Featured Topics: Cardiovascular Health
Vitamin D Improves Heart Muscle Strength in Those with Heart Failure
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. In a small human study, those getting vitamin D improved blood pressure by 8.4% and 30.6% improvement in blood fraction injection. Heart failure has been called “one of the major medical problems in the Western world”. It is...
Lowering Blood Pressure with Taurine in Prehypertension
Written by Marcia J. Egles, MD. Studies show that taurine significantly reduces blood pressure and improves vascular function in prehypertensive individuals. A new clinical trial from China finds that dietary supplementation with taurine, a semi-essential...
Study Review Links more Potassium and Less Sodium to Healthier Blood Pressure
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. Review of 15 studies reveals that high potassium diets along with potassium supplementation significantly reduced blood pressure readings in those with normal or elevated blood pressures. High blood pressure has been deemed a...
Sage Shown to Significantly Reduce Cholesterol Levels
Written by Jessica Patella, ND. Those who supplemented with sage for 2 months saw a significant average improvement of 19% in all markers of cholesterol while the control group saw no significant changes. Hyperlipidemia, or high cholesterol, puts an individual at risk...
Study Strengthens Link Between Increased Sugar Intake and Cardiovascular Disease
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. 75 patients who consumed increasing amounts of high fructose corn syrup for 16 days had a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Sugar consumption by Americans has increased from 6.3 pounds of added sugar per person...
Flaxseed Helps Medications Further Improve Cholesterol Levels
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. In a study of 110 subjects with peripheral artery disease, those who were not taking statins found that milled flaxseed supplementation lowered their total and LDL cholesterol by 11 % and 15 % respectively and for those subjects who...
Magnesium and Potassium Found to Influence Stroke Risk
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. In two studies with over 180,000 female registered nurses, those with the highest magnesium had a 19% reduced risk of stroke, compared to the lowest users. Those with the highest magnesium and potassium intake had a 28% reduced risk...
Review Finds Vitamin E Effective for C-Reactive Protein Levels
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. Researchers found that out of 12 studies of 246 subjects, those who supplemented with vitamin E had a significant reduction in C-reactive protein levels, which are increased during inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is an...
Spirulina may Improve Blood Lipid Levels
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. 52 residents in Crete who had dyslipidemia took 1000 mg of spirulina daily for 12 weeks and found a significant decrease in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Dyslipidemia is a condition when cholesterol and...
CoQ10 and Selenium Improve Long-Term Heart Health
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. A 10 year follow-up, after four years of supplementing with a combination of CoQ10 and selenium, significantly reduced the risk of death from both cardiovascular disease and heart disease by 49% in 221 healthy elderly participants...
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