Written by Chrystal Moulton, Staff Writer. Participants that took an astaxanthin supplement observed a significant reduction in wrinkle area and wrinkle volume and skin elasticity. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant generally found in shrimp, krill, and certain...
Migraine Relief with Lavender Essential Oil
Written by Jessica Patella, ND. The researchers determined that rubbing 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil on the upper lip at the first sign of migraine significantly improved headache in 74% of participants. Approximately 12% of the U.S. population suffers from...
Chemotherapy – Induced Nausea and Ginger
Written by Jessica Patella, ND. Ginger significantly reduced nausea which occurs during chemotherapy treatment. This is difficult to treat with pharmaceuticals. Up to 60% of patients receiving chemotherapy treatment experience nausea (7). Ginger root (Zingiber...
Study Suggests Magnesium may Improve Sleep Quality
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. Magnesium supplement significantly improved sleep quality by increasing the levels of sleep hormone melatonin and decreasing the stress hormone cortisol. Insomnia is characterized by a number of sleep-related problems, including an...
Ashwagandha Root Shows Promise for Anxiety and Stress
Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. 600 mg of ashwagandha per day taken for 60 days improved cortisol levels, depression and anxiety in participating individuals. Stress and anxiety take a considerable toll on our society in the form of medical care and lost...
Preventing Diabetes
Written by Jessica Patella, ND. After 9 months the prediabetic profile of those who supplemented with curcumin improved while 16.4% of those who did not supplement with curcumin developed diabetes. Diabetes is a world health problem, affecting an estimated 171 million...
Metabolic Syndrome and L-Arginine
Written by Jessica Patella, ND. Mice supplemented with L-Arginine were 34% more glucose tolerant than those not supplemented. Metabolic Syndrome is a cluster of signs that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes (2). The cluster includes three or more...
Mannitol Helps Lung Function in Cystic Fibrosis Patients
Written by Tatjana Djakovic, Staff Writer. Those inhaling mannitol had 29% less worsening episodes and 30% less need for antibiotics. Lung health is severely impaired in cystic fibrosis patients, because of a defective chloride channel that results in an accumulation...
Pollution Increases Blood Pressure
Written by Tatjana Djakovic, Staff Writer. Children in a highly polluted area had 2.56 times greater risk of above normal blood pressure. Air pollution is a major concern in the United States and all over the world. It accounts for approximately 800,000 deaths...
Air Pollution and Mortality
Written by Chrystal Moulton, Staff Writer. Pollution in major urban regions of Latin America was associated with increases in daily mortality from all natural causes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of air pollution on mortality in different...