Collagen Hydrolysates Improve Skin Health and Reduce Signs of Facial Aging

Written by Angeline A. De Leon, Staff Writer. Of the eighty-five Chinese female participants, those who consumed H-CP (collagen hydrolysate with a higher ratio of bioactive dipeptides) had significantly increased skin moisture at cheek and corners of eyes compared to those who consumed L-CP (collagen hydrolysate with a lower ratio of bioactive dipeptides) and placebo. (more…)

Amino Acid May Benefit Physical Performance in Elderly Women

Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. Thirty-two elderly women, who supplemented with beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyric acid (HMP) and participated in aerobic resistance exercises for 8 weeks, had a significant 1.5% improvement in a 6-minute walking test, a 31.3% hand grip endurance test and a 10.9% leg extension and strength test when compared to the placebo group.


Tryptophan for Insomnia

Written by Chrystal Moulton, Staff Writer. 57 children with sleep problems were given 250 mg pure tryptophan and compared to those with no tryptophan or taking 250 mg tryptophan from butternut squash seed meal. Pure tryptophan did somewhat better than the food tryptophan during the test for most sleep factors, except food tryptophan did much better at reducing time awake in the middle of  the night and more improved after the test. (more…)