Written by Joyce Smith, BS. High-intensity dynamic resistance training over a total 18-month period improved bone mineral density (BMD), skeletal muscle mass index (SMI), and muscle strength in elderly men with osteopenia. Osteopenia (loss of bone density) and...
Soft Drink Consumption Linked to Osteoporotic Fractures in Postmenopausal Women
Written by Joyce Smith, BS. Prospective study finds that high soda consumption of at least 14 soda drinks per week is potentially associated with hip fractures in postmenopausal women. More than 8.9 million hip fractures resulting from osteoporosis and reduced bone...
Coffee Metabolites Associated with Improved Bone Mineral Density
Written by Joyce Smith, BS. Study identified several bioactive metabolites of coffee that were associated with a beneficial effect on bone mineral density among healthy adult coffee drinkers. Coffee, a popular and widely-consumed beverage, contains bioactive...
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Treatment May Counteract Periprosthetic Osteolysis
Written by Angeline A. De Leon, Staff Writer. A combination of pulsed electromagnetic fields and platelet rich plasma effectively treats an in vitro modal of periprosthetic osteolysis. Periprosthetic osteolysis refers to the active resorption of bone surrounding an...
Tocotrienols Promote Bone Health in Postmenopausal Osteopenia
Written by Joyce Smith, BS. Twelve weeks of tocotrienol supplementation significantly decreased bone resorption and improved bone turnover rate by suppressing the bone remodeling regulators in postmenopausal women with osteopenia. In April of 2018, the National...
Mediterranean Diet is Associated with Bone Mineral Density in Premenopausal Women
Written by Angeline A. De Leon, Staff Writer. This cross-sectional study found that higher adherence to a Mediterranean-style diet was significantly associated with improved bone density. In the study of bone health, the majority of research studies have focused on...
Reiki Comparable to Physiotherapy for Intervertebral Disc Herniation
Written by Angeline A. De Leon, Staff Writer. Reiki, a cost-effective and safe alternative treatment, while equivalent to physiotherapy in pain reduction and ADL score improvement, was significantly more effective than drug therapy in the participating subjects with...
Dried Plum Benefits Bone Density in Women
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. In a study of 48 women between the ages of 65 and 79 with osteopenia, significant improvements in bone density were seen in the dried plum group versus the control group. In the United States alone, nearly half of all women over the...
Curcumin-Based Supplement Benefits Bone Density
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. Daily supplementation with 1000 mg of a special curcumin formulation significantly improved bone density in the participating osteopenic men. Osteopenia is a chronic bone condition characterized by a loss of bone density that, while...
Study Suggests Link Between Vitamin E and Bone Health in Women
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. This study, when comparing Chinese women to men, found that the participating Chinese women had significantly higher lumbar spine and hip bone mineral densities which correlated with their significantly higher serum levels of vitamin...