Written by Angeline A. De Leon, Staff Writer. This study observed that in a large, representative, contemporary cohort of U.S. adults, long-term exposure to PM2:5 air pollution was associated with elevated risks of early mortality. A large body of research has linked...
Air Pollution Associated with a Higher Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Written by Jessica Patella, ND. This study found that long-term exposure to outdoor air pollution and traffic pollutants in China, specifically fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide, was associated with the development of coronary artery calcification. Ambient...
Cellular Phones Are Potential Carriers for Pathogens in the Operating Room
Written by Chrystal Moulton, Staff Writer. Routine disinfection of cell phones by surgeons is needed to prevent the transfer of pathogenic bacteria in the operating room. Previous research on the prevalence of hospital acquired infections says that about 1.7million...
Mobile Phone Contamination in Intensive and Neonatal Care Units in Public Hospitals
Written by Angeline A. De Leon, Staff Writer. Mobile phone contamination with methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Gram-negative bacteria from the mobile phones of doctors treating high-risk patients calls for guidelines for mobile phone...
Toxic Effects of Electronic Cigarettes vs. Combustible Cigarettes
Written by Halima Phelps, Staff Writer. Use of e-cigarettes appears to be associated with exposure to known tobacco-related toxicants, but the exposure is reduced compared with cigarette smoking. Since their induction into the US market in 2003, e-cigarettes have...
Fruit as a Source of Organophosphate Pesticide Exposure in Pregnant Urban-Dwelling Women
Written by Angeline A. De Leon, Staff Writer. This study strengthens the hypothesis that dietary intake plays an important role in prenatal OP pesticides exposure among women living in an urban environment. Organophosphate (OP) pesticides are the most widely used...
Is Eating Organic Food Worth the Cost? – Informed Opinion
Written by Patrick Massey, MD, PhD. Two recent medical studies demonstrated reduced risk of cancer in those who regularly eat organic food. Is a steady diet of organic food healthier than conventionally grown food? One half of the argument is that organic food does...
Glyphosate and Roundup Alter the Microbiome in Prepuberty
Written by Joyce Smith, BS. This study provides initial evidence that exposures to commonly used GBHs, at doses considered safe, are capable of modifying the gut microbiota in early development, particularly before the onset of puberty and warrants future studies on...
Chronic Exposure to Pesticide Chlorpyrifos Associated with Changes in Intestinal Microbiota
Written by Angeline A. De Leon, Staff Writer. This study demonstrates how the organophosphate Chloropyrifos altered the intestinal microbiota of healthy adults by transiently altering their composition, diversity, and fermentation activity. Chlorpyrifos (CPF), an...
Pesticide Use May Increase Risk of End-stage Renal Disease
Written by Joyce Smith, BS. Researchers, linking data from the Agricultural Health Study to the US Renal Data System, reveal an association between end-stage renal diseases and chronic exposure to pesticides among male pesticide applicators in Iowa and North Carolina....