardiovascular Health
- Exposure to Pesticides Increases Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Women
- Rosemary and Grapefruit Combination Help Preserve Skin Health
- Mobile Phone Radiation Associated with Genotoxic Effects
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine Improves Symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy
- Herbal Mouthwash Effective for Gingivitis
- Essential Oil Piper Nigrum Shown to Help Pain
- Dried Plum Benefits Bone Density in Women
- Effects of Music on Pain in Fibromyalgia
- Carotenoid Supplementation Improves Eye Glare and Fatigue
- Biofield Therapy Helps With Carpal Tunnel Pain and Symptoms
- DHA and Fish Oil Shown to Improve the Brain After Stroke
- Folic Acid Reduces Neuroinflammation and Improves Cognitive Function in Older Adults
- Study Suggests Link Between Vitamin E and Bone Health in Women
- Curcumin Helpful in Treatment of Oral Leukoplakia
- Vitamin B-12 (Methyl) for Children With Autism
- Ashwagandha Extract Significantly Reduces Knee Joint Pain
- Supplementation With L-leucine, Vitamin D3 and Medium-Chain Triglycerides Shown to Increase Muscle Strength in Frail Elderly Adults
- Probiotic Lactobacillus Helveticus Lowers Cholesterol in a Mouse Study
- Elderberry Reduces Cold Duration and Symptom Severity in Air Travelers
- Interventions Based on Music and Massage Can Alleviate Pain and Anxiety in Burn Patients
- Multiple Benefits of Urtica Dioica in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
- Collagen Hydrolysates Improve Skin Health and Reduce Signs of Facial Aging
- Coenzyme Q10 Plus Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Reduces Maximum Heart Rate During Exercise and Improves Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- High Sucrose Consumption Associated With Increased Risk of Coronary Event
- Montmorency Tart Cherries Can Acutely Influence Vascular Function
- Akkermansia muciniphila Bacterium Associated With Improved Metabolic Health and Better Clinical Outcomes in Obese Individuals
- Green Tea Extract Can Improve the Serum Lipid Profile of Postmenopausal Women
- Biomarkers of Mercury Exposure Predictive of Autism Severity in Children
- High-Intensity Hatha Yoga Significantly Increases Apolipoproteins and Adipocytokines With the Potential to Improve Cardiovascular Fitness
- Aromatherapy for Perennial Allergic Rhinitis
- Lavender Aromatherapy Reduces Anxiety and Cortisol in Open-Heart Surgery Candidates
- Heat-Killed Lactobacillus brevis Improves Dry Skin
- Aromatherapy Helps Thyroid Cancer Patients
- Chamomile Shown to Improve Anxiety Disorder
- Do Radiofrequencies From Wi-Fi Devices Release Mercury From Amalgam Fillings?
- Peppermint Oil Shown to Help Chronic Itching
- Wheat Protein Shows Muscle-Building Properties in Men
- Caraway Aqueous Extract Associated With Slimming and Appetite-Suppressing Effects
- Yoga and Meditation Improve Stress Levels and Sense of Well Being in Students
- Can DHA Supplementation Lessen the Effects of Football Head Injuries?
- Yeast-Derived Beta Glucans May Protect against Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Older Adults
- Inverse Relationship Between Chocolate Consumption and Insulin Resistance and Liver Enzyme Levels
- Nigella Sativa Oil Improves Inflammatory Biomarkers in Obese Women
- Combined Vitamin D-K-Calcium Supplementation Improves Health Status of Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Does a Diet High in Linoleic Acid Prevent Coronary Heart Disease?
- Probiotics Improve Gum Health
- Herbal Extracts With Gastroprotective Properties Help Treat Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Phenolic-Rich Olive Leaf Extract Beneficial for Blood Pressure and General Vascular Health
- Counteracting Bisphenol-A (BPA) in Pregnancy: A Rat Study
- Cranberry Extract Improves Urinary Tract Health in Men With Prostate Problems
- Camellia Oil-Enriched Diet Reduces Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Individuals With High Cholesterol
- Pomegranate Extract Improves Inflammation Levels in Obese Subjects
- Aromatherapy Oil Inhalation Significantly Reduces Perennial Allergic Rhinitis and Hypersensitivity Factors
- Mindfulness Meditation Mitigates Pain Through Endogenous Opioid Pathways
- Using Placebo Intervention to Treat Nausea in Women
- Bitter Hop Acids Decrease Body Fat in Healthy Subjects
- Fish Oil in Pregnancy Shown to Lessen Asthma in Children
- Aroma Works Through Various Means to Influence Cognitive and Physiological Function After Stress Exposure
- L-Arginine and B Vitamins Could Help Lower Blood Pressure
- Tea Consumption Reduces the Occurrence of Neurocognitive Disorders in Elderly
- Carnitine Shown to Improve Weight and Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Nigella Sativa Benefits Thyroid Health
- Collagen Supplement Improves Arthritis Symptoms
- Creatine Helps Build Muscle in the Elderly
- Study Highlights Importance of Omega-3 Supplementation During Pregnancy
- Ginseng Shown to Improve Wrinkles
- Study Links Medication to Osteoporosis Risk in Women
- Lactobacillus Bacteria Benefits Skin Health in Japanese Subjects
- Saccharomyces Yeast Probiotic in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Trial
- Probiotics Improve Breast Milk Quality in Nursing Mothers
- Bilberries Shown to Improve Cholesterol Levels
- Chamomile and Linseed Combination Benefit Dry Mouth Symptoms
- Cured Meat Intake Linked to Increased Asthma Symptoms
- Ashwagandha Shown to Help Patients With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Study Links Hearing Loss to Iron Deficiency Anemia
- Review Finds Barley Beta-Glucan Beneficial for Several Measures of Heart Health
- Dietary Omega-3 PUFAs: In Behavior, Brain Development, and Gut Microbes
- Coenzyme Q10 may Benefit Children With Down Syndrome
- Beet Juice Shown to Improve Blood Pressure
- Natural Remedies for Cyclical Breast Pain
- High Dose Vitamin D Shown to Improve Gestational Diabetes
- Lycopene and Lutein Supplementation Protects Skin Health
- Vitamin D May Benefit Children With Autism
- Supplemental Vitamin C and E May Benefit Mental Health
- Curcumin Benefits Blood Vessel Health
- Vitamin E With Exercise May Improve Lung Health in Elderly Smokers
- Chlorella Blocks Cholesterol Increase From Egg Consumption
- Peppermint Oil Capsules Benefit Those With Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Sorghum Bicolor Extract in Preoperative Anemia
- Coenzyme Q10 Reduces Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Factors in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients
- Curcumin Benefits Stress Levels
- Methods of Improving Bad Breath in Children
- Short-Term CoQ10 Supplement Maintains Cellular Health After Exercise
- Formulated Curcumin Benefits Liver Health
- Marine Complex Supplement Reveals Significant Hair Growth in Men With Androgenic Alopecia
- Folic Acid-Fortified Milk Benefits Asian Populations
- Herbicide and Sun Exposure in the Risk for Melanoma
- Probiotic Supplement Benefits Preterm Infant Health
- Tomato Extract Protects LDL Cholesterol from Oxidation in Healthy Subjects
- Study Cites Benefits but Caution Regarding Iodine
- Fish Oil Shown to Help Those with Familial High Cholesterol
- Probiotics for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Constipation
- Cranberry Extract (Proantocyanidin-A) Reduces Factors to Recurrent UTI by E. Coli
- Onion Peel/Quercetin Combination May Be Effective for Weight Loss
- Megadose of Vitamin A Lowers Vitamin E in Colostrum
- Chinese Herbal Combination Improves Muscle Recovery From Exercise in Men
- Seabuckthorn Seed Oil Reduces Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Hypertension in Human Subjects
- Quercetin Helps Reduce Plasma Uric Acid Levels in Pre-Hyperuricaemic Males
- True Love for Chocolate and the Heart
- Fenugreek Shown to Alleviate Symptoms of Menopause
- Study Highlights Health Benefits of Maca Extract
- L-Theanine Continues to Show Mental Health Benefits
- Folic Acid May Benefit Female Reproductive Health
- Aloe Vera Gel Improves Dental Health in Diabetics
- Probiotics for Constipation in Parkinson Patients
- L-Carnitine Benefits Patients with Hypothyroidism
- Strong Association With Selenium and Selenoprotein P to Hepatobiliary Cancer
- Vitamin D Deficiency Strongly Associated With Dry Eye in Premenopausal Women
- Magnesium Reduces Coronary Artery Calcification
- Cinnamon Improves Memory in Prediabetics
- Gut Microbiota in Multiple Sclerosis
- Melatonin Comparable to Medications for Migraines
- The Effects of Probiotics on Depression
- Folic Acid Helps Fight Alzheimer’s Disease by Improving Inflammation Levels
- Effect of Probiotic Lactobacillus Casei Strain Shirota on Stress
- Supplement Combination Benefits Subjects After Heart Surgery
- Cocoa Intake Improves Skin Health
- Probiotics Benefit Those With Metabolic Syndrome
- Magnesium Supplementation Benefits Blood Vessel Health
- Whole Grains Shown to Improve Life Span
- Omega-3 Fats and Vitamin E Benefits Diabetics During Pregnancy
- Vitamin D Blood Levels Linked to Reduced Cancer Risk in Women
- Study Suggests Link Between Proton Pump Inhibitor and Dementia
- Study Looks at High-Dose Vitamin D for Multiple Sclerosis
- Propolis Comparable to Conventional Treatment for Oral Health
- Study Links Low Selenium Levels to Mortality in Elderly
- Eating Whole Grains may Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer
- Curcumin Reduces Inflammation in Muscles after Weight Lifting
- Supplements may Improve Behavior in Adolescent School Children
- Lowering Blood Pressure with Taurine in Prehypertension
- Vitamin A Improves Thyroid Function in Premenopausal Women
- Magnesium Containing Supplements May Help Preserve Brain Health
- Can Candida Albicans Promote Cancer?
- Grapeseed Extract Shown to Improve Blood Pressure in Pre-Hypertensive Adults
- Increased Protein at Breakfast/Lunch Increases Muscle Mass in Adults
- Impaired Calcium Signaling in Parkinson’s Disease
- L-Carnitine Accelerates Weight Loss in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Fish Oil from the Diet Beneficial for Blood Pressure, Even in Low Doses
- Cannabidiol Prevents Pain and Nerve Damage in a Rat Model of Osteoarthritis
- Resveratrol Acts as a Thyroid Disrupter in Normal Thyroid Cell Lines
- Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Intake Reduces Impact of Maternal Obesity in Offspring
- Magnesium Oxide Supplementation not Effective for Nocturnal Leg Cramps
- Living Near Major Roadways is Associated with Higher Incidence of Dementia
- Effects of Fennel on Symptoms of Menopause
- Highly Bioavailable Curcumin Mitigates Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
- Brain Recovery Continues Following Clinical Recovery among Athletes with Concussions
- Radiofrequency Radiation from Mobile Phone Base Stations Damages Human Blood Lymphocytes
- Bioavailable Isoflavones Attenuate Menopausal Symptom
- Brain Injury and the Bidirectional Gut-Brain Axis
- Vitamin D Improved Asthma Symptoms in Vitamin D Deficient Asthmatic Patients
- Topical Retinyl Palmitate May Increase Risk of Ultraviolet Radiation-Induced Skin Cancer
- Active, Passive and Electronic Cigarette Smoking Associated with Asthma in Teens
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin Improve Cognitive Function in Healthy Young Adults
- Macular Carotenoid Supplementation Protects Against Damaging Blue Light
- Radiofrequency Radiation in Swedish Schools with Wi-Fi
- Immunoxel Honey Lozenges an Adjunct to Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment
- Low-Dose Xylitol Chewing Gym Helps Prevent Dental Cavities
- D-Cycloserine Enhances Social Skills Training in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Autistic Children Benefit from Therapeutic Horseback Riding
- Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation Reduces Symptoms in Autistic Children
- Spirulina Improves Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Obese Hypertension Patients
- Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Affects Academic Performance in Children
- Oral Myoinositol and D-Chiro-Inositol Does not Reduce Incidence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
- Low -Frequency Electromagnetic Field Improves Post Stroke Rehabilitation
- Sulforaphane in Broccoli Sprouts Shown to Protect Against Gastritis and Ulcers
- Seabuckthorn Improves Diet-Induced Obesity and Associated Metabolic Disturbances
- Curcumin Improves Vascular Endothelial Function in Healthy Older Adults
- Cinnamon Supplementation Improves Metabolic Syndrome in Asian Indians
- A Polyphenolic Extract from Annurca Apples Raises HDL and Lowers LDL Cholesterol
- Thylakoid Supplementation Reduces Body Fat and Fat Cell Size in Rodent Model
- Effect of Prebiotics on Overweight and Obese Children
- Visual Fatigue From Viewing a Tablet Screen
- Effect of Ubiquinol on Antiphospholipid Syndrome
- Probiotics Shown to Improve Antioxidant Status in Breast Milk
- Green Coffee Bean Extract Improves Body Composition and Lipid Metabolism in Obese Individuals
- Apple and Blackcurrant Polyphenols Reduce Postprandial Glycemia
- Microbiota Transfer Therapy Improves Gastrointestinal and Autism Symptoms
- Cumin Oil as a Glycemic Aid in Type 2 Diabetes
- Ozone Therapy Improves Joint Pain and Function in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin Improves Cognitive Function in Older Adults
- Probiotic Yogurt and Acidified Milk Reduce Inflammation Associated with a High-Fat Diet
- Strawberry and Cranberry Polyphenols Improve Insulin Sensitivity in Overweight and Obese Adults
- Proton Pump Inhibitors Promote Alcoholic Liver Disease
- Residential Proximity to Agricultural Pesticides Affects Neurodevelopment in Children
- Occupational Pesticide Use is Associated with Increased Risk of Lung Cancer
- Mercury Exposure from Thimerosal Significantly Associated with Abnormal Brain Connectivity
- Proanthocyanidin Reduces Markers of Oxidative Stress in Army Cadets
- Tanning Salon Sunbeds Improve Vitamin D Levels
- Polysaccharide Found in Seaweed Shows Anti-Tumor Effects on Prostate Cancer
- Acute Intake of Grape and Apple Polyphenols Improves Endurance Performance
- Chronic Exposure to Blue Light from Electronic Screens Induces Retina Damage
- Curcumin Reduces Liver Fat in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- Chamomile Extract Improves Quality of Sleep in Older Adults
- Moderate Alcohol Consumption Increases Risk of Cognitive Decline
- Relationship Between Human Papillomavirus Vaccination and Risk of Autoimmune Diseases
- Beetroot Juice Improves Exercise Performance in Soccer Players
- Maternal L-Carnitine for Mothers who Smoke Improves Infant Brain Health
- Dietary Astaxanthin Protects Against UVA-Induced Skin Damage
- Acesulfame Potassium, Gut Microbiome Disruption, and Weight Gain
- Effects of Mixed-Berry Beverage on Mental and Heart Health in Healthy Older Adults
- L-Acetylcarnitine Mitigates Chronic Inflammatory and Neuropathic Pain
- Ashwagandha May Attenuate Neuroinflammation and Anxiety Associated with Obesity
- Resveratrol a Potential Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Dry Macular Degeneration in a Mouse Model
- Curcumin-Based Supplement Benefits Bone Density
- Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs May Increase Risk of Cardiac Arrest
- Vitamin D Deficiency as a Risk Factor for Multiple Sclerosis in Women
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids Benefit Those With Inflammatory Heart Condition
- Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Acids for Treatment of Stroke
- Propolis Reduces Oxidative Stress Improves Lipid Profiles
- Curcumin Improves Memory and Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration
- Light-Intensity Physical Activity Associated With Lower Mortality in Older Adults
- Ginkgo Biloba Extract Improves Stroke Consequences
- Aromatherapy Massage Improves Neuropathic Pain in Diabetics
- Vitamin D Effects on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Overweight African-Americans
- Saffron/Curcumin Combination May Help With Depression
- Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Regression With Vitamin D
- Turmeric Essential Oils for the Treatment of Colitis
- Rhodiola Rosea for Chronic Fatigue Symptoms
- Vitamin C and Markers of Metabolic and Cognitive Health in 50 Year Olds
- Lavender and Bitter Orange Improve Sleep Quality in Postmenopausal Women
- The Effects of Exercise on Gut Microbiota in Lean and Obese Participants
- Alkaline Water, Along With a Mediterranean Diet, May Help Symptoms of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease
- Rosa canina Fruit Helps Reduce Incidence of Urinary Tract Infection in Women Who Have Undergone Cesarean Section
- Probiotics Associated With Improved Quality of Life in Patients With Seasonal Allergies
- Acupuncture and Bee Venom Acupuncture for Parkinson’s Disease
- Midday Bright Light Therapy Helpful for Bipolar Depression
- Meditation Awareness Training Improves Fibromyalgia Symptoms
- Magnesium Supplementation for Depression
- Macular Carotenoids Improve Visual Performance and Physical Symptoms in Those With High Screen Exposure
- Tea Catechin and Caffeine Can Activate Brown Adipose Tissue and Increase Thermogenic Capacity
- Ashwagandha May Benefit Those With Thyroid Problems
- Fiber Supplementation Curbs Appetite
- Combined Supplementation with Coenzyme Q10, Feverfew, and Magnesium May Help Alleviate Migraines
- Ginger Essential Oil Improves Post-Surgery Complications
- Mouthwash Improves Stress Levels and Oral Health in Nurses
- Topical Application of Chamomile Oil Beneficial for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Associated With Residential Radon Levels
- Do Whole Grain Diets Change Our Gut Microbiome?
- Lavender Aromatherapy Shown to Improve Sleep and Anxiety
- Hops (Humulus lupulus L.) Dry Extract May Help Alleviate Anxiety, Depression, and Stress
- Diet and Gut Microbes in the Prevention of Vascular Disease
- Avocado Improves Eye Health in Older Adults
- Saffron Comparable to Medication for Postpartum Depression
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 May Prevent Postpartum Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression
- Geranium Oil Aromatherapy Benefits Acute Myocardial Infarct Patients
- Early Pregnancy Probiotics May Reduce Gestational Diabetes
- Astaxanthin Proves Beneficial for Skin Health
- Efficacy of Bifidobacterium Longum and Lactobacillus Acidophilus in Treatment of Rotavirus Infection in Infants
- Bifidobacterium-Based Treatment of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis and Intermittent Asthma in Children
- Capsaicin May Improve Risk Factors of Coronary Heart Disease
- Plasma Lutein and Zeaxanthin Linked to Improved Cognitive Function in Older Adults
- Study Credits Monounsaturated Fats for Mediterranean Diet’s Benefit to Rheumatoid Patients
- Oral Ingestion of Hyaluronan Reduces Wrinkles
- Healthy Bacteria Found to Help With Infection in Infants
- Preventing Methotrexate-Induced Bone Loss With Resveratrol
- Goji Berry Reduces Abdominal Fat and Improves Lipid Profile and Antioxidant Levels in Patients With Metabolic Syndrome
- Aerotoxic Syndrome – A Hazard of Airline Travel
- Dietary Inflammatory Index Linked to Breast Cancer Risk
- Mulberry Leaf Protects the Brain From Glyphosate Toxicity
- Insomnia Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke
- Lipoic Acid May Benefit Those With Multiple Sclerosis
- Pomegranate Juice Improves Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients With Metabolic Syndrome
- Exposure to Bisphenol A is Directly Linked to Inflammation
- Selenium Supplementation may Benefit Ovarian Cancer Risk in African American Women
- Lavender Aromatherapy Decreases Menopausal Symptoms
- Vitamin D Decreases Risk of Premature Birth
- Behavioral Characteristics and Cardiovascular Disease Risks Associated With Insomnia and Sleep Quality
- Cardamom Decreases Inflammation in Overweight Prediabetic Women
- L-Carnosine Improves Oxidative Stress and Renal Function in Patients With Diabetic Nephropathy
- Valerian Root Reduces Severity and Frequency of Menopausal Hot Flashes
- Chondroitin Sulfate Shown to be as Effective as Prescription Medication for Osteoarthritis
- Nigella Sativa for Treatment of Asthma
- Choline Directly Related to Bone Density
- Effects of Coenzyme Q10 and Selenium Supplementation on Insulin Growth Factor -1 and Health
- Mediterranean Diet Slows Mental Decline in Elderly
- Magnesium Intake Benefits Fracture Risk
- Curcuminoids Have Positive Impact on Lipid Profile in Type 2 Diabetes
- Antioxidant Activity of Ginger Extract Beneficial as a Daily Supplement for Cancer Patients
- Substituting Glycemic Carbohydrates With Inulin or Oligofructose From Chicory Improves Glycemic Response
- Macular Carotenoids Improve Stress, Serum Cortisol, and General Physical and Emotional Health
- Treatment of Dravet Syndrome With Cannabis
- Medium-Chain Triglycerides in Combination With Leucine and Vitamin D Boost Cognitive Function in Older Adults
- Immune Function Improved by Dietary Intake of Yogurt Containing L. Paracasei, B. Lactis, and Heat-Treated L. Plantarum
- Resveratrol –A Potential Treatment for Takayasu Arteritis
- Study Highlights Diet That Changes Fatty Acid Levels in Blood to Improve Health
- Yogurt Consumption Enhances Bone Mineral Density and Physical Functioning in Older Adults
- Reiki Therapy Improves Pain, Anxiety, and Blood Pressure in Patients Undergoing Major Surgery
- Centiderm Topical Treatment Helps With Burn Wounds
- Auricular Acupressure Therapy Improves Stress and Sleep Quality in Middle-Aged Women
- Sugary Beverage Intake Associated With Preclinical Markers of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Scallop-Derived Plasmalogen Improves Cognitive Functioning in Patients With Mild Alzheimer’s Disease
- Quercetin Shown to Improve Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Resveratrol Benefits Cognition, Mood, and Cerebrovascular Function in Post-Menopausal Women
- Effects of Thiamine Deficiency in Young Children
- B-Vitamin and Biomarker Status Predictive of Cognitive Decline in Older Adults
- Vitamin D Supplementation Decreases Acute Respiratory Tract Infections
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Mental Health in Elderly
- Ginseng Berry Extract Associated With Improved Glucose Metabolism
- Hibiscus Improves Kidney Health in Those with Elevated Blood Pressure
- Aloe Shown to Improve Skin Health
- Improving Quality of Life in Menopausal Women
- Study Links Vitamin D to Thyroid Health
- Prebiotics Improve Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance
- Magnesium Supplementation Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Type 2 Diabetes Patients
- Phenylindane, a Bioactive Compound Found in Coffee, Exhibits Neuroprotective Properties Against Age-Related Cognitive Decline Disorders
- Effects of Low Protein Intake in the Elder Population
- Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) Reduces Viability and Invasiveness of Prostate Cancer Cells
- Possible Therapeutic Effects of Cannabidiol on Memory and Cognitive Function
- Cannabidiol Not Associated with Interference of Normal Sleep-Wake Cycles
- Selenium Supplementation May Adversely Affect Prostate Cancer Risk
- Vitamin C Treatment Improves Quality and DNA Integrity of Sperm during Vitrification
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin Protect against Light-Induced Retinopathy in a Mouse Model
- Auditory-Somatosensory Bimodal Stimulation Reduces Tinnitus in Guinea Pigs and Humans
- Longer Sleep is Linked to Better Sperm Quality
- Gingko Biloba Treatment Shows Clinical and Genomic Safety in Older Adults
- Effects of Crocin on Skin Photoaging
- Ginkgo Biloba Alleviates Noise-Induced Hearing Loss through Inflammatory Pathways
- Indian Gooseberry Improves Heartburn in Patients with Non-Erosive Reflux Disease
- Beneficial Role of Ashwagandha Root Extract in Subclinical Hypothyroidism
- Effects of Betaine Supplementation on Body Composition and Performance in Collegiate Females
- Blocking Blue Light Exposure from Smartphone Screens Improves Sleep Quality
- Omega-3 Fatty Acid and Vitamin D3 Intake Improves Health of Multiple Sclerosis Patients
- Oral Collagen Improves Skin Hydration, Elasticity and Wrinkles in Women
- Effect of Four-Year Selenium and Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation on Cardiovascular Mortality
- Lactobacillus paracasei KW3110 Mitigates Retinal Damage Caused by Blue Light Exposure
- Paprika Xanthophylls Significantly Reduces Abdominal Fat in Overweight Individuals
- Evaluating Thyme Honey in Cancer Patients with Mucositis from Radiation
- Brassica Vegetables Healthier Cooked or Raw
- Yoga and Meditation Intervention Decreases Depression and Increases Neuroplasticity
- Trained Service Dogs a Complementary Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- EPA + DHA Therapy May Lower Profinflammatory Cytokine Levels in Aging Adults
- Honey Shown to Help with Cold Sores in Children
- Gestational Diabetes Changes Gut Microbiota Composition During and After Pregnancy
- Animal-Assisted Therapy Supports Stress Reduction in Veterans
- Intensive Blood Pressure Control Increases Risk of Injury from Falls or Syncope
- Withania somnifera Aqueous Extract for Strength Training and Recovery
- Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Treatment May Counteract Periprosthetic Osteolysis
- Biomarkers Link Acetaminophen Use to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Offspring
- Lower Plasma Amyloid-Beta Levels Associated with Risk of Dementia
- Higher versus Lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D Levels Markedly Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
- Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Death Twelve Years after Selenium and Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation
- Radiation Exposure Associated with Cancer in Military Personnel
- Quercetin Lessens Obesity and Fat Associated Inflammation
- Effects of Caffeinated and Decaffeinated Coffee
- Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure Adversely Affects Reproductive Mouse Cell Function
- Radiation from Cell Towers Base Station Damage Human Genes
- Propolis May Increase Protective Effects of Cranberry against Urinary Tract Infections
- Artificial Sweetener Splenda Promotes Dysbiosis in Susceptible Individuals
- Prenatal Diet Associated with Symptoms of Hyperactivity-Inattention in Offspring
- Vitamin C Protects the Female Rat Reproductive System from Electromagnetic Radiation
- Vitamin D Supplementation Shown to Improve ADHD in Children
- Traumatic Brain Injury Linked to Early Age Dementia
- Omega-3 Fatty Acid Inversely Associated with Blood Pressure in Young Adults
- Screen Time Linked to Lower Psychological Health in Children and Adolescents
- Fenugreek, Ginger and Turmeric Increase Milk Volume in Breastfeeding Mothers
- Blue Light Excited Retinal Disrupts Cellular Signaling
- Topical Ozone Effective Treatment for MRSA Skin Infection
- LED Blue-Light Exposure Associated with Risk of Retinal Injury
- Smart Phone Use Linked to Eye Strain and Decreased Tear Production
- African Geranium Extract Reduces Common Cold Severity and Duration
- Toxic Effects of Electronic Cigarettes vs. Combustible Cigarettes
- Fenugreek Seed Extract Helpful in Mitigating Mild Asthma
- Combination of Magnesium and Vitamin B6 Superior for Severe Stress
- CoenzymeQ10 as a Prophylactic Treatment for Migraine Headaches
- Natural Coconut Fatty Acids Demonstrate Greater Efficacy Then Standard Insect Repellent
- Red Meat Consumption and Gut Bacteria are linked to Heart Disease
- Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Carnosine, and Thiamine Improve Glucose Metabolism in Obese Diabetic Patients
- Bullying and Cyberbullying Severity Linked to Adolescent Suicide
- Health Benefits of Vegetable Oil for Obese Women Vary Based on Fatty Acid Composition
- Physical Activity Improves Biomarkers of Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer’s Disease
- Stair Climbing Improves Cardiovascular Health and Muscle Strength in Postmenopausal Women
- Flavonoid Supplementation and Exercise Increase Plasma Flavonoid Levels
- Tocotrienols Promote Bone Health in Postmenopausal Osteopenia
- Green Leafy Vegetables Reduce Cognitive Decline by Eleven Years
- Lactobacillus Plantarum P8 Reduces Stress
- Fruit as a Source of Organophosphate Pesticide Exposure in Pregnant Urban-Dwelling Women
- Pulsatile Dry Cupping Shown Helpful for Lower Back Pain
- Annurca Apple Shown to Improve Patterned Hair Loss
- Lactobacillus Brevis Mitigates Mercury Toxicity
- SLCP Curcumin Superior to Curcumin Treatment in Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Extracts of Welsh Onion Allium Fistulosum for Treatment of Obesity
- Flavonoid Rich Chocolate Consumption Protects Against DNA Damage
- Grape Polyphenols Reduce Intestinal Reactive Oxygen Species in Mice with Metabolic Syndrome
- Polyphenol Extracts from Italian Annurca Apples Increase Cholesterol Excretion in Gut
- Dietary Geraniol Helps Relieve Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Wild Blueberry Supplementation Supports Memory in Older Adults
- Beneficial Effects of Probiotics on Type 2 Diabetes
- Opioid Related Deaths and Pharmaceutical Drug Marketing– Is There a Link?
- Natural Apple Extract Promotes Hair Growth and Enhances Keratin Expression
- Aloe Vera in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
- Psychological Traits Correlated to Smartphone Use and Addiction
- Immunomodulating Effects of beta-Glucans in Adolescents
- Intake of Collagen Peptide Reduces Signs of Photoaging Skin
- Childhood Bedtime Routines Shown to Affect Teenage Body Mass Index
- Greek Mountain Tea Extract Improves Cognition, Mood, and Cerebral Blood Flow
- Potential Prevention of Glaucoma Using Oral Omega-3
- Herbal Nasal Spray Shown to Help Chronic Sinusitis
- Coffee Consumption May Protect Against Coronary Artery Calcification
- Serum Lutein and Zeaxanthin Support Retinal Vasculature Health in Older Adults
- Greater Consumption of Organic Food Linked to Reduced Risk of Cancer
- Peppermint Essential Oil Shown to Improve Mental Functioning
- Chamomile Oleogel Effective for Pain Relief in Migraine
- Plant-Based Diet Improves Beta-Cell Function and Insulin Resistance in Overweight Adults
- Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Improves Indices of Heart Rate Variability
- Glyphosate and Roundup Alter the Microbiome in Prepuberty
- Cinnamon Positively Impacts Metabolic Status of Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Phenylbutyrate and Vitamin D3 as Adjunct Treatment in Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- Melatonin Improves Sleep Quality in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury
- Cannabidiol Manages Seizures in Patients with Lennox-Gestaut Syndrome
- Pesticide Exposure Increases Diabetes Risk Among Farmers
- Egg Consumption Lowers Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Linoleic Acid Associated with Lower Overall Mortality Risk
- Peppermint Oil Can Help Protect Liver and Kidney Against Oxidative Damage
- Reiki Comparable to Physiotherapy for Intervertebral Disc Herniation
- Mobile Phone Use and Brain and Heart Tumor Incidence in Rats
- Combining Lentils With Carbohydrates Helps Blood Sugar
- Combination Treatment of Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone for Tooth Bleaching
- Probiotics Improve Immune Function and Decrease Colds/Flu-Like Symptoms
- The Connection Between Breast Cancer, Obesity, Stress and Alcohol Consumption
- Alcohol Consumption Increases Risk of Elevated Blood Pressure
- Multivitamin Intake During Pregnancy Reduces Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children
- Alcohol Consumption Increases Risk of Breast Cancer
- Effects of Curcumin and Boswellia for Osteoarthritis
- Low-Level Lead Exposure A Risk Factor For Cardiovascular Disease
- Cardiovascular Fitness Associated with Reduced Risk of Dementia in Women
- A Combination Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Effects of Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, or Butter on Cardiovascular Risk Factors
- Spearmint Found to Improve Working Memory Several Ways
- Phytomedicine Extracts Effective for Overactive Bladder and Urinary Incontinence
- Home Exercise Improves Quality of Sleep in Older Adults
- L-Carnosine Improves Metabolic Risk Factors in Patients with Diabetes
- Cashew Consumption Benefit Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels
- Co-Supplementation of Vitamin D and Probiotics Significantly Improved Hormonal, Inflammatory & Oxidative Stress Markers in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Nigella Sativa Improves Fasting Blood Glucose and Insulin Response in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Korean Red Ginseng Shown to Help Reduce Fatigue From Exercise
- Vitamin D Supplementation Associated with Improved Lipid Levels
- Self-Administered Acupressure Treatment May Benefit Those with Chronic Low Back Pain
- Melatonin Regulates Daytime Learning Efficiency in Mice
- Octacosanol and Policosanol Help Prevent High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Through Activation of Brown Adipose Tissue
- Glucoraphanin Enriched Broccoli Soup Attenuates Pathological Gene Expression in Men with Prostate Cancer
- Amino Acid Profile Associated with Bone Mineral Density and Fracture Risk in Older Adults
- Ultra-Processed Diets Cause Excess Calorie Intake and Weight Gain Versus Unprocessed Foods
- Pet Tags are Associated with Hyperthyroidism in Cats
- Supplement Shown to Help Chronic Stress and Anxiety
- Selenium Supplementation and Insulin Resistance
- Effect of Four Low-Calorie Sweeteners and Sucrose on Obese and Overweight Individuals
- High-Concentration Ashwagandha Root Extract has Broad Stress-Reducing Effects
- Medium Chain Triglycerides Improve Muscular Strength in Elderly Individuals with Sarcopenia
- Cardiovascular Mortality linked to High Physical Activity and Coronary Artery Calcification
- A Probiotic and Cranberry Combination Prevents Urinary Tract Infections in Premenopausal Women
- Avocado Inhibits Fatty Acid Oxidation and Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Diet-Induced Obesity
- Mobile Phone Use May Be Associated with Greater Frequency of Headache
- N-Acetyl Cysteine Improves Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
- Urban Green Spaces Improve Mental Health in Australian Residents
- Apple Vinegar Associated with Improved Glycemic Indices in Diabetics with Dyslipidemia
- Exposure to Early Childhood Antacids and Antibiotic Use is Linked to Obesity
- Probiotics Improve Clinical and Metabolic Response in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
- Resveratrol Intake Improves Lipid Profile in Individuals with Dyslipidemia
- Migraine Headaches Significantly Associated with Dementia in Women
- Sedentary Behavior is Associated with Increased Risk of Obesity in Adolescents
- Mixed Berries for Brain Function in Young Healthy Adults
- Fenugreek Seed Powder Helps Improve Hyperlipidemia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
- Effect of Omega-3’s and Vitamin E on Inflammation, Insulin and Lipids in Parkinson’s Disease
- Migraine Associated with Increased Risk of Dementia in Women
- Oral Probiotic Spray Effective for Recurrent Streptococcal Pharyngontonsilits in Children
- Crocin Helps Protect against Cerebral Ischemic Reperfusion Injury
- Migraines are Associated with Dementia in Women
- Consumption of Glucoraphanin-Rich Broccoli Soup Slows Progression of Prostate Cancer
- Testosterone Therapy for Young Male Cancer Survivors
- Saffron Supplementation Protects against the Development of Glaucoma
- Regular Consumption of Green Tea Associated with Cardiovascular Protective Effects
- Pycnogenol Helps Alleviate Symptoms of Raynaud Syndrome
- Plasma vs. Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Knee Osteoarthritis
- Antenatal Solar Radiation Associated with Learning Disabilities in Offspring
- Oral Taurine Improves Cycling Stamina in Thermal Conditions
- Peppermint Essential Oil Shows Antibacterial Activity Against Staphylococcus Aureas
- BioCell Collagen Supplementation Associated with Reduced Signs of Skin Aging
- Vitamin A Intake and Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Is there an Association?
- Beneficial Effects of Probiotics from Kimchi
- Antiviral Activity of Sambucus FormosanaNakai against Human Coronavirus NL63
- Grape Seed Extract Mitigates Hypertension in Middle-Aged Japanese Adults
- Factors that Impact Coronary Atherosclerosis Progression in Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Combined Pulsed Electromagnetic Field and Physical Therapy Reduce Low Back Pain
- Daily Aspirin Intake Associated with Decreased Risk of Hepatitis B-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Yoga Based Mind-Body Intervention Improves Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
- Processed Meat Associated with Increased Overall and Cause-Specific Mortality
- Prenatal Exposure to Phthalate Metabolites Associated with Shorter Telomere Length in Newborns
- Grape and Blueberry Polyphenols Improve Memory in Elderly
- Grapefruit Seed Extract Inhibits Biofilm Production of Staphylocaucus Aureus and Escherichia Coli
- Vegetarian Diets Associated with Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Tap Water Contributes to Plasma Concentrations of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances
- Effect of Garlic on Inflammation in Dialysis Patients
- Potential Toilet Bowl Contamination with Clostridium difficile Spores
- Mind-Body Yoga Mitigates Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
- Salix Extract for Treatment of Dysmenorrhea
- Age Acceleration Associated with Sleep Disordered Breathing
- Eating Ultra-Processed Foods Associated with an Increase in Heart Disease
- Hypericum perforatum Reduces Postmenopausal and Depression Symptoms
- Subcision and Microneedling a Treatment Combination for Acne Scars
- Soft Drink Consumption Linked to Osteoporotic Fractures in Postmenopausal Women
- Happy, Anti-hypertensive Eggplant
- Long-Term Air Pollution Linked to Emphysema and Lung Function
- Diets Rich in Sulfur Amino Acids Reduce Cardiometabolic Disease Risk
- Reduced Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep is Associated with Early Alzheimer’s Disease
- Vitamin-Fortified Beverages Influence Metabolic Processes in Adolescents
- Plant-Based Meals Increase Gut Hormones and Satiety Compared to Processed-Meat Meals
- Curcuma longa Root Helps Improve Asthma Control in Children and Adolescents
- Herbal Extracts for Treatment of Mild to Moderate Acne Vulgaris
- Eating Nuts a Marker of Better Diet Quality in Those at Higher Cardiovascular Disease Risk
- Carcinogenic Contaminant Risk in United States Drinking Water
- Pomegranate Juice Extract Protects Against UVB-Induced Skin Damage
- Personal Care Products and Foods Linked to Phenol and Phthalate Exposure
- Curcuma Longa Extract Shown to Improve Osteoarthritis Knee Pain
- Coffee Metabolites Associated with Improved Bone Mineral Density
- Do Household Pet Exposures in Children Reduce the Risk of Later Psychiatric Disorders?
- Urinary Concentrations of Neonicotinoids in the Chinese Populace
- Plasma and Microneedling Improve Hair Growth in Individuals with Alopecia
- Coffee Consumption Mediates Inflammatory Pathways
- Long-Term Ozone Exposure Associated with Acceleration of Subclinical Arterial Disease
- High Carbohydrate Diets may Contribute to Insomnia
- Bifidobacterium breve Bif195 Protects Small Intestine from Acetylsalicylic Acid Damage
- Are Sleep Patterns and Genetics Linked to Cardiovascular Disease?
- Sleep Quality is Linked to Anxiety Disorders
- Ashwagandha May Alleviate Anxiety and Depression in Schizophrenic Individuals
- Findings From the Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study (KEEPS)
- Nepalese Pepper Extract Improves Cognition and Cerebral Blood Flow
- Social Media Use Associated with Disordered Eating in Young Adolescents
- Remission of Type 2 Diabetes Through Weight Loss
- Ginger Treatment for Acute Migraine Headache
- Beta-caryophyllene Enhances Wound Healing
- Low-Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields May Improve Spinal Cord Injury Recovery
- Amla (Emblica Officinalis) Supplementation Shown to Improve Cholesterol Levels
- Propolis and Cranberry Treatment Reduce Antibiotic Use in Urinary Tract Infections
- Bulimia Nervosa May Be Associated with Long-Term Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Menaquinone-7 Supplementation and Vascular Calcification in Diabetic Patients
- Collagen Supplementation Improves Skin Integrity and Reverses Signs of Skin Aging
- Bifidobacterium Animalis Subsp. Lactis Supplementation Effective in Infant Colitis
- Prevalence of Prediabetic Adolescents and Adults in the United States
- Bedtime Hypertension Meds more Effective than Morning Meds
- Natural Eggshell Membrane Reduces Symptoms in Knee Osteoarthritic Patients
- Glaucoma is Associated with Greater Exposure to Polluted Air
- Sugary and Artificially Sweetened Drinks Associated with Cancer Risk
- Oral Hyaluronic Acid Treatment for Dry Eyes
- Herpes Virus 6A Infection Increases Multiple Sclerosis Risk
- Antibiotic Use Increases Parkinson’s Disease Risk
- Ashwagandha Root Extract Improved Sleep Parameters in Insomnia
- Blueberries Improve Pain, Inflammation, and Gait in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
- Girls and Boys are Very Similar in their Ability to Learn Math
- Herbal Chuanhutongfeng Mixture Improves Chronic Gouty Arthritis
- Boswellia Serrata Extract Helps Improve Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Dog Owners More Likely to Meet Physical Activity Guidelines
- A Comparison of Mortality between Professional American Football and Baseball Players
- Sunshine Exposure Modulates the Human Intestinal Microbiome
- Spirulina Supplementation Combined with Physical Exercise Improves Dyslipidemia
- Effect of Mediterranean Diet in Pregnant Women with Metabolic Risk Factors
- Antibiotic Prescriptions Associated with a Higher Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Chlorogenic Acid and Luteolin Improve Hepatic and Cardiometabolic Function in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome
- Sucralose Stimulates Insulin Secretion in Healthy Young Adults
- Ashwagandha Shown to Increase DHEA-S and Testosterone in Men
- Hyper-Long Telomeres Suggest Longer Lifespans
- Ashwagandha Extract Improves Mood and Biomarkers of Stress in Adults with Chronic Stress
- Former Professional Athletes Prone to Neurodegenerative Disease
- Sugar and Artificial Sweetener Consumption Increases Mortality Risk
- Ashwagandha Extract Ameliorates Cognitive Impairment Associated with Systemic Inflammation
- Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Helps Improve Anxiety in Adolescents
- Fermented Soybean Shown to Improve Deficits in Mild Dementia
- Cranberry Juice Improves Inflammation, Glucoregulation, and HDL Cholesterol in Overweight Individuals
- Optimism and Healthy Aging
- Coffee and Caffeine Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Tai-Chi Significantly Improves Functional Balance and Lower-Limb Strength in Older Adults
- Lycopene-Rich Tomato Nutrient Complex Protects against UV Radiation
- Magnesium-Zinc-Calcium-Vitamin D Combination Improves Gestational Diabetes
- Sugar Intake Associated with Higher Blood Pressure in Older Females
- Effects of Cesarean versus Vaginal Deliveries on the Microbiome
- Tomato Nutrient Complex Lowers Systolic Blood Pressure
- Probiotic Lactobacillus Gasseri CP2305 Mitigates the Effects of Chronic Stress
- Effects of Low-Fat Diet on Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, and Diabetes in Postmenopausal Women
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome Improvement
- Non-Animal Chondroitin Sulfate Improves Knee Osteoarthritis in Obese Individuals
- Cannabidiol Reduces Cue-Induced Craving and Anxiety in Heroin Use Disorder
- Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure and IQ in Offspring
- Optimism and Longevity: Is there a Link?
- Hot Water Extract of Turmeric Helps Alleviate Chronic Low-Grade Inflammation
- The Age of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Affects Brain Health
- High Fat Diet, Obesity linked to Leptin Resistance
- The Secondhand Harm of Alcohol in the United States
- The Stress-Reducing Effect of Matcha Green Tea in both Animal and Human Studies
- Exposure to Ambient Pesticides and Autism Spectrum Disorder Risk
- A Combination of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Lysozyme Treatment for Chronic Periodontitis
- Petting Dogs and Cats Reduces Cortisol Levels in University Students
- Watermelon Increases Satiety and Reduces Body Weight in Obese Individuals
- Polygonatum sibiricum Rhizome Extract Helps Improve Mild Insomnia
- Fine Particulate Air Pollution Contributes to Cardiopulmonary Mortality Risk
- Air Pollution Associated with a Higher Cardiovascular Disease Risk
- Blue Light Blocking Shades Protect Human Ocular Surface Cells
- Blue Light Shielding Protects against Retinal Phototoxic Damage in Mouse Model
- Liquid Crystal Displays Associated with Light-Induced Photoreceptor Damage
- Heavy Metals in Fish Linked to Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Garlic Consumption Associated with Lower All-Cause Mortality Risk
- Amla Fruit Extract Improves Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome
- Body and Fat Mass Associated with Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Amygdalin, an Apricot Kernel Extract, Protects Against Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca
- Rose, Lavender, and Ginger Essential Oils Reduce Post-Operative Nausea
- Blueberries Improve Biomarkers of Cardiometric Function in Metabolic Syndrome
- Sunflower Seed Extract Improves Body Weight, Fat Mass, and Lipid Profile in Obese Subjects
- Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Affects Cognitive Performance in Children
- Carotenoids Are Associated with Cognitive and Physical Performance in Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Cyanchum wilfordii Extract Exerts Regulatory Effect on Cholesterol
- Microbiota Transfer Therapy has Long-Term Benefits for Autistic Children
- Green Tea an Adjunct Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections
- Hormone Therapy and Cardiovascular Risk in Transgender Adults
- Phytosomal Curcumin Improves Glycemic Factors, Liver Function, and Serum Cortisol in Overweight Subjects
- Mediterranean Diet is Associated with Bone Mineral Density in Premenopausal Women
- Mushroom Consumption Delays Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Effect of Existing Opioid Misuse Interventions on Opioid Overdose Mortality
- Shilajit Supplementation Preserves Muscle Strength during Exercise
- Alpha-Lipoic Acid Improves Vascular Tone in Overweight Youth
- Annurca Apple Polyphenols Reduce Cholesterol by Boosting Mitochondrial Activity
- Schisandra Chinensis Bee Pollen Mitigates Obesity and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- A Combination of Kudzu Flower and Mandarin Peel Significantly Improves Hot Flash Symptoms and Bone Turnover Markers During Menopausal Transition
- Combination of Selenium and Myo-Inositol Reduces Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Levels in Subjects with Hashimoto Thyroiditis
- Resveratrol Administration Improves Bone Mineral Density and Reduces Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women
- Higher Dietary Intake of Flavonoids Associated with Improved Cognitive Health in Elderly Subjects
- Ashwagandha Root Extract Improves Sleep Quality and Mental Alertness in the Elderly
- Oral Supplementation of Hydrangea serrata Leaves Improves Skin Texture and Hydration
- Aronia melanocarp Supplementation Improves Psychomotor Speed
- Garcinia Kola Improves Intraocular Pressure in Healthy Subjects
- Energy Metabolism Linked to Bone Remodeling
- Oleuropein-Rich Olive Leaf Extract Protects Mouse Liver in Cadmium-Induced Toxicity
- Diets Low in Sulfur Amino Acids are Associated with Lower Cardiometabolic Risk
- The Impact of Hormone Therapy on Heart Fat and Coronary Artery Calcification Progression
- A Plant-Based Meat Alternative is More Beneficial than Red Meat for Heart Health
- Dietary Flavanols for Better Brain Oxygenation and Cognition in Healthy Adults
- The Health Benefits of Eating an Apple a Day
- Methylsulfonylmethane Demonstrates Anti-Cancer Effects in Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Cells
- Ten-Hour Time-Restricted Eating Reduces Atherogenic Lipids in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome
- Are Sleep Patterns and Genetics Associated with Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease?
- Association of Red Meat Consumption with Coronary Heart Disease Risk in U.S. Men
- Bullying Among Black and White School Children with Food Allergies
- Vitamin D and Omega-3 Fatty Acid Intake does not Affect Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- Effects of Low Fat Vegan Diet on Body Weight, Insulin Sensitivity and Lipids in Overweight Adults
- Correlation between Nutrients in the Diet and Depression and Anxiety
- Cow’s Milk Consumption During Lactation is Linked to Less Offspring Food Allergies
- Comparison of Vitamin D and Omega-3’s to Strength-Training Exercise for Better Health in Older Adults
- Chi3l1/YKL-40 Controls Astrocyte Circadian Clock and Alzheimer’s Disease Progression
- Caffeinated Energy Shot Reduces Insulin Sensitivity in Adolescents
- Bergamot Phytosome Improves Visceral Fat and Lipids in Subjects with High Cholesterol
- Serum Omega-3 Fatty Acid Levels Associated with Occurrence of Sarcopenia
- Sleep Quality Predicts Beta-Amyloid Accumulation Across Subsequent Years
- Aged Garlic Extract Significantly Improves Progression of Periodontal Disease
- Inflammatory Markers and Obesity in African Versus European Men
- Silybum marianum Attenuates Menopausal Hot Flashes
- An Urban Environment Poses Higher Risk of Dog and Owner Allergies than a Rural Environment
- Tart Cherry Juice Improves Biomarkers of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Elderly
- Higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D Levels Associated with Lower Rates of Positive SARS-CoV-2 Tests
- Serum Nervonic Acid as a Marker of Sarcopenia in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
- Haas Avocado Intake Alters Fecal Microbiota and their Metabolites in Overweight and Obese Adults
- Oral Magnesium for Leg Cramps in Pregnancy
- Higher Cadmium Levels are linked to Higher Mortality from Influenza or Pneumonia in Older Adults
- Impaired Intestinal Microbial Detoxification in Autistic Children
- Results of REDUCE-IT (Reduction of Cardiovascular Events with Icosapent Ethyl – Intervention Trial) USA
- Chamomile Shown to Help Those with Both Anxiety and Depression
- Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea Severity Associated with Amyloid Beta Plaque in Brain Hippocampus?
- Effect of High-Dose Omega-3 Fatty Acids vs Corn Oil In High Cardiovascular Risk Patients
- Effects of N-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation in Elderly Patients following Myocardial Infarction
- Risk of Iodine Deficiencies in Norwegian Vegans, Vegetarians and Pescatarians
- Iron Overload May Potentiate the Development of Type II Diabetes
- Effect of Kudzu Flower and Mandarin Peel on Hot Flashes and Bone Markers in Menopausal Women
- Vitamin D Supplementation Protects Against Dementia Risk
- Evening Primrose Oil for Psychological Symptoms of Menopause
- Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
- Dietary Flavanols for Better Brain Oxygenation and Cognition in Healthy Adults
- Vitamin D and the Stress Response
- Serum Ferratin Concentrations Predict Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes
- Clinical and Bacterial Markers of Periodontitis are Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease
- Positive Effect is Associated with Healthier Aging and Less Memory Loss
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea Is Associated with Higher Brain Amyloid
- Benefits of Kiwifruit Versus Vitamin C Supplement on Vitality
- Does Time-Restricted Eating Support Weight Loss and Metabolic Parameters in Overweight and Obesity
- Bimodal Neuromodulation with Sound and Tongue Stimulation Benefits Those with Tinnitus
- Ginger Extract an Effective Alternative Treatment for Patients with Allergic Rhinitis
- Green Tea and Coffee Consumption is Associated with Decreased Mortality Risk in Diabetics
- Vitamin D Supplementation is Association with Improved Diabetic Symptomology
- Nutritional Biomarkers Show Higher Flavan‑3‑ol Intake is Associated with Lower Blood Pressure
- Masks Reduce the Risk of COVID-19 Infection by Suppressing the Cough-Cloud
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Offspring is Associated with Maternal Hypothyroidism
- Avocado and Gut Health in Overweight and Obese Persons
- Are Multivitamins Helpful? Research Suggests Benefits for Older Adults
- The Role of Antioxidants in Male Infertility
- Garlic Improves Arterial Elasticity and Markers of Cardiovascular Disease in Hypertensive Patients
- Effect of Psychobiotic Supplement on Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Depression
- Pet Ownership and Pet Contacts are Linked to Healthy Aging Outcomes in Older Adults
- Probiotic Supplementation Benefits Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Increased Intake of Healthy Plant-Based Foods Attenuated Overall Blood Pressure
- Beetroot Juice Associated with High Blood Pressure Reduction in Hypertensive Tanzanian Adults
- Medical-Grade Face Masks Effectively Control Particle Emissions during Expiratory Activities
- Pet Ownership May Protect Against Reoccurring Clostridioides Difficile Infection
- Cord Blood Vitamin D and Preeclampsia Associated with Blood Pressure in Offspring Children and Youth
- Fish Oil Supplementation Lessens Osteoarthritic Pain in Overweight and Obese Adults
- Evening Exposure of Media Devices is Associated with Sperm Quality and Sleep Quality in Men
- Lithium NP03 Treatment for Late-Stage Amyloidosis in Rat Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Weighted Chain Blankets Effective Intervention for Insomnia in Psychiatric Disorders
- Cruciferous Vegetable Intake Associated with Abdominal Aortic Calcification
- Leucine Maintains Muscle Mass in Elderly Nursing Home Residents
- Urban Green Spaces and Tree Canopies may Help Prevent Cardiometabolic Diseases
- Adolescent-Peer Relationship Roles in Adolescent Willingness to Intervene in Bullying
- Alcohol Consumption Linked to Hypertension in Type Two Diabetes
- Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 and Bifidobacterium lactis UABLa-12 Benefit Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training in Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Sleep Quality as a Biomarker and Predictor of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Poverty Linked with Insufficient Calcium and Vitamin D Intake and Osteoporosis Risk
- Treatment with Calciferol Reduces ICU Admission and Death in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
- Aloe Sterol Improves Skin Function in Healthy Female Volunteers
- Does Electronic Media Use Affect Academic Performance in Late Childhood?
- A Global Perspective of Intergenerational Sharing and Mortality
- High-Polyphenol Extra Virgin Olive Oil Helps Lower Systolic Blood Pressure
- Oral Probiotic Streptococcus salivarius M18 Reduces Recurrence of Pediatric Oral Black Stains
- Exposure to Persistent Organic Pollutants Is Associated with Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
- Excessive GABA Produced by Brain Astrocytes Impedes Subcortical Stroke Recovery
- How Effective are Re-used Surgical Masks and N95 Respirators?
- Black Cohosh Extract Helps Improve Endothelial Function in Postmenopausal Women
- Combination of Iron and a Bioavailable Curcumin Supplement Increases Serum BDNF Levels
- Whey Protein and High Resistance Training Improve Osteosarcopenia in Older Men
- Plasma Vitamin D Metabolites and Binding Protein Predict Preeclampsia in Diabetic Women
- Coffee and Green Tea Intake Associated with lower BMI, Percent Body Fat, and CAVI Score
- The Potential of Frequent Laughter to Reduce the Stress of Daily Life
- Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (Vitamin B3) Protects Retinal Ganglion Cells in Glaucoma
- Pycnogenol Improves Microvascular Parameters and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Patients with Lupus Vasculitis
- Medieval Bald’s Eyesalve Ingredients Effective against Antibiotic Resistant Organisms
- Selenium Deficiency Linked to Increased Mortality Risk from COVID-19
- Tocotrienol-Rich Vitamin E Improves Neuronal Function in Diabetic Patients
- Cardiovascular Disease and Long-term Exposure to Air Pollution Associated with Dementia Risk
- Cinnamon Controls Blood Glucose Metabolism in Prediabetic Individuals
- Antiviral Potential of Curcumin in an In Vitro Alpha-Coronavirus Model
- Lifestyle Modification Improves Symptoms of Essential Hypertension
- Preliminary Report on the Benefits of Dexamethasone in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19
- Higher Dietary Omega-3 Intake Required for Dementia Risk Reduction in APOE4 Carriers
- Green Outdoor Environment Associated with Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Air Pollution in London is Associated with Increased Risk of Dementia
- Nickle-Foam Air Filters Trap and Kill Airborne SARS-CoV-2 and Bacillus anthracis Spores
- Pycnogenol, Papain, and Aloe Vera for the Management of Pre-Diabetes
- Omega-3 Eicosapentaenoic Acid Sourced from Microalga Improves Cardiovascular Health
- Unique Profiles of Polyphenol Intake Associated with Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
- Stretching the Musculoskeletal System Improves Vascular Function
- Benefits of Goat Cheese in a Heart Healthy Diet
- Iron-rich Air Pollution Nanoparticles Linked to Heart Disease
- Does Wearing A Mask Prevent the Spread of COVID-19?
- Ubiquinol Supports Endothelial Function in Subjects with Mild to Moderate Dyslipidemia
- Medial Prefrontal Cortex Involved in the Neural Representation of Individual Social Networks and Loneliness
- Fermented Ginseng Powder Has Beneficial Effects on Liver Function
- A Combination of Black Cohosh and Rhodiola Improved Moderate Menopausal Symptoms in Women
- Higher Maternal Choline Levels Protect Fetal Brain Development
- Genetic Analysis Associates ABO Blood Group with COVID-19
- Pneumonia Associated with Low Vitamin C Levels and Elevated Oxidative Stress
- Particulate Matter Air Pollution Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease
- Office Windows with Daylight and Views Improve Sleep and Cognition
- Smoking Doubles Stroke Risk in African Americans
- Vitamin K2 is Inversely Associated with Coronary Heart Disease Risk
- Evaluating Bitter Melon in Individuals with Diabetes
- Fasting-Mimicking Diet and Vitamin C a Combination Treatment for KRAS-Mutated Tumors
- Lactobacillus Reduces Exposure to Aflatoxin-Contaminated Foods in Rural-Dwelling Children
- Coronavirus Lockdowns and the Impact on Global Nitrogen Dioxide
- Citrus Fruits, Olive Polyphenols and Flavanones Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk
- Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Linked to Increased Cardiovascular Disease Risk and Stroke
- Fenugreek Extract for Increased Muscle Mass and Strength during Calisthenics
- Yeast Beta-Glucan Supplementation Mitigates Inflammation Associated with Heated Treadmill Exercise
- Vitamin D Levels Associated with Low Coronavirus Death Rates
- Lactobacillus paracasei HA-196 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175 Mitigate Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Is the Flu Vaccination Associated with Increased Risk of Other Respiratory Viruses?
- Coffee and Caffeine Intake Associated with Cognitive Performance in Older Adults
- Standardized Bilberry Extract Improves Ocular Fatigue Associated with Visual Display Terminal Tasks
- BioCell Collagen Protects against UVB-induced Photoaging in Mice
- Long-term Dietary Flavonoid Intake May Reduce Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
- Botanical Combination Attenuates Light-Induced Retinal Damage
- Lower Fructose Intake Reduces Waist Circumference and Fasting Glucose Levels in Obese Individuals
- Uses of Apple Polyphenol for the Skin
- The Role of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in the Treatment of Cervical Cancer
- Effectiveness of High and Low Doses of Chloroquine Diphosphate in SARS-CoV-2 Infection
- Oat-Based Beta-Glucans Improve Lipid Profile in Patients with High Cholesterol
- Failure to Thrive in Infants May Be an Early Clinical Marker for Cow’s Milk Allergy
- The Effect of Moderate Alcohol Consumption on Longevity
- How do Mental Disorders Affect Academic Achievements of Children and Youth?
- Prophylactic Beta-Hydroxybutyrate for Alzheimer’s Disease and Atherosclerosis
- Resveratrol for Cardiovascular and Cognitive Health in Postmenopausal Women
- The Effect of Habitual Fish Oil Supplementation on Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality
- Clostridioides difficile Infection from Hospital Room Toilet Flushing
- The Impact of Physical Distancing on the Wuhan COVID-19 Epidemic
- Sleep-Disordered Breathing Associated with Alzheimer Disease in Asymptomatic Elderly
- Vitamin D Supplementation Associated with Later Respiratory Infections in Infants
- Ashwagandha May Help Treat Obesity by Increasing Cellular Energy Expenditure
- Microneedling Effective in the Treatment of Facial and Nonfacial Scars
- Covid-19 Risk Factors, Clinical Course and Patient Mortality in Wuhan China
- Two Apples a Day Lower Serum Cholesterol in Mild Hypercholesterolemic Patients
- Suicide Risk and Protection for Children
- N-3 and N-6 Fatty Acid Intake Inversely Associated with Risk of Depressive Symptoms
- Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Beneficial for Subjective Chronic Tinnitus
- Thirdhand Tobacco Smoke Harmful to Non-Smokers
- Childhood Vaccination Series Confers Lifetime Protection against Diphtheria and Tetanus
- Ubiquinol Ameliorates Inflammation and Improves Hematological Parameters Following Strenuous Exercise
- Exposure to Cannabis during Pregnancy Associated with Risk to Unborn Child
- Higher Omega-3 Index Is Associated with Better Asthma Control
- Blue Light Supports Sleep and Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery
- Long Sleep Duration and Midday Naps may Increase Stroke Risk
- Tea Consumption Reduces Cardiovascular Disease Risk
- Backward Walking Training Improves Balance and Speed of Walking in Subjects with Chronic Stroke
- Vitamin B12 Supplementation in Diabetic Neuropathy
- Propolis Reduces Bacterial Proliferation and Improves Healing After Dental Extraction
- Guar Gum Improves Lipid Profiles in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- A Combination of Phyllanthus niruri, Chrysanthellum Americanum, Potassium and Magnesium Citrate Reduces the Risk of Recurrent Urinary Stones
- Golden Root (Rhodiola rosea) Extract Increases Mean Bench Press Velocity and Norepinephrine Levels in Resistance-Trained Subjects
- Alpha Lipoic Acid Supplementation Significantly Reduces Idiopathic Pain in Adults
- Complex Phytoadaptogen Application Aids in Prevention of Chronic Periodontitis
- Citicoline Shown to Improve Memory in Healthy Older Adults
- Combination Treatment of Vitamin C and Vitamin E Reduce Endometriosis-Related Pain Scores
- A Combination of Green Tea Extract, Rhodiola, Magnesium & B Vitamins Enhance Stress-Coping Abilities
- Tocotrienol Supplementation Reduces Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women
- Magnesium Offers Protective Benefits Against Cerebrovascular Disease
- Ursodeoxycholate Producing Bacteria Collinsella Offers Protective Benefits against COVID-19-Related Mortality
- Glycyrrhiza uralensis Protects Against Dental Caries by Reducing Bacterial Levels
- Oral Magnesium Supplementation for Treating Glucose Metabolism Parameters in People with or at Risk of Diabetes
- The Therapeutic Effects of M. officinalis on Lowering Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Adults
- A Combination of Curcumin and CoQ10 Decrease the Severity and Frequency of Chronic Migraines
- Daily Supplementation of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Decreases Frequency and Severity of Chronic Headache Symptoms
- Higher Yogurt Intake Associated with Lower Blood Pressure Levels in Individuals with Hypertension
- B Vitamin Supplementation Improves Overall Cognitive Functioning in Non-Aspirin Users
- DHA Modulates Immune Response Associated with Preterm Birth
- Daily Peanut Consumption Associated with Improved Memory and Decreased Levels of Stress and Anxiety
- Vitamin B6 Blood Levels Associated with All-Cause Mortality Risk
- Higher Daily Intake of Niacin Offers Neuroprotective Properties Against Glaucoma
- Anti-Inflammatory Diet Associated with Reduced Risk of Dementia-Related Diseases
- Vitamin C Supplementation Shown to Increase Vitality in Healthy Young Adults
- Teucrium polium Improves Wound Healing in Diabetic Patients with Food Ulcer
- Daily Supplementation of Lactobacillus paracasei IJH-SONE68 Improves Symptoms of Chronic Allergies
- Plant-Based and Pescatarian Diets May Protect Against Severity of COVID-19 Infection
- The Effects of Korean Red Ginseng on Biological Aging
- Low Serum DGLA Associated with Mortality in Elderly Patients
- Pycnogenol® Supplementation Effective in the Treatment of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections
- Ginseng Shown to Improve Arthritis Symptoms in Women with Osteopenia
- L-Arginine Supplementation Improves Reliance on Respiratory Support in Severe COVID-19 Patients
- Barberry Consumption Helps Improve Vascular Endothelial Function in Adults with Hypertension
- Nigella Sativa Oil Improves Recovery in Patients with COVID-19
- Insufficient Levels of Vitamin D and Zinc May Increase Severity of Symptoms in Adults Infected with COVID-19
- Dietary and Supplemental Vitamin D may Support Cognitive Performance in Older Adults
- Pecan Rich Diet Shown to Improve Cholesterol Levels in Adults
- Sardines in the Diet Showed a Decrease in Type 2 Diabetes in the Elderly
- Oat Beta-Glucans Beneficial to Individuals with Gastritis
- Pine Bark Extract Improves Lipid Profile and Anthropometric Measures in T2D Patients with Microalbuminuria
- Single Dose of L-Theanine Improves Working Memory and Attention in Older Adults
- Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMST) Improves Blood Pressure in Adults
- Red Blood Cell Fatty Acids Could Serve as Predictors to All-Cause Mortality
- Genomic Variants of Alpha-Tocopherol Associated with Bone Mineral Density
- Postmenopausal Women Consuming Dried Plums Shown to Have Improvements in Cholesterol and Inflammation
- Intake of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Not Associated with Atherosclerotic Plaques in the Coronary Arteries
- Overconsumption of Sugar Shown to Have Lasting Effects on the Brain
- Vitamin D Maintains Bone Mineral Density Post Treatment with Bisphosphonates
- Ashwagandha Extract Shown to Help with Sleep
- Plasma Levels of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Are Positively Associated with Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women
- Greater Intake of Fruits and Vegetables Is Associated with Longer Telomere Length
- Dietary Nitrate from Vegetables Significantly Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Events
- Cranberry Juice as a Complementary Treatment for H. pylori Infection
- Turmeric as Effective as Acetaminophen in Treatment of Osteoarthritis
- Vitamin B12 Improves Pain Score, Quality of Life, and Neurophysiological Indices of Neuropathy in Patients with Diabetic Neuropathy
- Thermal Mineral Bath as an Effective Alternative Therapy for Osteoarthritis
- Saffron Extract Reduces Stress and Improves Low Mood in Healthy Individuals
- Vegan Diet is Associated with Low Bone Mineral Density
- Coffee Consumption Associated with Reduced Risk of Heart Failure
- Consuming Omega-3 Fatty Acid Associated with Less Subclinical Inflammation, a Marker of Heart Disease in Healthy Men
- Ultra-Processed Food Consumption Increases Mortality Risk
- Calcium and Magnesium Intake Inversely Associated with Migraine Occurrence
- Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Renal Failure
- Hormone Therapy Supports Postmenopausal Women with Nocturia
- Fruit and Vegetable Consumption is Inversely Associated with Mortality
- Artificial Sweeteners May Contribute to Antibiotic Resistance through Horizontal Gene Transfer
- Leisure Time Physical Activity but not Occupational Physical Activity Benefits Cardiovascular Health
- Long-term Coffee Consumption is Associated with Cardiovascular Risk
- Dietary Gluten is not Linked to Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis
- Nine Prohibited Stimulants in Sports and Weight Loss Supplements Linked to Serious Adverse Events
- Blood Group A Antigen on Lung Cells Shows Greater Affinity for SARS-COV-2 Attachment
- Three Versus Six Feet of Physical Distancing for Control of COVID-19 Spread Among School Students
- Tocotrienol-Rich Vitamin E Improves Kidney Function in Diabetic Kidney Disease Patients
- Cognitive and Psychological Benefits of Choir Singing in Older Adults
- Melatonin and its Metabolites Supports Long-term Memory and Cognition in Mice
- Inhalation of Benzene and Formaldehyde Correlates with Commuter Driving Time
- Prolonged Sitting with Interrupted Activity Improves Vascular Function in Type 2 Diabetics
- The Effect of Green Tea and Coffee Consumption on Mortality among Cardiovascular Diseases Survivors
- Does Occupational UVR Exposure Protect Women Against Breast Cancer?
- The Effect of High-Dose Saccharin on Gut Microbiota and Glucose in Parallel Mice and Human Studies
- Coccinia grandis Improves Glycemic and Lipid Profile Parameters in Type 2 Diabetics
- Trajectories of Centenarian Cognitive Health are Associated with Risk Factors for Cognitive Decline
- Napping Associated with Improved Cognitive Functioning in Elderly Chinese Population
- Brown Fat is Associated with Lower Prevalence of Cardiometabolic Diseases
- Higher Vitamin D Levels during Pregnancy are Linked to Higher IQ in Five to Six Year-Old Offspring
- The Association of Vitamin D Supplementation with the Rate of Epigenetic Aging
- Feelings of Guilt Positively Associated with Chronic Disease
- Curcumin Significantly Improves Overall Remission in Myeloma Patients
- Gum Arabic Improves Gingival and Plaque Index Scores in Patients with Mild and Moderate Plaque-Induced Gingivitis
- Possible Beneficial Effect of Dark Chocolate on Mood and the Gut Microbiota
- Herbal Blend Supplementation Improves Skin Health and Antioxidant Status in Post-Menopausal Women
- High Riboflavin Intake Associated with Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality
- Hibiscus May Be An Effective Tool for CVD Risk Mitigation
- Krill Oil Improved Osteoarthritic Knee Pain in Adults with Mild to Moderate Knee Osteoarthritis
- Dog-Assisted Therapy Significantly Reduces Stress in School Children
- COVID-19 Exposure Associated with Higher Risk of Metabolic Disorder
- EstroG-100® Supplementation Significantly Improves Menopausal Symptoms
- Garlic Effective as a Complementary Treatment for Diabetic Macular Edema
- Dietary Protein Intake and Muscle Mass in Elderly
- Probiotic (L. fermentum SRK414) Supplementation Beneficially Effects Osteocalcin and Bone Mineral Density of the Femur Neck in Post-Menopausal Women
- Propolis May Reduce Severity and Frequency of Abdominal Pain in Subjects with IBS-C and IBS-M
- Resveratrol Improves Glycemic Control in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Gingko Biloba Improves Cognitive Function in Subjects Undergoing Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Supplementation with Krill Oil Significantly Improves Muscle Function and Size in Older Adults
- Pomegranate Extract Improves IL-35 Expression & Forced Vital Capacity Ratio in Adults with Asthma
- Oregano Supplementation Reduces Muscle Damage and Oxidative Stress in Male Soldiers
- Performing Acts of Kindness Improves Social Connection
- Low Serum 25(OH)D and Higher PTH and β-CTX Independently Associated with Increased Risk of All-Cause Mortality
- Higher Levels of Lutein and Zeaxanthin Linked to Reduced Likelihood of Incident Frailty
- High-Intensity Interval Aerobic Exercise Associated with Improved Tumor Suppressive Effects in Subjects with Advanced Prostate Cancer
- Probiotic Bifidobacterium longum BB68S Significantly Improves Cognitive Function in Healthy Older Adults
- Vitamin D Supplementation Associated with Less Melanoma
- Higher Polyphenol Intake Associated with Lower Risk of Severe Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
- Frankincense-based Herbal Product Effective as a Complementary Treatment to Reduce Frequency of Urinary Incontinence
- Licorice-Based Gargle Juice Effectively Reduces Pain and Increases Healing of Aphthous Ulcers
- Fermented Garlic Extract Improves Blood Pressure and Blood Flow in Adult Subject
- Higher Flavonoid Intake Associated with Lower Risk of Abdominal Aortic Calcification
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil Reduced Blood Brain Barrier Permeability and Improved Clinical Dementia Rating Scores in Adult Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Lavender, Chamomile, and Rosemary Aromatherapy Massage Reduces Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in Elderly Adults in Nursing Homes
- Higher Ultra-Processed Food Consumption Associated with Increased Mental Health Symptoms in Adolescents
- Selenium Effectively Reduces Insulin Resistance in Subjects with Cardiometabolic Diseases
- Alcohol Consumption Linked to Increased Risk of Erosive Esophagitis
- Moderate Tomato Consumption is Associated with a Lower Risk of New-Onset Hypertension
- Blackcurrant Supplementation Reduces the Risk of Bone Loss in Women with Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
- L-Arginine and Vitamin C Supplementation Improves Physical Performance, Endothelial Function and Fatigue in Adults with Long COVID
- Rosemary Supplementation as an Adjunctive Therapy to SSRIs Reduces Anxiety and Depression Symptoms
- Sufficient Vitamin D Concentrations Associated with Lower Risk of All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality
- Oats Associated with Significant Improvement in Systemic Chronic Inflammation
- Blue Light Therapy Improves Severity of PTSD-Related Symptoms and Sleep Disturbance
- Ultra-Processed Food Consumption Linked to Increased Risk of Diabetes in Adults
- Calcium Supplementation Significantly Improves Bone Mass in Young Adults
- Pinus massoniana Bark Extract Supplementation Significantly Reduces Systolic Blood Pressure in Healthy Adults with Moderately High Systolic Blood Pressure
- Higher Walnut Consumption Linked to Improved Total Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels
- Moderate Coffee Consumption Linked to Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality
- Combination of Turmeric and Aerobic Exercise Improves Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Hyperlipidemic Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Female Subjects
- Turmeric & Boswellia Formulation Effectively Reduces Acute Musculoskeletal Pain
- Caffeine Improves Reaction Time in Tactical Personnel
- Sufficient Vitamin D Levels Reduces Risk for All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Subjects with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- Probiotic-Inulin Co-supplementation Improved Depression Scores and Reduced Inflammatory Biomarkers in Adults with Coronary Artery Disease
- Interactions with Dogs Linked to Increased Prefrontal Brain Activation in Healthy Subjects
- Single High-Dose Vitamin D Improves Vitamin D Status and Decreases Levels of Proinflammatory Cytokines in Healthy Adults
- Higher Dietary Vitamin D Intake Associated with Lower Pain Incidence
- Long-Term Multivitamin-Mineral Supplementation Improves Cognition in Older Adults
- Spirulina Extract Improves Visual Learning and Visual Working Memory in Older Adults
- Type 2 Diabetes Risk Increased in Adults with Vitamin C Intake Below the Estimated Average Requirements
- Higher Processed Food Consumption Linked to Increased Risk of Crohn’s Disease
- Serum Levels of Selenium Inversely Associated with the Severity of Liver Cirrhosis
- Ultra-Processed Food Consumption Associated with Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Men
- Six Non-Essential Amino Acids Improves Joint Pain and Stiffness in Healthy Subjects with Joint Discomfort
- Suboptimal Plasma Vitamin C is Significantly Correlated with Bone Mineral Density in Male Subjects
- Resveratrol May Significantly Improve Serum Levels of Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
- Resveratrol Ameliorates Symptoms of Periodontal Disease
- Curcumin and Curcuma Longa Extract May Reduce Inflammatory Levels in Individuals with Arthritis
- Pycnogenol® Relieves Symptoms Related to Restless Leg Syndrome & Improves the Venoarteriolar Response
- Vitamin D Supplementation Reduces Depressive Symptoms in Subjects with Major Depressive Disorder
- Vitamin D3 Repletion Improves Vascular Function and Reduces Full Length Osteopontin in Vitamin D Deficient African American Subjects
- Higher Intake of Essential Amino Acids Associated with a Significant Increase in High Muscle Strength in Older Adults
- Vitamin D Supplementation May Improve Fibromyalgia Pain Symptoms, Especially in Vitamin D-Deficient Individuals
- Omija (Schisandra chinensis) Extract and Soybean Mixture Improves Glycemic Control in Hyperglycemic Subjects
- Daily Consumption of Catechins from Green Tea Significantly Reduced the Severity and Duration of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Healthy Subjects
- Eggshell Membrane Reduced Perceived Pain in Subjects Experiencing Knee Osteoarthritis
- Whole Cranberry Powder Improves Endothelial Function in Healthy Male Participants
- Higher Nut Consumption Associated with Lower Incidence of Chronic Kidney Disease
- Blueberry Supplementation Improves Plasma NO2 Levels in Healthy Subjects
- Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption Increases Cardiovascular Disease Risk
- A Combination of Lutein & Zeaxanthin Beneficially Associated with Age-Related Macular Degeneration Progression
- Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Improves Antioxidant Capacity and Inflammation in Subjects with COPD
- Probiotic Adjunct Therapy Ameliorates Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder
- Black Seed Oil (Nigella sativa) Improves Vascular Function in Adults with Pre-Existing Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease
- Asteraceae (Crassocephalum rabens) Supplementation Significantly Reduces Skin Wrinkles and Improves Collagen Production
- Higher Serum Levels of Pyridoxal-5’-Phosphate Associated with Reduced Risk of Colorectal Cancer
- Light to Moderate Alcohol Consumption Linked to Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Middle-Aged Men
- Effects of Melatonin for Delirium in Elderly Acute Heart Failure Patients
- Deficient Vitamin D Levels Associated with Increased Risk of Dementia
- Dietary Nitrate Significantly Associated with Reduced Risk of Open-Angle Glaucoma
- Dispositional Pessimism Associated with Lower Memory Scores in Older Adults
- Sufficient Vitamin B6 Levels Associated with Higher Levels of PUFAs in Older Adults
- Celery Seed Extract Improves Blood Pressure in Adults with Hypertension
- Sedentary Lifestyle Linked to Higher Risk of Coronary Heart Disease
- Optimal Dose Range of EPA/DHA to Improve Blood Pressure
- Amla Supplementation Lessens Severity & Length of COVID-19 Related Symptoms in Adults
- Moringa Supplementation Improves Glycemic Control in Adults with Prediabetes
- Insufficient or Deficient Vitamin D Levels Linked to Higher Risk of Insulin Resistance
- High Fiber Diet Lowers Risk of Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthy Adults
- Olive Leaf Extract Shown to Help Herpes Simplex Virus
- Vitamin D Status is Associated with Mortality in Korean Men and Individuals with Hypertension
- Higher Serum Lutein and Zeaxanthin Levels Associated with a Lower Risk of All-Cause Dementia
- Higher Vitamin K Intake Associated with Reduced Risk of Dementia-Related Cognitive Impairment
- Consumption of α-Linolenic Acid Linked to Lower CVD Risk & May Play a Role in Reduced Rates of Cognitive Decline
- Deficient or Insufficient Vitamin D Levels Associated with Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults
- Blueberry Consumption Improves Cognitive Executive Control in Insulin-Resistant Adults
- Effects of Selected Nutritional Supplements on Sleep Quality
- Higher Avocado Intake Associated with a Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Higher Mushroom Intake Associated with Lower Risk of Cognitive Decline
- HDL-C & Glucose Levels Measured in Early to Mid-Adulthood Associated with Alzheimer Occurrence Decades Later
- Berberine Plus Probiotics Significantly Improve Postprandial Lipid Profile in T2D Patients
- Low Vitamin D Status Associated with Cognitive Impairment
- High Fiber Intake Associated with Lower Incidence of Hyperuricemia
- Aged Black Garlic Intake Lowers Diastolic Blood Pressure in Subjects with Hypercholesterolemia
- Insufficient Vitamin D Levels Associated with Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Long Term Exposure to Air Pollution Increases Risk of Ischemic Stroke
- Curcumin Consumption Through Dietary Sources Improves Cognitive Functioning Including Executive Function and Attention in Older Adults
- Herbal Formulations Containing Tamarindus indica Seed Extract Significantly Improved Joint Mobility and Reduced Musculoskeletal Pain in Subjects with Mild-to-Moderate Knee Osteoarthritis
- Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Supplementation Improves Physical Performance and Fatigue Levels in Older Adults
- Chronic Neuroticism in Male Adults May Result in Higher Cardiometabolic Risk Factors
- Hydrangea Serrata Supplementation Aids in BMI and Body Weight Reduction in Overweight Individuals
- Pre-Infection Vitamin D Levels Associated with Severity of COVID-19 Illness
- Higher Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Reduces Risk of Metabolic Syndrome
- Increased Copper Intake Associated with Reduced Stroke Risk
- Lemon Verbena Shown to Help Anxiety and Sleep Quality
- Cocoa Powder and Red Berry Support Executive Function in Healthy Adults
- Gingko Dipertene Lactone Meglumine Improves Functional Outcome in Stroke Patients
- The Association Between Vitamin D Levels and Inflammation in Older Adults
- CBD Supplementation Improves Perceived Sleep Quality and Immune Function in Healthy Adults
- B-Vitamin Protective Against Mortality Risk in Angina Patients Treated with Calcium Channel Blockers
- Propolis Supplementation in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
- Physical Activity and Adequate Nutrition in Adolescence Linked to Improved Bone Mineral Density in Premenopausal Women
- Fish Oil & Evening Primrose Oil Supplementation Reduces Inflammatory Markers and Improves Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Levels in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
- Niacinamide Infused Topical Treatment Improves Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis
- A Combination of NAC and Glycine Promotes Healthy Aging in Older Adults
- Marigold (Calendula officinalis) Supports Wound Healing in Burn Victims
- Aerobic Physical Activity Associated with Reduced Risk of Influenza and Pneumonia Mortality
- CBD Supports Pain Relief in Participants Suffering from Dental Pain
- Beneficial Effects of Probiotics on Experimental Gingivitis
- MSM Supplementation Significantly Reduces Pain and Improves General Health in Healthy Subjects with Mild Knee Pain
- Folate Intake Inversely Linked to Colorectal Cancer
- Acute Administration of Guayusa Extract and Lion’s Mane Improve Cognitive Performance in Healthy Adults
- Pet Ownership Offsets the Risk of Cognitive Decline in Older Adults Living Alone
- Supplementation of a Combination of Probiotics, L-Glutamine, and Biotin Improves Body Composition and Quality of Life in Subjects with Ulcerative Colitis
- The Association of Metabolic and Dietary Variables with Periodontitis in Adults with and without Diabetes
- Vitamin D Deficiency Associated with Increased Stroke Severity in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients
- Strawberry Supplementation Improves Cognition and Reduces Depressive Symptoms in Adults
- Bovine Colostrum Improves Immune Function and Reduces Inflammation in Male Athletes
- The Association Between Egg Consumption and Cognitive Function in Older Adults
- Relative Carbohydrate Intake Casually Associated with Lower Risk of Hypertension
- The Beneficial Effects of Tart Cherry Supplementation on Patients with Gout
- Beneficial Effects of Berry Consumption on Sleep Duration in Healthy Adults
- Pomegranate Extract Improves Severity of Allergic Asthma Symptoms
- Mediterranean Diet Linked to Lower Risk of Cognitive Decline
- Ginger Administration Lowers Serum Urea Levels and Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Diabetic Subjects with End-Stage Renal Disease
- Propolis Supplementation Improves Insulin Resistance, LDL/HDL Levels, Testosterone, and Anxiety in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Whole Grain Consumption Ameliorates Cognitive Decline in African American Elderly Population
- The Effect of Snacks Containing Tree Nuts on the Risk of Metabolic Syndrome in Young Adults
- The Effects of Supplementation with Ashwagandha Root Extract on Stress and Anxiety
- Gynostemma pentaphyllum Improves Endurance Performance and Mitochondrial Respiration in Healthy Male Subjects
- Vitamin D Deficiency Associated with Increased Risk of Preterm Birth in Pregnant Black Women
- Aerobic Exercise Program Reduces Musculoskeletal Pain and Fatigue in Psoriasis Subjects without Psoriatic Arthritis
- Functional Soup Containing Anthaplex Improves Cognitive Function and Eye Dryness
- Ultra-Processed Foods Associated with Incidence of Cancer-CVD Multimorbidity
- Low Mineral Intake Linked to Worse Cognitive Capacity
- Whole Egg Intake Positively Influences Immune Status and HDL Levels Compared to Different Egg-Based Diets
- Chronic Exposure to Fluoride Affects Cognitive Function in Children
- Evaluation of Topical Frankincense in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis
- Serum 25(OH)D Concentration Inversely Correlated with Monocyte-to-High Density Lipoprotein Ratio
- Combination of Resistance Training and Fish Oil Administration Improves Muscle Strength and Reduces Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Postmenopausal Women
- The Intake of Vitamin B6 and Folate and the Risk of Migraine in Adults
- Physical Activity Significantly Improves Cholesterol Conversion to HDL
- Increased Dietary Fiber Intake Associated with Reduced Risk for Dyslipidemia Caused by Lead Exposure
- Astaxanthin Reduces Inflammatory Markers and Improves Assisted Reproductive Technique Outcomes in Endometriosis Subjects
- Prebiotic Intake and Allergic Rhinitis
- Severe Insomnia and Folic Acid Levels
- Spirulina Increases Serum Iron and Improves Anemia Parameters in Ulcerative Colitis Subjects
- Benefits of Wasabi Supplementation in Older Adults
- Riboflavin Associated with Mental Health in Individuals Diagnosed with Obesity
- Higher Coffee, Tea & Caffeine Consumption Linked to Lower Risk of Physical Frailty in Late Life
- Factors Associated with Inadequate Vitamin D Levels in Older Chinese Adults
- Amla Improves Symptoms of Hair Loss in Female Androgenic Alopecia (FAGA)
- The Effect of Saffron and Exercise on Depression and Quality of Life in Women with Multiple Sclerosis
- Ginger Extract Reduces Pain and Symptom Severity in Subjects with Recurrent Dysmenorrhea
- N-acetylcysteine (NAC) Reduces Inflammatory Factors Associated with Obesity
- Daily Niacin Consumption Inversely Associated with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- Combination of Lavender Oil and Music Therapy Reduces Anxiety in Subjects Undergoing MRI Scans
- Effect of Persimmon Leaf Extract on Hair Density and Thickness
- 2-3 Cups of Coffee Per Day Associated with Lower Risk of Depression and Anxiety
- Serum Vitamin D Levels Demonstrates Causal Association with Psychiatric Disorders
- L-carnitine Supplementation Significantly Improves Lipid Profiles
- Association of Vitamin D3 Levels with Cognitive Impairment and Sleep Quality in Older Adults
- Flavonoid Intake Associated with Improved Performance and Muscle Mass in Subjects with Sarcopenia
- High Serum Vitamin D Inversely Associated with Rosacea Incidence
- Aviron Rapid® Decreases Symptom Severity and Duration of Acute Upper Respiratory Infections in Children
- Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Inversely Associated with Gastric Cancer Risk
- Purine Intake and Ovarian Cancer Mortality Rates
- Korean Red Ginseng Supplementation May Improve the Antibody Response to COVID-19 Vaccination
- Vitamin E Supplementation Reduces Serum ALT and AST Levels in Subjects with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- Higher Antioxidant Intake Associated with Lower Risk of Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adult Subjects
- DASH Diet Intervention Decreases Plasma Choline and Total Ceramides in Older Adults
- Possible Association of Early-Life Exposure to Aspartame and Diet Soda with Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Alpha Lipoic Acid Improves Sensory Symptoms of Diabetic Sensorimotor Peripheral Neuropathy
- Subjects Following DASH Diet Associated with Reduced Risk of Hypertension
- Possible Beneficial Effect of Collagen Peptides Supplementation on Chronic Pain in Active Adults
- Strategy and Puzzle-Based Games Improves Working Memory Capacity
- Higher Intake of Dietary Fiber and Antioxidants Linked to Reduced Risk of All-Cause Mortality in Tumor Survivors
- The Association of Vitamin D Deficiency and Impaired Sensitivity to Thyroid Hormones in Adults
- Turmeric–Boswellia–Sesame Formulation Significantly Reduces Pain Intensity in Subjects with Dysmenorrhea
- High Vitamin D Levels and Recent Vaccination Linked to Reduced Mortality in Subjects with COVID-19
- Higher Intake of Inflammatory Foods Associated with Increased Risk of Periodontitis
- Higher Sodium/Potassium Ratio Associated with Increased Risk of Metabolic Syndrome
- Effectiveness of a Topical Product Containing Silybum Marianum Fruit Extract in Adolescents and Young Adults with Mild to Moderate Acne
- Greater Physical Activity Levels Associated with Reduced Risk of Depression in Older Adults
- Bovine Colostrum Improves Pro-Inflammatory Biomarkers and Immune Function in Older Adults
- A Proprietary Blend of Tamarind and Curcumin Improves Musculoskeletal Function in Adults with Osteoarthritis
- The Relationship Between Urinary Cadmium Levels and Endometriosis
- Diets High in Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts Associated with a Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Desert Olive Tree Pearls may Support Cognitive Function in Older Adults
- The Effect of Black Garlic Consumption on Lipid Parameters and Endothelial Function in Healthy and Hypercholesteremic Participants
- Adequate Vitamin D Levels Associated with Lower Risk of Depression
- Increased Sedentary Behavior Associated with Poorer Quality of Life in Older Adults
- Specific Differences in Gut Microbiomes Observed in Subjects with Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease
- Cornelian Cherry Positively Affects Body Composition in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- Low Carb Breakfast Could Support Glycemic Control in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes
- Higher Legume Intake Associated with Improved Blood Pressure Control in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension
- Vegan and Vegetarian Diets Associated with Reduced Apoliprotein B, Total Cholesterol and LDL-C Levels
- Fish Oil Supplementation and the Risk of Coronary Artery Disease in Diabetics and Prediabetics
- Cinnamon Improves Glucose and Lipid Levels in Subjects with Diabetes
- Probiotic Administration Positively Influences Cognition in Subjects with Major Depressive Disorder
- Saffron Tea Improves Happiness Scores in Postmenopausal Women
- Spirulina Administration Significantly Improves Lipid Profiles
- Association Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Clinical Parameters in People Fifty Years and Older
- Combination of Fennel & Valerian Reduces Severity of Hot Flashes and Improves Sleep Quality in Postmenopausal Women
- Vitamin D Administration Reduces Pain Severity in Subjects with Dysmenorrhea
- Nano-Curcumin Improves Migraine Symptoms
- Probiotic Supplementation Improves Gut Microbiota and Provides Neuroprotective Effects in Elderly Subjects
- Limited Social Media Engagement Associated with Improved Mental Well-Being
- Efficacy of a Highly Bioavailable Curcumin Supplement in Patients with Mild Knee Osteoarthritis
- Curcumin Improves Cognitive Function in Women with Premenstrual Syndrome
- Habitual Multivitamin Supplementation May Maintain Cognitive Health in Older Adults
- Garlic’s Effects on Intestinal Transit Time and Cardiometabolic Indices in Patients with the Metabolic Syndrome
- Regular Aerobic Exercise May Induce Neuroplasticity in Older Subjects
- Omega-3 Improves Lipid Profiles and Neonates with Intrauterine Growth Restriction
- Habitual Intake of Cocoa and Red Berries Beneficial for Cardiovascular Health
- Effect of Ginger Supplementation on Lipids and Inflammatory Markers in Diabetic Hemodialysis Patients
- Gingko Biloba Extract (EGb 761) Improves Cognitive Assessment Scores Relating to Delayed Recall and Language in Post-Stroke Patients
- Ginger Supplementation Significantly Reduces Inflammatory Biomarkers in Subjects with Multiple Sclerosis
- MK-7 Improves Progression of Arterial Stiffness in Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
- Coffee and Tea Consumption Linked to Increased Macular Retinal Fiber Layer Thickness
- The Effects of Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) on Depression and Anxiety in Human Diabetics
- High Maternal Vitamin B12 Linked to Increased Risk for Offspring Childhood Autism
- Hydrolyzed Collagen Improves Skin Elasticity and Hydration
- Boswellia Formulation Exhibits Healing Activity Comparable to Silver Sulfadiazine Cream in Subjects with Second-degree Burn Wounds
- Topical Licorice Root Extract Is Associated With More Rapid Healing of Second-Degree Burns
- Higher Dietary Antioxidant Intake May Improve Prognosis of Stroke Patients and Reduce Depressive Symptoms
- Serum 25(OH)D Shown to Have Differential Association with Early and Late Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- Daily Consumption of a Garlic and Onion Extract May Have a Protective Effect Against Respiratory Infections in Elderly Residents of Care Facilities
- Maintaining Adequate Vitamin D Levels is Positively Correlated with Bone Health in Postmenopausal Women
- Music Intervention Increases Gray Matter Volume and Verbal Working Memory in Older Adults
- Plant-Based Diets Associated with Decreased Bone Mineral Density
- Irritable Bowel Disease Subjects Have Significantly Lower Intakes of Vitamin D and Vitamin K Compared to Controls
- Higher Dietary Magnesium Intake Associated with Larger Brain Volumes
- Probiotic Supplementation May Improve Motor, Non-Motor Symptoms and Depression in Adults with Parkinson’s Disease
- Turmeric/Curcumin Supplementation Reduces Inflammatory Markers and Improves Antioxidant Activity
- Salvizan Gel (Sage) Effectively Improves Pain Recovery and Wound Healing in Subjects with Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis
- Gynostemma pentaphyllum Extract Containing Gypenoside L Improves Physical and Mental Performance
- Rhubarb Effective as Adjunctive Treatment for Hot Flashes in Postmenopausal Women
- Synbiotic 2000 Reduced Pro-Inflammatory Levels in Children with ADHD
- Daily Supplementation of Folic Acid, B Vitamins, Vitamin D, and CoQ10 May Be a Potential Preventative Measure of Cognitive Impairment
- Bilberry and Fish Oil Supplementation Shown to Improve Severe Dry Eyes
- Higher Serum Magnesium Associated with Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes in Adults with Atrial Fibrillation
- Anthocyanin-Rich Supplementation Associated with Improved Processing Speed in Older Adults
- Vitamin E Effective as an Alternative Treatment for Chronic Insomnia in Postmenopausal Women
- Children Consuming Cranberry-Lingonberry Juice Shown to Have Different Gut and Urinary Microbiomes Compared to Placebo
- Severe Vitamin D Deficiency Associated with Higher Liver-Related Events and Malignancies in Subjects with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
- Fenugreek Seed Extract Improves Memory Status and Oxidative Stress-Related Parameters in Older Subjects
- Risk Factors for Ischemic Stroke Linked to Fatty Acid Profiles and Ratios
- Probiotic Supplementation Improves Forced Expiratory Volume and Forced Vital Capacity in Subjects with Asthma
- Mediterranean Diet Intervention Associated with Reduced Inflammation in Older Adults
- Mediterranean Diet Negatively Associated with Depression in Older Adults
- Negative Correlation Between Serum Zinc Levels and the Severity of COVID-19 Infection
- Psyllium Husk Effective for Pediatric Irritable Bowel Therapy in Short Term Compared to Placebo
- Group-based Singing Intervention Improves Spoken Language Production and Social Participation in Adults with Chronic Aphasia
- Dietary α-carotene and β-carotene Intake Inversely Associated with Cognitive Decline in Older Adults
- Herbal Extract Shown to Improve Menopausal Symptoms
- Salicornia ramosissima Extract Provides Some Benefits to Patients with Minor Stroke and TIA
- The Benefits of Boswellia Serrata Extract Supplementation in Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis
- Added Sugar Consumption Associated with an Increased Risk of CVD
- Consumption of Nuts and Seeds Could Reduce the Risk of Abdominal Aortic Calcification in Adults
- Standardized Ashwagandha Extract Significantly Reduces Markers of Stress in Participants with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Two Servings of Veggies Per Day Lowers Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among the Elderly
- The Beneficial Effects of Ashwagandha Root Extract on Cognition, Energy, and Mood
- Black Sticky Rice and Dill Extract on Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attacks
- Mangosteen-Propolis Extract Improves Inflammatory Biomarkers in Individuals with Mild Gingivitis
- The Correlation Between Plasma Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Levels and Mental Health in Adults
- Selenium Intake Positively Associated with Cognitive Functioning and Oxidative Stress
- Hordeum vulgare L (Saechalssalbori) Significantly Improves Postprandial Glucose Levels in Healthy Participants
- Sedentary Behavior is Significantly Associated with An Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes
- Urinary Iodine and Selenium Intake as Risk Factors for Thyroid Autoimmune Disease
- The Association of Magnesium and Calcium Deficiency with Cognitive Function in Hospitalized Adults
- High-Protein Supplementation Improves Muscle Mass and Body Weight in Subjects Undergoing Cancer Therapy
- Brazil Nut Consumption Significantly Reduces Pro-Inflammatory Markers in Adult Women
- Dietary Vitamin C Intake Is Significantly Associated with Reduced Risk of Sleep Disorders
- Plasma Folate Levels Could Attenuate the Association between Serum Lead Levels During Pregnancy and Autistic Behavior in Children
- The Efficacy of a Topical Teak Leaf Extract for Androgenetic Alopecia
- Ivy Leaf Extract and Coptidis Rhizome Syrup is as Effective as Pelargonium sidoides in Treating Symptoms of Acute Bronchitis
- Dietary Vitamin K is Inversely Associated with a Biomarker of Neurodegeneration
- The Effect of a Prebiotic Supplement on Frailty in Older Adults
- Ashwagandha Gradually Improves Physical Performance And Inflammatory Biomarkers in Healthy Volunteers
- BPA Exposure Is Associated with A Lower Rate of Overall Cardiovascular Health
- Ginkgo biloba Extract Significantly Improves Clinical Outcomes in Stroke Patients
- The Effect of Matcha Green Tea on Cognitive Function and Sleep Quality in Older Adults with Cognitive Decline
- Folic Acid Intake Reduces the Risk of Congenital Heart Defects in Newborns
- Mediterranean Diet and Ultra-Processed Food on Frailty in Older Adults
- Omega-3 Intake Is Negatively Associated with Phenotypic Aging
- Korean Red Ginseng Did Not Significantly Improve Fatigue in Patients with Rheumatic Diseases
- Vitamin C and Hawthorn Improve Blood Pressure and Oxidative Stress in Steelworkers
- Korean Pine Leaf Extract Affects Postprandial ApoB 100 Level in Specific Individuals
- The Effects of Oat and Barley Consumption on Inflammation and the Gut Microbiome
- Beneficial Effects of an Astragalus-Based Supplement on Telomere Length
- The Association of Dietary Choline Intake with Cognitive Function and Cognitive Decline
- The Association of Magnesium and Homocysteine Levels with DNA Damage
- Dietary Folate Is Significantly Associated with the Risk of Osteoporosis
- Omega-3 Supplementation Improves Atopic Dermatitis Symptoms and QoL
- An Anti-Inflammatory Diet and the Risk of Dementia in Older Adults with Cardiometabolic Diseases
- Low Dietary Tryptophan Intake Associated with Increased Risk of Insomnia
- The Association Between the Dietary Intake of Coenzyme Q10 and New-Onset Hypertension
- Supplementation with Curcumin Improves Depression Severity and Antioxidant Status in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes with Major Depressive Disorder
- The Beneficial Effects of Eggshell Membrane Supplementation on Knee Osteoarthritis
- Chronic Loneliness and the Risk of Stroke
- Vitamin D is Associated with Prevalence of Decay, Missing, and Filled Teeth in Older Adults
- Cranberry Extract Reduces Incidence of UTIs in Diabetic Patients Prescribed SGLT-2 Medications
- The Association of Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Sleep Disturbances with Migraines
- Coffee Consumption Associated with Reduced Risk of All-Cause and CVD Mortality Despite Sedentary Behavior
- The Effects of Garlic Supplementation on Glucose and Lipid Levels
- Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption is Significantly Associated with High Serum Uric Acid Levels in Men
- Cocoa Consumption Improves Specific Cardiometabolic Risk Factors
- Physical Activity Associated with Reduced Risk of Cognitive Decline
- The Association of Vitamin D Levels and Depression in Adults, with a Focus on Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
- Caffeine Consumption Is Significantly Associated with a Reduced Risk of Parkinson’s Disease
- Astragalus Improves Glomerular Filtration Rate in Diabetic Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
- Supplementing Vitamin D in Adolescents Shown to Improve Depression
- Pro-Inflammatory Diet Associated with An Increased Risk of Bladder Cancer
- The Association of Fruit and Vegetable Intake with High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein in Adults with and without Type 1 Diabetes
- Preventative Effect of Melatonin in Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
- The Association Between Tattoos and the Risk of Lymphoma
- Possible Biological Pathways Affected by PFAS Associated with Increased Risk of CVD in Postmenopausal Women
- Key Nutrients Associated with Acceleration /Deceleration in Aging
- Vitamin D Status Is Significantly Associated with The Presence of Dental Cavities
- Effects of the Ketogenic Diet on Inflammatory Markers and the Gut Microbiome in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- The Association of Flavonoid Intake with Mortality in Patients with Hypertension
- Reducing Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults with Diet
- The Beneficial Effect of Egg Shell Powder, Vitamin D, and Lycopene Supplementation on Bone Density
- High Cardiorespiratory Fitness Associated with Reduced Risk of Mortality and Chronic Disease Incidence
- Aloe Vera and Chamomile Cream Ameliorates Dermatitis Induced by Radiation Therapy
- Vitamin D Deficiency Significantly Associated with Body Fat and Muscle Mass in Women
- Beneficial Effects of Topical St. John’s Wort in Knee Osteoarthritis
- Calcium Intake Is Negatively Associated with the Risk of CVD
- The Effect of Supplementation with an Extract of Berries on Presbyopia and Tear Production
- Diet Quality Based on NRF 9.3 Assessment is Associated with Lower Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin Intake During Pregnancy Positively Associated with Cognitive and Language Development in Children
- Dietary Consumption of Live Microbes Improve Cardiovascular Health Risk in Adults
- High Dose Vitamin C Ameliorates Incidence of Pulmonary Complications Post-Cardiac Surgery
- The Effect of Vitamin D Deficiency and Exposure to Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals on Sleep Duration in Adults
- Consumption of Forage Fish Could Improve Mortality from Ischemic Heart Disease Globally
- Adherence to Mediterranean Diet Negatively Correlated to Severity of Fibromyalgia
- The Association Between the Consumption of Iodine-Rich Foods and the Risk of Thyroid Cancer
- Cichorium intybus L. (Chicory) and Silymarin Reduce Liver Enzymes in Burn Patients
- Exposure to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Increases Risk of Cancer Mortality
- The Association of Dietary Flavonol Intake and Mortality in Adults
- The Effect of a Prebiotic Supplement on Cognition and Muscle Strength in Older Adults
- Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) Reduces Oxidative Stress Markers in Subjects with Asthma
- Cinnamon Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Subjects
- Multispecies Probiotic Significantly Reduces Serum Bone Resorption Marker CTX in Postmenopausal Women with Osteopenia
- Moderate to Intense Exercise Associated with Improved Depressive Symptoms in Subjects with Major Depressive Disorder
- Association of Dietary Fructose and Sodium Consumption with the Incidence of Hypertensive Targeted Organ Damage
- The Effect of Low Dose Licorice Intake on Blood Pressure and Renin and Aldosterone Levels
- The Beneficial Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar Supplementation in Overweight and Obese Adolescents and Young Adults
- Consumption of Artificially Sweetened Beverages are Associated with Atrial Fibrillation
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids Associated with Lower Risk of Total Stroke
- The Association Between Prune Consumption and Tibial Bone Strength
- Valerian Extract Significantly Improves Overall Sleep Quality and Decreases Anxiety in Subjects with Mild Insomnia
- The Association Between the Intake of Mushrooms and Algae (Seaweed) and Cognitive Impairment
- Healthy Lifestyle Habits Are Significantly Associated with a Low Risk of Developing IBS
- Lavender Essential Oil and Its Components Improves Pain in Patients with Postherpetic Neuralgia
- Supplementation with Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B6 Associated with Reduced Risk of Stroke
- The Association Between Lycopene Consumption and Liver Disease
- Higher Intake of Berries Associated with Lower Allostatic Load
- The Comparative Effects of Tai Chi and Aerobic Exercise on the Blood Pressure of Adults with Prehypertension
- Crataegus Extract Improves Body Fat and Lipid Profile in Overweight Adults
- Dietary Nitrate Supplementation Improves Exercise Capacity and Endothelial Function in Subjects with COPD
- The Association Between Egg Consumption and the Development of Hypertension and Steatotic Liver Disease
- Nitraria Retusa Extract Significantly Improves BMI and Triglyceride Levels in Overweight/Obese Women
- The Association Between Protein Intake and Healthy Aging
- The Relationship Between Mushroom Consumption and Age-Related Cognitive Decline
- Food Insecurity Linked to High Rates of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
- Aromatherapy Improves Symptoms of Anxiety in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Long Term Consumption of Mushrooms and Algae May Reduce Risk of All-Cause Mortality
- Combined Selenium and Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation Prevents Telomere Attrition in Elderly Subjects
- Spermidine in Diet Shown to Improve Cognitive Function in Older Adults Suffering from Mild to Moderate Dementia
- Dietary Polyphenol Inversely Associated with Biological Aging
- Intake of BCAA Associated with Handgrip Strength in Older Adults
- Effects of Whey Protein on Cardiovascular Measures in Older Adults
- Tai Chi may Help Relieve Lower Back Pain – Informed Opinion
- Music Therapy May Improve Cognition in Dementia Patients – Informed Opinion
- Cognitive Abilities Test for Elderly are Misleading
- Study shows Benefits of Nutritional Supplements in Elderly Care Settings
- Amino Acid Combination Improves Blood Vessel Function in the Elderly
- Sometimes Lifestyle Changes are as Effective as Medicine – Informed Opinion
- It’s Never too Late: Exercise Benefits Those in Their 90’s
Aloe Vera
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Alternative Therapies
- What is Traditional Persian Medicine and Commonly Used Herbs
- CBD for Health
- Dog-Assisted Therapy Reduces Stress and Improves Mood in Healthy Subjects
- Effects of Dog Therapy Dogs on Adults in Emergency Department
- Acupuncture Improves Symptoms in Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome
- Cannabis may Ease Pain from Fibromyalgia, Study Says – Informed Opinion
- Yoga Versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Promising Coronavirus Research Looks at Elderberry – Informed Opinion
- Some Foods, Exercise may Help Lower Inflammation – Informed Opinion
- Sunlight, Nature Prove Soothing Both in Hospital and at Home – Informed Opinion
- Study Shows Benefits of Vitamin C in Treating Cancer – Informed Opinion
- Myofascial Massage may Help with Recovery After Breast Cancer Surgery – Informed Opinion
- Can Geranium Extract Cut Down on Duration of a Cold? – Informed Opinion
- Research about Bioenergy Therapy Grows – Informed Opinion
- Supplements That Reduce Inflammation
- Meditation May Help With Neck and Head Pain – Informed Opinion
- More Patients Add Energy Healing to Their Therapy – Informed Opinion
- Healing Properties of Honeys
- Good Night’s Sleep is Crucial to Your Health – Informed Opinion
- Nontraditional Medicine Takes Some Steps Forward – Informed Opinion
- Lifestyle Choices Affect Health Care Costs – Informed Opinion
- Practicing Tai Chi May Promote a Longer Life – Informed Opinion
- Some Supplements May Lower Effects of Chronic Stress – Informed Opinion
- Stress – Informed Opinion
- Going with the Flow of Bio-Energy Healing – Informed Opinion
- Too Many Questions Surround Hair Analysis – Informed Opinion
- Better Hospital Care with ‘Integrative’ Approach – Informed Opinion
- Supplement May Help to Ease Liver Damage – Informed Opinion
- Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) Interview, Natural Products Marketplace Magazine, January, 2011 – Informed Opinion
- Sleep-Stress Interview, Natural Products Marketplace Magazine – Informed Opinion
- 5,000 Steps a Day to a Healthier You – Informed Opinion
- Tapping into the Healing Potential of Bio-energy – Informed Opinion
- Taking More Medications Not the Answer – Informed Opinion
- Taking Time with Patients More Beneficial in the End – Informed Opinion
- Qigong Can Improve Life for Cancer Patients – Informed Opinion
- Tackle Pain with a Combination of Therapies – Informed Opinion
- The Amazing Power of Exercise – Informed Opinion
- The Curious Acupuncture Cure for Low Back Pain – Informed Opinion
- What You Should Know about Complementary Medicine – Informed Opinion
- Mediterranean Diet Helpful for Long-Term Healthy Weight
- Study Adds Confusion on Antioxidants during Cancer Treatment – Informed Opinion
- Like the Environment, Health Care Should be Sustainable – Informed Opinion
- Antioxidants Can Help Blunt the Damage of Chemotherapy – Informed Opinion
- Options Exist for Fighting Post-Chemo Fatigue – Informed Opinion
- Meditation Can Help Body As Well As Mind – Informed Opinion
- Spirituality Being Researched for Health at National Level – Informed Opinion
- Tai Chi Beneficial for Many Medical Conditions – Informed Opinion
- One of the Most Powerful Tools to Treat Pain Might be Your Mind – Informed Opinion
- The Future of Medicine is in a Blending of Approaches – Informed Opinion
- Qigong Breathing Exercises Might Ease Symptoms of Depression in Elderly – Informed Opinion
- Our Minds May Control the Flow of Bioenergy – Informed Opinion
- A Mix of New and Old Therapies Works Best Against Back Pain – Informed Opinion
- Non-traditional Therapies May Boost Treatment – Informed Opinion
- We’re So Close to Understanding Magnets, But Not Close Enough – Informed Opinion
Alzheimer's Disease
- The Association Between Vitamin C Levels and Mortality Due to Alzheimer’s Disease
- Selenium Supplementation Improves Glutathione Peroxidase Activity in Alzheimer’s Patients
- Higher DHA Levels Associated with Slower Decline in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Constant Worry may Negatively Impact Brain Health – Informed Opinion
- Martial Arts Such as Tai Chi May Help Improve Your Memory – Informed Opinion
- Vitamin D May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease — Informed Opinion
- Could Nutrition Play a Role in Alzheimer’s Disease? – Informed Opinion
- Metallothionein
- The Role of Nutrition in Slowing Alzheimer’s Disease – Informed Opinion
- Resveratrol is One of Many Food Compounds That Can Stave Off Disease – Informed Opinion
- Lifestyle Changes Might Help with Alzheimer’s – Informed Opinion
- Spice from India May be Best for Alzheimer’s Disease – Informed Opinion
- Longevity with Mental Vitality – Informed Opinion
- Hail to the Humble, Disease-Fighting Grape – Informed Opinion
Amino Acids
- Combination of Date Pollen Powder and Black Seed Powder Improves Sperm Count and Testosterone Concentrations in Infertile Male Subjects
- Low Levels of Choline, B Vitamins, and Abnormal Amino Acids Observed in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Tyrosine and Stress
- Melatonin, B-Vitamins and Amino Acids Show Promise for Reflux Disease
- Natural Compound May Help Hair-Pulling Disorder – Informed Opinion
- Treatment Rolling in for Urge to Gamble – Informed Opinion
- Protein for Athletes
Animal-Assisted Therapies
- L-carnitine Improves Sperm Parameters, Testosterone, and Luteinizing Hormone Levels in Men with Idiopathic Male Infertility
- Increased Antioxidant Consumption Associated with Improved Depression and Anxiety Symptoms
- Pycnogenol Improves Physical Fitness and may Benefit Triathletes
- Health Benefits of Whole Grain Diets
- Superfruits and ORAC Value – Informed Opinion
- Antioxidant Confusion – Informed Opinion
- Omega Fatty Acid Profile is Associated with Disease Activity in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Supplements, Diet Changes Can Help with Rheumatoid Arthritis – Informed Opinion
- Could Drinking Red Wine Help with Knee Pain? – Informed Opinion
- Turmeric May Reduce Inflammation From Osteoarthritis – Informed Opinion
- Eating Anti-Inflammatory Foods May Reduce Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis – Informed Opinion
- Massage Proves Effective in Reducing Arthritis Pain – Informed Opinion
- Herbal Relief For Low Back Pain and Arthritis
- Diet, Exercise Can Ease Impact of Knee Arthritis – Informed Opinion
- Curcumin Shows Promise in Easing Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain – Informed Opinion
- Tai Chi May Lessen Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms – Informed Opinion
- Vitamin K May Help in Treating Osteoarthritis – Informed Opinion
- How You Can Help to Prevent Developing Osteoarthritis – Informed Opinion
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Autoimmune Disease
Bee Pollen
Beta Carotene
Bladder Health
Blood Lipids
- Bitter and Strong-Tasting Vegetables Associated with Greater Cardiometabolic Benefits than Mild and Sweet-Tasting Vegetables
- Magnesium Can Lower Cholesterol, Studies Show – Informed Opinion
- Why Bowel Bacteria Might Be Key to Lower Cholesterol – Informed Opinion
- Research Shows Vitamin D Helps with Muscle Function – Informed Opinion
- Pistachios are a Tasty Way to Reduce ‘Bad’ Cholesterol – Informed Opinion
Blood Pressure
- A Very Low Carbohydrate Diet Compared with the DASH Diet in Overweight or Obese Adults with Hypertension and Diabetes or Prediabetes
- Possible Beneficial Effects of a Mixture of Natural Activators of Autophagy on Oxidative Stress and Arterial Stiffness in Patients with Hypertension
- Blueberry Consumption Improves Endothelial Function in Post-Menopausal Women
- Flaxseed Reduces Diastolic and Systolic Blood Pressure in Adults with Hypertension
- Low Blood Pressure is a Risk and Should be Taken Seriously – Informed Opinion
- Study Shows Acupuncture Can Lower Blood Pressure – Informed Opinion
- Almonds Shown to Increase Cardiovascular Health
- Hibiscus Tea is Shown to Lower Blood Pressure – Informed Opinion
- Sun Exposure May Help Reduce High Blood Pressure – Informed Opinion
- Physical Activity Shows Benefits in Helping Control Blood Pressure
- Whole Grains Help Blood Pressure Health in Men
- Hibiscus Tea may be Perfect Remedy after Stressful Day – Informed Opinion
- Lower Blood Pressure Just a Few Deep Breaths Away – Informed Opinion
Blood Sugar
- Curcumin Improves Fasting Blood Sugar and Menstrual Symptoms in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Gum Acacia Supports Satiety in Healthy Adults
- G. sylvestre Supplementation Increases Insulin Sensitivity in Subjects with Impaired Glucose Tolerance
- Stevia Extract Lowers Appetite Sensation without Increasing Food Intake
- Vinegar Can Reduce Blood Sugar and Help With Diabetes – Informed Opinion
Bone Health
- Blueberry Powder’s Effect on Calcium Retention of Bone in Healthy Postmenopausal Women
- Melatonin May Help Improve Bone Density – Informed Opinion
- Prunes May Have Positive Impact on Osteoporosis – Informed Opinion
- Surgery Rates Increasing for Low Back Pain – Informed Opinion
- Safflower Tea May Be Good for Your Bones – Informed Opinion
- The Health Benefits of Cinnamon
- Plantago major L. Significantly Improves Symptoms of Acute Bronchitis
- The Health Benefits of Garlic
- The Beneficial Effects of Curcumin Supplementation on Chronic Inflammatory and Metabolic Diseases
- Exploring the Health Benefits of Curcumin
- Combination of EGb 761 & Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors Reduces Cognitive Impairment and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Adjuvant Ginger Administration Improved Nausea, Vomiting, and Fatigue Symptoms in Subjects Undergoing Chemotherapy
- Cinnamon May Reduce Cognitive Function Impairment
- Crocin Supplementation Significantly Reduces Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy-Related Pain
- High-Dose Ginseng Supplementation Reduces Disease-Related Fatigue
- Tea Tree Oil-Based Hand Sanitizer Provides Robust Antimicrobial Properties
- Green Mandarin Extract Improves Skin Depth, Volume, Texture and UV-Induced Wrinkles
- A Polyphenol Extract of Lippia citriodora and Hibiscus sabdariffa Improves Appetite Regulation in Obese Individuals
- Supplements May Help with Burnout Fatigue – Informed Opinion
- Combination of American Ginseng, Whole Coffee Fruit Extract, and Bacopa on Working Memory and Attention in Healthy Adults
- Mistletoe: Not Just for Encouraging Kissing, This Plant Has Medicinal Qualities – Informed Opinion
- New Study Shows Smell of Lavender Could Enhance Memory – Informed Opinion
- Neem Oil may offer Protection against Mosquito Bites – Informed Opinion
- Relief for Lower Back Pain
Brain Health
- Understanding the Link Between Parkinson’s Disease and Gut Health
- The Gut-Brain Axis and How Our Microbiome is Connected to Disease
- Food for Thought: Boosting Physical and Mental Wellness with the Help of Nutrition and Our Mind – An Interview with Karin Hermoni, PhD
- Short Sleep Duration Associated with Low GABA Levels and Decreased Working Memory
- Adequate Maternal Iron and Vitamin D Status in the Second Trimester Associated with Reduced Depressive Symptoms in the Third Trimester
- Long-Term Green Tea Intake Linked to Reduced Risk of Depression in Postmenopausal Women
- Higher Dietary Niacin Consumption Decreases Migraine Risk
- Resveratrol in Food may Protect Heart, Brain and Fight Cancer – Informed Opinion
- Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels Associated with Measures of Mental Health in Young Adults
- The Effects of Chronic Stress can Damage Your Body
- Meditation May Help Alleviate Chronic Pain, Study Shows – Informed Opinion3..
- The Healing Power of Gratitude – Informed Opinion
- Study Shows Specific Fats may Reduce Risk of Migraines – Informed Opinion
- Need a Memory Boost? Try Ginger
- Fish Oil in Diet May Affect Depression Symptoms – Informed Opinion
- Dietary Supplement May Ease Stress Response in Some People – Informed Opinion
- Why It’s So Important to Reduce Your Stress Level – Informed Opinion
- Relief for Stressed-Out Students
- Acupuncture Another Option When Facing Depression – Informed Opinion
- Parkinson’s Patients Could Benefit from Tai Chi – Informed Opinion
- Including Walnuts in Foods Good for the Brain – Informed Opinion
- A Review of Herbs and Supplements for Anxiety
- Old and New Ways to Treat Traumatic Brain Injuries – Informed Opinion
- A Natural Option for Major Depression
- Vitamin D Supplements May Stave Off a Stroke – Informed Opinion
- Words Can Heal – Informed Opinion
- Lemon Balm Seen to Improve Memory Powers – Informed Opinion
- Positive Thoughts Can Have an Impact – Informed Opinion
- Fish Oil May Prevent Stroke – Informed Opinion
- Winter Blues – Informed Opinion
- Mouse Study Shows Hope for Fish Oil and Parkinson Disease
- Phosphatidyl Serine: Nature’s Brain Nutrient
Branched Chain Amino Acids
Breast Cancer
- Neuroprotective Effect of Melatonin in Breast Cancer Patients
- Low Levels of Vitamin D may Raise Breast Cancer Risk – Informed Opinion
- Work Continues on Effects of B6 on Cancer Risk – Informed Opinion
- Soy or No Soy for Breast Cancer Survivors? – Informed Opinion
- Apoptosis of Breast Cancer Cell Lines in Presence of Aqueous Garlic Extracts
- Multiple Myeloma Subjects Exhibit Significantly Higher Incidence of Vitamin D Deficiency
- Higher Intake of Artificial Sweeteners Linked to an Increased Risk of Overall Cancer
- Serum Vitamin D Level Affected by Tumor Size in Stage II Melanoma Patients
- Does Eating Organic Produce Reduce the Risk of Cancer? – Informed Opinion
- Grapeseed Extract shows Promise in Prevention of Cancer – Informed Opinion
- Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: My Personal Story – Informed Opinion
- Iodine is Important for Health – Informed Opinion
- Foods That Reduce Colorectal Polyps
- Cell Phone Headsets Can Minimize Any Possible Cancer Risk – Informed Opinion
- Curcumin Shows Promise as a Natural Cancer Treatment – Informed Opinion
- Dietary Supplements Show Promise in Cancer Fight – Informed Opinion
- Mushrooms May Help in the Fight Against Cancer – Informed Opinion
- Health and Survival Not a Matter of Chance – Informed Opinion
- Add Mushrooms to List of Cancer Treatment Tools – Informed Opinion
Cardiovascular Health
- Higher Daily Step Count Associated with Reduced Risk of All-Cause Mortality
- Association of Plasma Levels of Essential Metals and Minerals on Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Type 2 Diabetics
- Water-Soluble Tomato Concentrate Inhibits Platelet Activation and Aggregation in Healthy Middle-Aged and Elderly Subjects
- Higher Potassium Intake Associated with Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Dietary Fiber Associated with Reduced Risk of CVD in Korean Adults
- Olive Oil Consumption in US Populations and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Indices of Vascular Stiffness in Men with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- More Research Needed on “Super Foods” – Informed Opinion
- Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Beneficial in Myocardial Mitochondrial Dysfunction
- Is Soda a Risk Worth Choosing? – Informed Opinion
- Are Some Sources of Fiber Better Than Others? – Informed Opinion
- A Very Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet Effectively Reduced Cardiovascular Risk
- CoQ10 Supplementation may Help With Congestive Heart Failure Issues – Informed Opinion
- Vitamin K Plays a Role When Taking Statin Medications – Informed Opinion
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil Superior to Regular Olive Oil for Heart Health
- Mediterranean Diet Takes Healthier Approach to Eating – Informed Opinion
- Some Promising News on Chelation Therapy – Informed Opinion
- Eating Raw Fruits, Veggies a Healthy Idea – Informed Opinion
- Vitamin C May Impact Your Heart – Informed Opinion
- Multivitamin Use Helps Reduce Heart Attack Risk in Women
- How Onions and Garlic Help Your Heart – Informed Opinion
- Even Those Chips Carry Some Risk – Informed Opinion
- Can Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Oppose the Negative Health Effects of Tobacco?
- Study Shows Fish Oil Improves Heart Function – Informed Opinion
- Do Your Heart Some Good with Vitamin D – Informed Opinion
- Studies Show that Tea is Good for Your Heart – Informed Opinion
- Reduce Your Risk of Adult-Onset Diabetes by Getting More Sleep – Informed Opinion
- Mediterranean Lifestyle Could Be Answer to Our Diet Woes – Informed Opinion
- Fish Oil and Moderate Exercise Reduces Heart Disease Risk and Body Fat in Overweight Adults
Cat's Claw
Celiac Disease
Circulatory Health
CLA (Conjugated Linolenic Acid)
Cognitive Health
Colorectal (Colon)
CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10)
- Geranium (P. graveolens) Essential Oil Reduces Fatigue in ICU Nurses
- Daily Vitamin D3 Supplementation Associated with Reduced Risk of Influenza-like Illness
- Supplement Combination Very Effective For “Long” COVID – Informed Opinion
- Lifestyle Changes may Help Protect Against COVID-19 – Informed Opinion
- Vitamin D Insufficiency and COVID-19 Deaths
- ALT-MED White Paper on Herbs and Supplements During COVID-19
- Over 200 Scientists & Doctors Call For Increased Vitamin D Use To Combat COVID-19
- COVID Vaccine will be Different from Common Vaccines – Informed Opinion
- Vitamin D may Offer Some Protection Against Coronavirus – Informed Opinion
- Herbal Strategies Used in Chinese Hospitals to Treat SARS Coronavirus Patients – Informed Opinion
- 6 Antiviral Nutrients and Their Effects on Coronavirus – Informed Opinion
- Inspiring Innate Immunity During COVID-19 Times – Informed Opinion
Cystic Fibrosis
Devil's Claw
- Healthy Plant-Based Diet Versus Unhealthy Plant-Based Diet Ameliorates the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
- Olive Oil Polyphenols Benefit Insulin Sensitivity in Older Men
- Exercise Has a Huge Impact on Diabetes – Informed Opinion
- Pycnogenol Reduces Cost of Diabetes – Informed Opinion
- Switching to Brown Rice Can Lower Diabetes Risk – Informed Opinion
Digestive Health
- Nutrition for “Smart Gut Armor” and Athletic Performance – An Interview with Dr. Susan Kleiner, PhD, RD, FACN, CNS-E, FISSN
- Leaky Gut Syndrome and How to Support Gut Health
- What is the Role of the Gallbladder and Supplements to Support It
- What is Candida Overgrowth & Effective Supplements to Combat It
- Postbiotics and Their Role in Human Health
- Focus on Diet, Stress, Sleep, Exercise to Improve IBS
- What is Digestion Resistant Starch? – Informed Opinion
- Changing Your Diet Can Help with Reflux Disease – Informed Opinion
- Sugar Additive May Cause Bowel Issues – Informed Opinion
- ‘Leaky Gut’ Impacts Other Medical Conditions, Including Migraines – Informed Opinion
- Lifestyle Changes Can Bring a Bowel Back into Balance – Informed Opinion
- An Anti-Inflammatory Diet May Help With Reflux – Informed Opinion
- The Importance of Probiotics
- Could a “Leaky Gut” Be the Cause of Migraine Headaches? – Informed Opinion
- Did You Know Bowels are the Most Important Organ in Your Body? Informed Opinion
- Chemicals in Foods May Worsen Fibromyalgia Symptoms – Informed Opinion
- Protein Types – Informed Opinion
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome May Be Linked to Bowel – Informed Opinion
- Parasites Can Be Helpful In Curing Diseases? – Informed Opinion
Ear, Nose and Throat
Environmental Health
- Regenerative Organic Agriculture and the Soil Carbon Solution
- Correlation between Prenatal Exposure to Phthalates and Eczema in Male Children
- Is Eating Organic Food Worth the Cost? – Informed Opinion
- Study Justifies Town’s Lawsuit Alleging Thyroid Problems from Pollution
- Study Suggests Link between Fluoridated Water Consumption and Decreased Thyroid Function
- How Cooking Our Food Affects Our Health – Informed Opinion
- Genetically Modified Foods – GMOs – Informed Opinion
- Try to Limit Your Exposure to Chemicals in Environment – Informed Opinion
- Gamma-Ray Irradiation Effects in Beef Meat
- Nutrition Key to Avoiding Frailty in Old Age – Informed Opinion
EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)
Essential Oils
Eye Health
Fats and Oils - General
Featured Writer
Fish Oil Supplements
Fitness and Exercise
Folic Acid & Folate
Food Safety
Fruits and Vegetables
Ginkgo Biloba
GLA (Gamma Linoleic Acid)
Gluten Sensitivity
Grape Seed Extract
Hair and Nails
Heart Attack
Heavy Metals
Immune Health
- Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC) for Immune Health, Liver Protection, and Stress Support
- Zinc Helps Regulate the Immune System – Informed Opinion
- Some Foods and Herbs May Help Ward Off the Flu – Informed Opinion
- Do You Need a Flu Vaccine? – Informed Opinion
- Papillomavirus (HPV) L1 DNA in Gardasil Vaccine
- Simple and Effective Flu Season Recommendations – Informed Opinion
- Flu Shot Realities – Informed Opinion
- Green Tea May Boost Flu Protection in Kids – Informed Opinion
- Vitamin D Boosts Immunity against Flu – Informed Opinion
- Fight the Flu with Vitamin D Supplements – Informed Opinion
Indole-3 Carbinol
Infant and Children's Health
- Diet and Supplementation for Teen Eating Disorders – An Interview with Dr. Douglas S. Kalman PhD, RD, FACN, FISSN and Dr. Susan J. Hewlings, PhD, RD
- A Combination of Vitamins and Mineral Supplementation May Improve Hetero-aggression in Children and Youth
- Zika and Microcephaly: Pieces of the Puzzle
- Omega-3 Fats During Pregnancy Improve Newborn Weight Health
- Exposure to ETS in Children & Adults
- Tea Tree Gel Gets Rid of Head Lice – Informed Opinion
- Studies Drawing Associations Between Teen Actions and Adult Health – Informed Opinion
- An Incentive for Your Teen to Eat Right – Informed Opinion
- Soft Treatments Less Risky in Treating Ear Infections – Informed Opinion
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Joint Health
Kava Kava
Kidney Health
Liver Health
Lung Cancer
Lung Health
Macular Degeneration
Mediterranean Diet
Men's Health
Men's Health - Prostate
Metabolic Syndrome
Milk Thistle (Silymarin)
MSM (MethylsulfonylMethane)
Multiple Sclerosis
NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
Natural Sweeteners
- 2009 AOCS Symposium
- 2008 AOCS Symposium
- 2006 AOCS Symposium
- 2005 AOCS Symposium
- SIBO Conference Presentation Slides
- Conference Proceedings 2004-2015
- ACN 57th Annual Conference – Translational Nutrition: The Science of Personalized Nutrition
- American College of Nutrition 57th Annual Conference
- Speaker Abstracts from the NHRI/ANA Scientific Symposium, Health and Nutrition Session of AOCS – May 4-7, 2014
- 9th NHRI Symposium Proceedings
- NHRI/ANA Scientific Symposium, Health and Nutrition Session of AOCS, May 5, 2014
- Translation Disclaimer
- Proceedings of the November 18th, 2010 Natural Health Research Institute Symposium
- Free Fatty Acids: Role in Insulin Resistance/Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
- Update on Omega-3 Fatty Acids for the Primary and Secondary Management of Cardiovascular Disease
- Natural vs. Synthetic Vitamin E
- Tocotrienols – The Natural Vitamin E Against Stroke-Related Neurodegeneration
- Vitamin E – Hype or Science? – Informed Opinion
- Bioflavonoids in the Management of Asthma and Cardiovascular Disease
- Perinatal Supplementation of Long-Chain Fatty Acids as a Strategy to Prevent Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus and Coronary Heart Disease
- Chromium and Insulin Resistance
- Preventing Heart Failure with Dietary Supplements
Nutrition and Dieting
Nutritional Deficiencies
Nutritional Yeast
Nuts and Seeds
Olive & Monosaturated
Olive Leaf Extract
Omega - 3
Oral Health
Other Cancers
Pancreatic Health
Pesticides and Solvents
Pharmaceutical Hazards
Phosphatidyl Serine
Pleural Mesothelioma
Pregnancy and Lactation
Processed Foods
Prostate Cancer
Radioactivity and Irradiation
Recent Articles
Red Yeast Rice
Reproductive Health
Respiratory Health
Restricted Diets
Royal Jelly
SAMe (S-AdenosylMethionine)
Skin Health
SOD (superoxide dismutase)
Soy Isoflavones
St. John's Wort
Trans Fats
UC-II (Undenatured Collagen)
Vitamin A
Vitamin B - General
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 - Mental
Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin
Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic Acid/Pantothene
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C
Vitamin D - Bone Health
Vitamin D - Cancer
Vitamin D - General
- Correction of Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Reduced Low-Grade Chronic Inflammation
- Vitamin D Status in Prison Inmates
- Vitamin D Deficiency Causes Concern – Informed Opinion
- Vitamin D – Informed Opinion
- Many Benefits Go Along with Vitamin D – Informed Opinion
- Vitamin D Invaluable to Good Health – Informed Opinion
- Vitamin D Not Just for Healthy Bones
- Vitamin D Supplements Necessary – Informed Opinion
Vitamin D - Heart
Vitamin D - Infections & Immunity
Vitamin D - Mental Health
Vitamin D - Mortality
Vitamin D - Recommended Levels
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
- Most Vitamin Studies are Flawed by Poor Methodology – Informed Opinion
- Experts Remain Split on Safety, Benefits of Vitamins – Informed Opinion
- Research on Vitamin Benefits Continues – Informed Opinion
- What a Daily Multivitamin does for your DNA – Informed Opinion
- Mitochondrial Failure? Taking a Multi-Vitamin Might Help You Avoid It – Informed Opinion
Weight Control
Whole Foods - General
Whole Grains
Women's Health
Women's Health - Bone Health
This is Not Medical or Healthcare Advice
Information available through the NHRI site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical or healthcare advice nor can it be relied upon as preventive care, cure or treatment for any disease or medical condition. Your use of information available or through this site is your own responsibility and at your own risk.